
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th. 1938 GUILLERMO NIEHAUS Cº LIMON La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de experiencia en su elaboración.
La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cervecería mayor del mundo.
Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
COMO BUDWEISER. ninguna LIMON TRADING DISTRIBUIDORES Budweise SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA Aburridos de una vida de lu ENERGY jo y rigurosa etiqueta, Kathe CUBA HAS NEW PENAL CODE rine Hepburn y Cary Grant SALIDAS: Dias lunes y jueves a medio día para Ca desafían las conveniencias soA new penal code, to re ponsibility of criminals establi huita, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
ciales para vivir su vida aven. place the antiquated one of shed. Work becomes obligato SALIDA. Jueves por la noche para la Barra del Colo turera y romántica en que the old colonial days, has been ry and convicts receive mone rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
los vemos en VIVIR PARA placed in force in the Repu tary compensation.
GOZAR. una producción (blic of Cuba.
Prisons of the island are LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS Columbia According to hos recently placed under control of a Sublished article, Mr. Hart Phipreme Council of Social Defen tilps says the world Penal is se composed of nine members Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON discarded in this new legisla appointed by the President.
tion which is known as the So Thi board will grant paroles, Los mejores pastos dan la semilla que vende el cial Defence Code and regard oversee the health, working Abogado y ed as a radical departure from and living conditions of priso EL ALMACEN CENTRO COMERCIAL the old Spanish law design ners, maintenance of buildings Notario Público ed primarily for the purpose and sale of products produced de TOMAS FERNANDEZ of punishing the criminal, whiby convict labor. Corporal pu Oficina: Altos Pasle this one aims at a reform nishment is abolished, losses of JARAGUA. GUINEA. AGENGIBRILLO of the offender and his return privileges only being used as CALINGUERO cual Ingianna to society.
disciplinary measures. IlliteraA new chapter treats of crite convicts will be taught to asi como afrecho de la mejor clase para alimento de me against international pea read and write and if without sus ganados.
ce, Cuba thus becoming the a trade will be required Teléfono 2198 San José, Apartado 614 to ON VACATION first nation to follow the re learn one. The council proviOur sincere welcome to Mas commendations of various pea des vigilance over paroled ofter Wilfred Clarke, who is ce conferences. Prison terms fenders and its duties include ON THE TRAIL OF PNEUMONIA here to spend the holiday sea are provided for any act wi Jassitance to the convict in re son with his parents, Mr. and thin the national territory turning to normal life and em Mrs. Willie Clarke.
which may cause political dis ployment after release.
Immunization agains pneu were inoculated. In the New Our young friend has been turbances in a foreiga monia is hoped from the new Englands campt it was found away in College in the Big Metry tending toward impairment vaccine developed after many that the incidence of pneumo tropolis. We wish him a most of its independence, integrity years of laboratory research nia was almost one and three enjoyable time among his re of territory or stability of its by Dr. Lloyd Felton, senior quarter among those not inolatives and friends.
government, or act against the surgeon in the United States Puculated as among those who head of a foreign nation or its The pupils of the Sacred Heart blic Health Service working un had received the vaccine. On diplomatic representatives. In School of which Mrs. Berder grants from the influenza the west coast the proportion time of war any interference nerd is Headmistre have had commission of the Metropoli was nine to one.
and with the care of wounded or their week of inspection Circumstance tan Life Insurance Company Results were promising prisoners is punished. Also, in their parents, guardians and and pneumonia funds of Har said Doctor Felton, but the We understand that a short sult to or destruction of the large circle of well wishers, are vard an Johns Hopkins uni re remains further investiga snipment of paper from the Uni flag or emblem tf a foreign po anxiously awaiting the results.
tion regarding the extent and duted States has been the cause wer will be penalized.
The Closing Exercises will In conducting tests some ration of immunity conferred of the nor apperance of the One of the out. tanding fea take place in the 21st. and all 30, 000 volunteers workers by the new anti agent before Central American Express tures of the code is the provi who take an interest in our eduin the civilian conservation it can be included among pro for the past couple of week. sion for treatment of convicts. cational and social activities are camps throughout the country phylacde remed Our sigmpathiez to the Mana For the first time in Cuba pa by this medium extended an inger, role is instituted and civil re: vitation.
counClosing Exercises of Catholic Day School An Unfortunate EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA THERE IS AN Ever Increasing Dexand FOR THE TICKETS OF THE GREAT XMAS. DRAWING WHICH WILL DISTRIBUTE 472, 510. 00 (IN PRIZES)
This sensational Drawing will take place on SUNDAY THE 25th. DECEMBER THE NATIONAL LOTTERY enriches the Poor and has all the possibilities for OFFERING FORTUNE VALUE OF TICKET 30, 00 FIRST PRIZE 150. 000 LIMON BRANCH If prematurely aged, Jertilinets Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its department for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtainable and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the consignments to those Producers who may need same.
use the rejuvenating hormone proparation FOR WOMEN.
according to Do Richt. Weiss Ask for our illustrated wall ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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