
o Budweise FINGERPRINTS Tienda HOLLYWOOD THE MODERN WONDER Avisamos a nuestra numero We beg to advice our numesa clientela que acabamos de rous patrons that we have Fingerprints are the impresrecibir un gran surtido de cajust received.
sions left by the ridges and simires ingleses y de lino. Large Assortment of Endepressions present on every Hacemos vestidos para caba glish Twerd aad Linen SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 human finger. They are comllero a 75. 00 en abonos se We make Suits for Gentlemen pletely individual. The consmanales o mensuales. at 75. 00 on Weekly or tant secretion of the body Visitenos y se convencerá.
CABALLERO: Monthly payments.
GENTLEMEN: through the sweat ducts Visit us and be convinced.
glands of the skin provide BERENZON.
ofrecemos un incomparable Apartado 515 a the medium for making surtido en CASIMIRES IN If you desire to be properly GLESES que acabamos de re: dressed, we offer you an 10print o nany reasonably smooth surface. These prints do cibir. Contamos con los esti comparable lot of not change through life. Her RESTORATION OF HISTORIC VILLA los más modernos y a precios schel made prints of his fin que nadie nos iguala.
ENGLISH TWEEDS The government of Italy is veral pieces of furniture have gers at twenty eight years of age and checked up fifty four complete decay reported to have rescued from already been reinstated. The just received.
the villa Museum is also being restoryears later, There was 20 which Napoleon Bonaparte ed.
Ud. que gusta vestir bien le We give the most modern change in the pattern.
built on the Island of Eiba.
Visite nuestro almacén. Siyle at Prices which cannot Tablets marking the difThe pattern on each fing It is now undergoing repairs ferent sites of Napoleonic inportunamente y ordene sus be equalley.
er is evolved five months be and many of the treasures terest on the mountainous isirabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and fore birth and remains unalKA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCHE tered until after death. Nei of the silk curtains and se. position.
once contained replaced. Some land are also being place din le la capital, para que noso BUENA and the SAN JOSE ther illnes, wounds burning, Tros podamos darle buen eum CIVIC FIESTAS. We desire nor accidental damage, are caplimiento y dejarlo satisfe to please you in every res pable of changing the basic La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de cho.
pattern, and, in spite of maBUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de ny claims, skin grafting cannot remove it.
Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor experiencia en su elaboración.
For purposes of classificaFRANCISCO AGUILAR, Cutter tion, fingerprints are divided into nine primary elasses: La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cerplain areh, whorl, plain loop, vecería mayor del mundo.
twinned loop, etc. Sub classiAhora se consigue en latitas doradas.
Trinidad Improving Hotel Accommodations fication is easily managed on in December, the Island of a week from Port of Spain too detailed for simple these primaries, though it is 02COMO BUDWEISER Trinidad will open a new ho which is a night ride from planation. The classifications. ninguna tel a Macqueripe, its most po the smallen island. Known lo are based on human trends; pular beach resort. Built in cally as Robinson Crusoe Isl that is, per cent of prints in Spanish style, the hotel and Tobago has been until re are arch classification; sixty will have, in addition to ro cently more os less of a hidea per cent loop and whorls; ors with private baths, a dan way for the wanderer seek composites, etc. comprise 35 ce patio, outdoor dining ro ing tropical solitude. Its fiooras and spacious indoor lo wers and palins, white sands LIMON TRADING unge. Macqueripe is a plea and Bird of Paradise Isle, just finger is cleaned with spirit When making a print, the sant ten mile drive from the off shore, were known to a and pressed island capital, Port of Spain. few initiates who claimed to DISTRIBUIDORES on a plate on Tourits stopping over at have discovered an unspoiled which printer ink has been Trinidad between ships are paradise, a paradise now enrolled out thinly. The finger Lager Bee smooth finding the side trip to Toba larging its guest houses and is then rolled Econvenient and pleasant. constructing villas.
card, producing perfect Small boats leave three times print. When a print is discovered on the scene of a crime the procedure is, of courINTERESTING BREVITIES BRITAIN WILL DEMAND 10, 000, 000 e, different. If a print be found As another outbreak of Meas on a sheet of paper OF MEXICO this is invisible to the naked les seem threatening, the MiIt is expected that by the nd EXICO CITY The Brit since Mexico broke off rela eye unless held slantwise to nister of Public Health has isgui of the month of January next, ish Government plans to de tions with Britain last Spring (light. an insufflator, or nozz sued intructions for the mand 10. 000. 000 indemni It is considered unlikely that le, with a rubber bulb attach dance of the public in effective a start will be made to take off ties for British owned agra London will send a note to ed, squeezes powered lamp: ly treating the ailment and the crop of Cotton from the 150 miting contagion.
hectarea3 under cultivation in rian lands seized by Mexieo the Mexican Government black over the print which is the Gucnacaste Province. The without payment when Wash through the Danish Minister, revealed after the surpuis very best results are anticipatington completes arrangem who is representing British powder is removed. In recoed ents for payment of the agra interests in Mexico. It is tho vering prints, charcoal powdof rien debt owed to Americans As an abundant supply more that the er is used generall for all for recent expropriations, demand will be made thro light surfaces. For dark sur in the menufacture of glass is the primery material required This was learned authorita ugh Washington, particular faces, a light powder is usud said to exist in the Republic, a calling for applications from tho The Faculty of Medicine is tively ly as the British hold that white lead, chalk and mer proposition is under way forse of our girls who desire to The British land claims are the Monroe Doctrine blocks cury, plaster of paris or alu lhe establishment of a factory take up studien in Nursing and likely to lead to complications them from effectively protecminium. All these are com for the making of bottles, etc. Midwifery. Those interested ting their national interests mon methods. Metallic sur provided the nee ary financial should communicate with Dr.
here faces are treated with con protection i; forthcoming from German Naranjo. the Secretary BOOTH per powder and fruits with the government.
of the Faculty. San Jose.
The largest British proper hard rinds (apples, pears, PEOPLE BAKERY ties seized are in the Lagur. a plums, etc) with carbonateEEST wheat and cotton region, whe of lead powder.
BAKED re the goverment has a key Clothes and linens yield methods are employed, butve a print as Nature makes BERLIN community farm.
their impressions, but the the variations are inumerable it that is, the rubber BREAD London intends to contend method of recovery is more and most operators have their stamp impression provided BUNS that British landowners are complicated. Silver nitrate own favourite methods. by the resilient, skin of the BISCUITS CAKES entitled to indemnities on a is used; after treatment, the Fingerprints cannot be for body, and sweat secretion. For basis of equality with the result is like a photographic ged so that they would decei geries never achieve the fine2. Box 179 Limón natianals of any other coun negative. Ultra. violet light ve an expert. One of the pro ness of Nature work.
other chemical blems of the forger is to leaThere is a very simple formula, conceived by Balthazar. TO PAGE 10)
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do noi Office: Lo rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena obiige us to suspend our service, a step which Adjoining to the City de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Public Library ENGLISH SPOKEN LIMON FORMER JUDGE OF THE LIMON DISTRICT COURT llllfffffDIRIDININ MENUMIDOR Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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