
1938 KTURDAY NOVEMBER 12th. 4938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE TAGE E OLD BOTICA FRANCESA CHANGES OWNERSHIP nds ordered aers to sent in em pri EMU tor of dminis pow Guitolabo Ere to 3, 000 Guiana That is regarded as one of are said to be mostly of Amer most important commer ican nationality, of whom Mr.
transactions within re Edmundo Gerli, already it years took place a few known here, is one of the ys, ago when the Botica principal shareholders, the ancesa belonging to the old business will retain its natio of Hermann and Zele nal character. Its new name n, San Jose, changed own will be Botica Francesa S3hip.
ciedad Anonima and don Ar Established some seventy turo Tinoco y Jimenez will ars ago, the firm has for a occupy the position of Presiag number of years OC dent of the Board of Direcpied a foremost position as tors, while doña Maria Gonanufacturing and wholesale zalez de Tinoco will be Secreruggists. Their products tary; and Dr. Facio and be met in every section Lic. Tobias Zuñiga Montufar the country, and are as members of the Directorate.
uch appreciated as those of Messrs. Ruben Miranda Herreign origin.
nandez and Fausto Coto Mon On the death of her hus tero will continue in charge ind, don Jose Zeledon seve of the General Agency and years ago, doña Amparo Laboratory departments. Zeledon took charge of the The amount for which the usiness and despite its nu business and its entire intejerous and extensive rami rests have been acquired is cations, her able manage said to be one million two jent enabled it to continue hundred and fifty thousand successful career.
Although the new ownersi left and of by EMU CIGARETTI FRESHER Because They Are Manufactured in COSTA RICA BA Wat SCIENTIFIC SCEND OF TURKISH AN AMERICAN Toetcos LEARN of Imported Tobaccos EXCLUSIVELY Si usted compra hoy un billete de la LOTERIA NACIONAL cumple con un deber cooperando al sostenimiento del Hospital y el Asilo, y puede ser que la suerte le depare el premio mayor de 35. 000 o uno de los menores, que siempre llegarán a su hogar en buena hora.
ed ta e Certificates For The Christmas Contest WIRELESS NEWS.
and on ng FROM PAGE 7)
attacks on the 9th. against Chanind an attmpt made to work gsha and Yochow, Hunan Prohot an amicable settlement. Il vince cities up the Yangtze River the conference fails, the govern toward which land and snava. The Intelectual The Newspaper of the Future nent will take their own deci forces are driving. Chinese adFion in the light of their exami mitted their withdrawal from Co operation Conference nation of the problem, and of Puchi and Kiayu, intermediate Wirephoto Photography is than ever before in making the discussion in London, and towns between Hankow Santiago, Chile, Francis considered one of the major the world most complicated announce the policy they pro Yochow. The foremost Japanese co Walker will be the se photographic developments news clear and informative pose to pursue units were reported sixty miles cretary of the first Ameri of the twentieth century, but to their readers, George up river from Hankow and wi can Intellectual Cooperation Kent Cooper, general mana Healy Jr. managing editor SHANGHAL Japanese aeria thin an equal distance of Yoc Conjerence which meets he ger of the Associated Press, of the New Orleans Timesbombers kept up a series of how.
re in January following the which is constantly expand Picayune, said, We have coeighth Pan American Con ing the use of this service me a long way in gathering ference at Lima, Peru, visions the time when the news, and we are learning NO MARRIAGE WITHOUT HEALTH CERTIFICATE He announced today the wirephoto process itself will to handle it more attractivesuccess of the meetings, be outmoded. Speaking at the ly than ever for the readers which are sponsored by the closing session of The Asso who are busy people. We still Following on our Chilean Government and the ciated Press Managing Edi have things to learn, but we comments, ken the request of the elsewhere in this issue regard. Medico League of Nations through tors Association at Cleveland, are learning them.
in charge of local ots Intellectual Cooperation Ohio, on October 15th. Mr.
ning the suggestion that persons health matters; and although suffering from a certain type of many may consider it an itu ade Committee, was now unques future would bring transmisits Intellectual Cooperation Cooper said he expected the lunacy be sterilized, it is with vised innovations, there are tho tioned. Numerous communi BOOTH u special interest we note the in se who will not only heartily sion of matrices of photocations from every country formation, in one of the San approve it, but would wish a pi BIST de Jose dailies, that no marriages similar onthe American continent graphs right to the newsparequirement could be LAKED attend. per plant for immediate stecan now be solemnized in the instituted for the entire Repucontain promises to BERLIN district or parish of Villa Queblic. The time has certainly been Many scientific and cultural reotyping and printing.
BREAD He predicted also that sada without the institutions will send delega contracting reached when it is absolutely BUNS parties first securing certifica necessary tes and there will be the newspaper of the future, wellfor Public BISCUITS CAKES tes shewing good health. Health authorities to take the known writers from the Uni perhaps in 10 years time.
de would have half of its editoFrance This action on the part of most rigid precautions for the ted States, Britain, THE PEOPLE BAKERY gu rial content in type and the the Church Authorities in that preservation and Spain of the nation lal locality is said to have been ta health.
Plans to be considered for remainder in pictures. 0, Box 179 Limúa forthcoming, meetings incluDeclaring that newspapers en de the establishment of inter were doing a better job today AH national arrangaments to lad COMING further the movement, fix S01 XMAS! XMAS!
mg of universal statutes coXMAS!
vering author copyrights GOOD NEWS cooperative work in Ameridal Do you remember JACK?
can countries as organizers to SUFFERERS FROM FOOT TROUBLES te Then look up the OLD FIRM for of world peace and establish (Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Fallen Arch, Ingrowing Nails, na ment of commissions in coun Athlete Foot, etc. LADIES HATS, FANCY and DRESS GOODS tries in America where they will benefit greatly by consulting MENS TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES. do not yet exist.
THE TOYS for the kiddies.
The Chilean delegation MRS. FRANKLIN will include the president of Graduate Surgical Chiropodist.
THE PEOPLES HOUSE LIMON the State university las and many other prominent perZENT COSTA RICA evi se ta our po Xi se TOI SI sa, dad cre sons.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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