
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE time the of our TRADERS SAID TO BE USING IMPROPER WEIGHTS Dirimen a machetazos dos trabajadores de la finca Another Claimant Under AND MEASURES loro un pico viejo y un disgusto de mujeres, ille known Law Our attention has been cal present no definite system by led to the complaint which, which these irregularities resultando ambos seriamente heridos it is alleged, has been lodg can be effectively proceeded ed with the official depart against, the Department of Some ago, we carried ment concerned regarding Finance will, we understand, Por un chisme de esos muy te, al sentirse herido se armó the information connected with the improper weights and be supplying the Police Aucorrientes entre cocineras, se también de su machete y se law inaugurated several measures being used by a lar thorities with a complete set agarraron a filazos el miéreo acordo de un pieo viejo que years ago, under which provi ge number traders, of weights and measures by les último como a las cuatro tenía que cobrarle a Telles sion was made for the payment throughout the province, for which they will be able to de la tarde en el campamen produciéndose la reyerta has of seven cash prizes of a thou sale of all classes of merchan keep a check on these alleged to de la finca Toro. donde ta agotarse quedando ambos sand colones each, and another dise to the general public. illicit practices trabajaban, Carlos Jiménez y mutilados. Al tener noticia seven of 500 each to those As it is claimed there is at Leonardo Telles, resultando del hecho el Agente de Poli cultivators who should within ambos seriamente heridoscia de Zent, dio cuenta a las a specified time have the largGERMAN TRADE BOYCOTTED IN CANAL ZONE Parece que los móviles del autoridades judiciales y al se est number of fruit trees under hecho fueron unos cuentos nor Gobernador, cultivation a first and a secquien con Following the lead initiat la publicmeeting registered que hicieron mutuamente las toda actividad ordenó fueran ond prize being allowed for ed in other Latin American their unanimous protest and mujeres de éstos saliendo en conducidos los heridos a esta each Province.
Communities, various orga besought all residents of the defensa de la suya el prime ciudad en un tren extra, y renizations operating in the Callocality to support the move ro instando al segundo para cluidos en el hospital donde We are not aware if any ap nal Zone, Panama, have join ment. The other Organizaque arreglaran la cuestión se encuentran en observación plication has yet been lodgeded the campaign for the bay tions which had previously amigablemente, pero Telles de los médicos, pues parece on behalf of this province, but cotting of all German inter decided to bolcott all comen lugar de atender a la ins que las heridas de ambos we see it mentioned, an agriests, in protest of the perse mercial establissments owntancia de Jiménez, se armó hombres son de sumo cuida culturalist of Orotina in the tions to which the Jewish ed, controlled or operated by de su cuchillo dándole de pla do y tal vez hasta les produz Province of Puntarenas may be people are subjected by the Germans, are The American a Jiménez hiriéndolo ca la muerte.
requesting an award for the Nazi regime.
Legion of the Zone; the Civil en el antebrazo izquierdo; és2, 700 fruit trees he has cultiva On Sunday night last the Council of Balboa, and Lodge ted under the incentive of the members of the Civil Asso 14 of the American Federalaw SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD HUMAN SKELETON DISCOVERED ciation of the Zone Employee tion of Government Emplostationed at Pedro Miguel, in yées. large section of the city was thrown into a state of the greatest excitement last weekend by the finding of the skeleton of a human being, who is said to have died in the year 1921.
nazos Lanceros Cigarettes During the night of Friday last, the Fiscal Authorities raid ed the building located in one of our principal commercial sec tions, and long known as the re sort of members of our Chinese community. It was generally sup posed that the edifice was used for the conduct of certain ceremonies peculiar to the religious beliefs of these Eastern people, but from the disclosures occasioned by the raid, it appears it was utilized as a centre for the gathering of all addicted to the use of opium. The government party succeeded in arrest ing five habitués, several of whom were actually caught in dulgin gin the soothing ef.
fects of the pernicious weed.
They also captured a large number of articles, consisting of liquids, pills, powders, seeds.
etc. supposed to be used in the vile practice. 11 COARDILIS Winners of el lanceret Smokers SUAVIS because of lo nd PI QUALITY rd le and 30 TASTE The human skeleton was discovered packed in a travelling valise stowed under some boxes. The man who had charge of the gruesome find, declare it represents the remains of a fel low national who died in San José in the year 1921, and was taken to the Club by one Jose Lee for the purpose of having it shipped to China, Lee, however, passed on to the Great Beyond before he was able to do so, and it had since remain ed where it was found. As this explanation is very much doubt ed in view of the current belief that many of the Chinese, who die in the different regions of the Republic, are not given official interment for the purpose of facilitating the continued use of such immigration papers as they may have carried, it is understood the govern ment may order the taking of a census of all the members of this Race resident in the country as a means of clarifying the situation. Cash Coupons Certificates for the Christmas Lottery The man who had possession of the skeleton has been placed before the Criminal Court, while the others are held under civil charges.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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