
AGE THE SABADO 12 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1938 TIENDA MIL COLORES and Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor a FRANCE SPEEDS UP French Convids to be Again Sent Guiana Islands AIRPLANE PRODUCTION PARIS Admitting that Paris French aviation was not prepar thet the government of new pr pers announce cision to suppress it. He ordered Pre the shipment of prisoners to ed to assume its proper role in mier Daltdier had decided to ceas, and that they be sent inSUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 case the recent war threat had revive the practice of shipping stead to the more modern primaterialized. Air Minister Guy convicts to the French Guiana sons in France.
La Chambre, in an interview, Island. It was said that the Armand Andrie, Director of declared that in the last eight GENTLEMEN: custom banned CABALLERO: by Premier France Penitentiary Adminismonths measures had been taken Blum two years ago will be retration when Blum was in powthat would permit France to reIf you desire to be properly cover her place in the air by sumed during this month when er, publicly branded the GulaUd. que gasta vestir bien le dressed, we offer you an iothe end of next year.
the prison chip La Martiniere na prisons as the home of aboofrecemos un incomparable comparable lot of will transport prironers rom minable corruption, where no program has already been St. Naze ire in iron et ses to the redemptory work is possible.
surtido en CASIMIRES INlaid down for 5, 909 planes of a notorious Islands.
GLESES que acabamos de re ENGLISH TWEEDS Under Blum plan the. 000 modern type ata cost of cibir. Contamos con los estiBlum, who e socialist party prisoners already in the Guiana los más modernos y a precios 16, 000, 000, 000 francs, the Minis led a long fight against the co colonies were to have been left just received ter said. Without going into det lony, which includes the que nadie nos iguala.
We give the most modern fa there for fifteen years, ails, he declared France had been mous Devil Island, pointed to those whose terms were not by Visite nuestro almacén Style at Prices which cannot unable to carry out this plan. world condemnation when portunamente y he then completed were to be taordene sus be equalley.
first for lack of credits and se took office as supporting his de ken back to Frence.
irabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and condly because the equipment cision to supporting his deciNA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCHE and working hours in the newly Le la capital, para que nosoBUENA and the SAN JOSE nationalized airplane industry iros podamos darle buen cumCIVIC FIESTAS. We desire were inadequate.
plimiento y dejarlo satisfe to please you in every res.
Since April, however, he adTienda HOLLYWOOD cho.
ded, the question of credits has been overcome and for eight Avisamos a nuestra numero. We beg to advise our numemonths the industry has been sa clientela que acabamos de rous patrons that we have improving its output. The averecibir un gran surtido de cajust received.
rage monthly output in 1937 simires ingleses y de lino. Large Assortment of En.
FRANCISCO AGUILAR, Cutter was only thirty eight planes, Hacemos vestidos para caba glish Tweeds and Linen he disclosed. This has been inllero a 75. 00 en abonos se We make Suits for Gentlemen creased so that by the end of manales o mensuales. at 75. 00 on Weekly or this year it will probably reach Visite aos y se convencerá. Monthly payments.
BREVITIES FROM HERE AND THERE an average of sixty two.
Visit us and be convinced.
Only during 1939 will the full BERENZON.
Apartado 515 Some seven or eight years ago On arriving at the Donington effects of the recent reorganizathe United States exchanged tion begin to show themselves, twenty five million bushels of Park Race Track on the day of he said, and this will soon put GOLD RUSH IN FRANCE native grown wheat for one the International Grand Prix the industry in a position to turn million and fifty thousand sacks Automobile Race, the Duke of out 200 modern planes a month, of Brazilian Coffee. proposal Kent was greeted with a round providing labor gives the necessa rush in search of Gold iteau, a Parisian Lawyer for the carrying through of a of Nazi salutes from the Gerry cooperation.
reported to have recently oc heard of the discovery he had similar exchange is now rumou said to have smiled, bowed and curred in the chateaut country, a warrant of theft issued aWith a proportionate increase oround Gex, France, in conse gainst the unknowns. The fin red from New York.
man contestants. The Duke is in the air appropiation, he conThaken hands.
cluded, French production quence of an announcement ders are supposed to have by six mile a minute war From Manila it is reported the middle of next year could tified, had located a treasure old parchment describing the that three persons, not iden been guided to the spot by an plare is reported as the reply of that an effort is being made by be increased to 400 planes the military department of the the government to bar Philipconsisting of 18th.
century hidind place. Other docuUnited States to European ri pine born Chinese from Filipigold florins worth 70, 000, on ments are said to have come valry for speed supremacy in a naturalization. Should this the grounds of the uninhabit to light mentioning other trea the air. recent trial flight with succed, it is estimated the FURTHER ITALIAN ACTIV! ed Chateau de Rousillon. sures buried in the same the new type of machine is rights of about 100. 000 ChineTIES REPORTED FROM When the owner of the chaneighbourhood.
said to have covered 360 miles se and 20. 000 Japanese will in 61 minute.
be affected.
SPAIN 00. Wccese. ov. 99 6949. wowo 1097 The Spanish government Bright Outlook for Trade with South America Foreign Minister at Barcelona has reported that the ItaMASHINGTON, Warren, non competitive, he remarked, lians have formed a new diLee Pierson, president of LIMON, COSTA RICA the declaring several of the South vision known as the Green United States Export. Import American nations expressed in Arrow to take part in the SpaBank, has outlined a four point terest in United States produe nish conflict, and that the MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS program to improve United Station equipment. Such equipment German naval bases aided Cornpro cacao Material de Tranvía tes exports to South American he said, it needed in many a the recent insurgent attacks countries.
reas, and would permit larger on government ships in the Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo Mr. Pierson, who recently re agricultural expansion with North Sea.
Importación de mercadería en general.
turned to Washington from a an improved market for Uni The new Italian Division ten weeks tour of South Ame ted States products.
is said to be in addition to rica, said United States expor He urged finding larger mar the increases reported otherANOTHER FIRE IN RAILWAY YARDS ters could compete favorably kets here for South America wise a week or so ago.
with the subsidized exports of non competitive products and a other countries through adequa uniform policy by United Sta convinced the United States te credit facilities.
tes exporters in seeking Latin must be their permanent marSunday afternoon witness had to be abandoned with a He outlined the four points American trade.
ket. The time is propitious for ed another conflagration in financial loss to the Fruit as good quality, reasonable pri It is impossible, he asserted, further commercial develop the Railway Company Yard Company.
cer, dequate credit facilities to find two continents more ment, he said.
here, and though it did not As it was noticed that the and a consistent foreign trade complementary to each other; Many American burines cause as much damage as the blaze started almost simultapolicy, not merely a fair weat we have much of what they men residing there a long tiprevious one to the roll neously in three cars, it is her policy. He said the indus need and we need much of what me say there never has been aing stock of the Company, it thought there is a criminally trial credit record of most La they have.
time when there was a more nevertheless so damaged much disposed per on somewhere; tin American nations was ex Predicting an upswing in trafriendly feeling than at pre of the bananas then awaiting though there is the possibilicellent.
de relations between the two sent. he declared. Even the embarkation on the New ty it might have originated We could import many mo continents, he observed that most definite anti. New Dea York boat, that an apprecia by the careless throwing asire of their products which are many Latin Americans werelers say this.
ble number of the bunches de of cigarettes by some of the numerous persons standing nearby watching the Pa.
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back seball game in progress on de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: the plaza.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina The members of our newly This bill must be paid at our office before organized Fire Fighting Corps dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
displayed much activity for de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not which they are to be comLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which mended. Their timely servide tener que cortar su servicio.
of the we would much regret to take.
ces along with that Police and other willing hel pers from among the general citizens, prevented a greater spread and heavier losses to the Company Guillermo Niehaus Co.
COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpain

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