
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3rd. 1938 3: CURRENT ITEMS TIENDA MIL COLORES Seventen marriages are repor ted to have been solemnized in various Churches in San Jose last Saturday.
SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 CABALLERO: GENTLEMEN: ofrecemos un incomparable surtido en CASIMIRES IN If you desire to be properly GLESES que acabamos de re dressed, we offer you an ecibir. Contamos con los esti comparable lot of los más modernos y a precios que nadie nos iguala.
ENGLISH TWEEDS LA PROVEEDORA ALMACEN PARA FAMILIAS LIMON. COSTA RICA Ofrece un extenso surtido de abarrotes, frutas frescas, frutas en latas, frutos secas, lateria fina, aceitunas, jaleos, galletas de toda clase, confites, chocolates, etc.
Obsequia por cada Colón un tiquete numerado que puede ganar si las dos, tres o cuatro últimas cifras corresponden con las del Premio Mayor de la Loteria del Asilo Chapui; Un Colón, Cinco Colones o Diez Colones, respectivamente.
During the absence of Lic.
Claudio Cortes Castro, who left last Sunday for Peu as one of Costa Rica Delegates befo re the Inter American Confe.
rence at Lima, the President of the Republic will persona lly conduct the affairs of the government Pacific Railway.
Mercadería de excelente calidad, precios moderados y buen trato, son el lema de esta casa just received Ud. que gusta vestir bien le We give the most modern Visite nuestro almacén 0Style at Prices which cannot portunamente y ordene sus be equalley.
rabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCHE ie la capital, para que noso BUENA and the SAN JOSE iros podamos darle buen eum CIVIC FIESTAS. We desire plimiento y dejarlo satiste to please you in every rescho.
The Junta in charge of the business of the National Lottery is reported to have conducted 133 drawings during the past len years, and distributed no less a sum than 23, 751. 995, 00 colones among the purchasers GUILLERMO NIEHAUS CO LIMON JAPAN and her Commerce ce cars to Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor Whatever may be said of the political ideas of the JaFRANCISCO AGUILAR, Cutter panese by those who have had the privilege of being 6009 as reared under the principles of true democracy, it must be FATAL ACCIDENT admitted that by the exercise An occurrente of a terible atfempeide; but owciaz to the of an extraordinary amount nature took place on the rail weight and postion of the load of initiative, zeal and business road last Saturday afternoon, ed cars, it was not until help acumen, they have earned and resulted in the death of a had been secured from Siqui themselves a place second to man named Levi Ellis under pres that lie was freed, and none in the realm of commerthe most distressieg circums brought to the Hospital here Ellis is said to have been tra where he died a few hours afA quarter of a centuary or velling toward this end on a terwards.
so ago, the export trade of train bringing in bananas. On The accident happened, we this Far Eastern Empire ocreaching Cimarrones one of the understand, about four o clock cupied only a very small pla loaded got derailed and in the afternoon, and it was once in international activities while efforts were being madely around ten at night that Ellis of a commercial nature; tohave it replaced another, was removed. He is said to have day, her goods are to be seen SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA breaking away from the remain been teribly mutilated: particu in every important market ENERGY der, collided with it and crush larly his face and feet. He was where she has made herself ing the unfortunate man, Ellis, a resident of Guacimo where a most serious factor in com between both.
his mother and other relatives It was but recently that im SALIDAS: Días lunes y jueves a medio dia para CaEverything that could possi stin recide, to whom the Atlan portations from this orogin huita, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
bly be done to release the mantic Voice tenders its deepest began to attract the attention SALIDA: Jueves por la noche para la Barra del Colofrora Inis painful position was sympathy.
of our traders yet so rapidly rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
did they increase, that it was THE ABACA INDUSTRY said the government was con LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS Having regard to the earlier contracts with private farmers sidering the advisability of information released by us in for the purchase of their martreating such goods as coming from a country with connection with the activities of ketable product, we do not anwhich Costa Rica carried an the Company interested in this ticipate there will be any hiteh unfavourable trade balance, new industry, from which it is in the present proposition, wich La confianza suya la merece la hoped our impoverished provin we glady note, as it must mate from the fact that while we ce will derive much financial rially strengthen the hands of were purchasing largely from BOTICA ALEMANA benefits, it may now be stated those who are devoting their her, she was hardly taking there is every possibility of an energies for the improvement of anything from us. To avoid, del other lot of from 00 to 500 our econonric conditions. We no doubt the injurious effect hectareas being placed under hope others will soon be com which such an act on the part LIC. PAUL KLEEFELD of our Executive would have cultivation, quite apart from ing forward with, if anything, the settentions recently begun larger traets of lands.
had on this newly obtained Para comprar medicinas se necesita market, local representatives by Company.
got busy and soon had arConfianza.
have been reliebly inform rangements concluded for the ed it a number of our agricul Francisco Fonseca Ch.
marketing of an appreciable turists in possession of suitable quantity of our Coffee. They lands have approached the Ma LAWYER NOTARY further secured an nagement of the Company with agree, ed of the earlier plantings on PUBLIC RECENT DEATH ment with an offer to place their lands, the government these cultivations are reportOffice: Santiago MacLean, a native under which they were able ed by the experts in charge, amounting to the above menAdjoining to the City of the Island of Jamaica who to make experinttal plan as being so satisfactory that tiored quantity, under cultivaPublic Library resided in one of the Districtstations of Cotton in the north there is now a plan for plaction of the plant, provided they ENGLISH SPOKEN of the Old Line, is reported to western regions of the Repub ing an area of around 000 are guaranteed sale for their product have died in the San Juan de lic, which are likely to form hectareas under regular culAs from: hteir incepFORMER JUDGE OF THE tior the Company expressed LIMON DISTRICT COURT Dios Hospital, San José, on the the basis for a most lucrative tivation and for financially 19th. November. He was 39 industry later on.
the intention of entering into assisting individual agricul.
years of age.
The results already observ turists who may desire LO take up the industry.
Although, from what we Nos permitimos llomar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back undestand, there is hardly de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina any possibility of this secThis bill must be paid at our office before tion of the country participat dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
ing directly in this new and de cada mes.
apparently lucrative branch Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena of agriculture, we are, neves oblige us to suspend our service, a step which theless, exceedingly pleasead de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
to hear of the results so far obtained, and sin Vcerely hope no untoward circumstance will arise to impede the mate THIRURGIA Hindi UKOHT MUNTINDIHAN als.
rializing of the latest propoEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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