
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK 3, STHE ATLANTIC VOICE True goodness requires broadened conceptions, a great soul and curbed passions. If Goodness be man highest merit; if moral perfections are essential to happiness, then it is among those who have suffered deeply in the early years of their heart life, that we shall find characters best moulded for their own ends and for the interest of all, most gifted with justice and intelligence, nearest to happiness, and most inflexibly loyal to virtue.
Devoted to the interes of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: NATION Year Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday November 26 1938 No. 222 05 al ba er ca na os to de sie a ure na. 3. le 1no 35 7: T Ri WIRELESS NEWS THE INTERNATIONAL DIFFICULTIES MAKING ASSURANCE DOUBLY SURE.
It would seem as if, in re, inclined, in fact, to hail it SHANGHAI Two thouAlthough it was generally up. bombings, which have caused peating the statement regar with much jovous satisfaction: sand persons were reported to posed that one of the results of an appreciable number of deaths ding the possibility of the for as our most interested and have peri hed in a five day for the recently agreed on Pacts, principally women and chilcanalization of the Tortugur enthusia, tie Minister of Fi te which prematurely razed would prevent mor troops and dren, in addition to serious pro re Lagoons being commenced nance has already been over Chang ha, capital of Hunan Pro war material going into Spain, perty damage. During the atearly in the month of Janua the ground, and has since vince, while Japanese met rea Barcelona report announces tack on the morning of the 24th Ty, we were somewhat prema evinced, if possible, a much verses in their advance on the that during the past month 300 one of the attacking planes was ure, for we now understand greater confidence in the eco Central Chinese City. Three aviators tad 000 soldiers ar hit by anti aircraft fire and His Excellency the President nomic benefits which will a Chinese Officials, ch rged with rived from Italy and Germany bur ting into flames fell in full of the Republic has intimated ccrue to both our Province overhaste in setting the fires, as re inforcements for the In view of the thousands watching his intention of visiting the and the country generally were said to Have been executed surgent forces, al o 74 new bom the raid.
locality before making a finalliron the opening up of this on orders of General Chiang Kaibing and pursuit planes, 46 can From Shanghai the Chinese decision in this long pending waterway. we are satisfied Shek. Government Official: at non, 12 thousand rifles, 49 air report they had halted the Jaand all important project. that, like don Paco, don Leon Chungking, China Provisional planes and 000 tons of gene panese drive on Changsha, Ca As it is said the visit will will be overwhelmingly con Capital, said the fire started ral war material.
pital of tha Hunan Province, take place after the Christmas Vinced of the valuable con through accidents and prema and had also hurled back their holidays, it will hardly be tribution the canal will make ture Zeal of local officials deAdvices emanating from In attack on Sitang, which lies 60 possible for the matter wo to the agricultural and com siring to apply the Scorched surgent source declared the miles the morth of reach a finality in time for mercial life of this section of Earth policy to prevent any government troops had been Changsha They further sta the work to start ear the blic. While, therefo hing worthwhile remaining for forced to evacuate the villagested they had launched lier surmised re, we may experience some the invaders.
of Aytona and Soses under pres counter attack along the We do not entertain, howe amount of disappointment for of attacks from the entire north Hupeh front, ver, the slightest doubt rega the additional delay, we are Insurgents on the right bank north of Hankow, and were con ding the outcome of this iurmore than ever optimistically HENDAYE. Spanish Insur of the Segre River. third tinuing their activities in sout ther official inspection of the disposed toward the projec: gents reported on the 22nd. vill:ge, Sero, was reported to hern and western Shansi pro región. We are very much ultimate success.
they had made a breach in the be almost encircled by the In vince. More than 30 battles are centre of a newly fortified go surgents in their effort to throw suppo ed to have been fought vernment line on the Segre in the government militiamen back in the Shansi region during THE SUFFERINGS OF THE JEWS CONTINUE Northeast Spain, The govern to the left bank of the river. the past three weeks with about For the purpose of collecting ths by the. Propaganda Miris ment acknowledged the InsurBarcelona is egain being sub 10. 000 casualties for the invadthe 400. 000. 000 dollars fine ter. Paul Goebbels, and at the gents had advanced Northwest iacted to a series of severe air ing forces.
imposed on all Jews resident first of these he told the 000 of Seros in three diys of heavy withim German territory, for prop: ganda worker of the Ber fighting in the sector occupied NEW POLITICAL PARTY the assas inction of Ernt Rath, lin district that th, Nazis would two weeks ago by government of the German Embassy in Pa stick to their guns in carrying troops. The attack was aimed Adverting to the remark in making any personal toward Aytona about five miles declararis, a levy of amounts equalling out their plans our last Saturday issue from Seros.
on tions on the subject, but his nu twenty per cent of fortunes ex The homes of the Jews re: ithesubject of the political acti merous sympathisers are hoping ceeding two thousand dollers dent in Munich are being rai ities being displayed here, we he will eventually accept is being collected. As a large ded by representatives of thc now note the report that an mination. It is alleged the much number of these unfortunates Culture Chamter and antiMEXICO CITY. President appreciable number of the poli ppreciated sum of fifty thous are not now posressed of the que furniture, pictures, and Cardenas has called upon Metically disposed citizens of San and colones is already at the ready cash, they are being for other objects of ort seized on xican citizens to renounce their Jose have initiated activities for disposal of the Party for ac ced to sacrifice their properties the claim they were culturai laims for indemnification for the formation of a new party. count of the expenses of the for whatever prices they can assets of the German nation.
Lands seized under the govern The Party will, it is stated, campaign.
The friendly relations suppo ment agrarion programme.
be upporting Doctor Antonio It is expected the Party will series of 500 anti. semi ed to have been created betPeña Chavarria, our actual Mi be known by the name of Re tic demonstrations have been wed England and the Nazi nister of Public Helath, as a novacion Nacional and take arranged for the next few mon(TO PAGE 11)
JERUSALEM. Sheik Abdul candidato for the coming Pre the color of Blue, for their in Rahmen El Khatib, leader of sidential Elections. The popu signia che pro Britih Arabs, who wazlar Doctor has refrained from GUILLERMO NIEHAUS Cº hot on the 17th. instant died on the 22nd. He was a promiLIMON nent member of the Palestine Defence Party opposed to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, exiled Leader of Arabs in revolt agrint the British rule in the SERVICIO DE VAPORES Holy Land Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con TORONTO, Canada. Mes: escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
metings throu out Jant da have urged the Dominion Llevando café para todos los puertos do her share to alleviate the Europeos y Americanos plight of Jews in Nazi Germany, and registered protests aVAPORES SALIDAS gairat Cermany anti Jewish camp. ign. TO PAGE 9)
VERAGUA Noviembre 27 CHIRIQUI Diciembre TALAMANCA DEATH OF Diciembre 11 NORWAYS Q! UEEN Queen Maud of Norway, ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
Aunt of Britain King, and Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
last surviving child of King Edward VII, died in London last Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de los SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA. onday of a heart attack folIINITED FRUIT COMPANY ENERGY lowing an abdominal operation a few days previously. She was 68 years old.
on los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica SALIDAS: Dias lunes y jueves a medio dia para CaThe remains taken TEI EFONO 3156 huita, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
to Marlborough House, her bir SALIDA: Jueves por la noche para la Barra del Coloso thplace, on Tuesday, and afrado, el Bluft y Bluefields.
ter a whort funeral service at tended by King George VI, son Prince af, they were pl) for Jupitent abord warship LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS King George of Greece, herced aboard a purple and black Royal Oak to Oslo, Norway, husband King Heakon, and her draped train for Portsmouto for intermeat. 5 UNITED FRUIT COMPANY to were Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministeria de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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