
EYES irritated ayos.
MURINE FOR YOUR age Case חן now SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE THE APPROACHING SEASON DOCTOR CALDERON GUARDIA RELIEVE Dear Mr. Editor the other. 3) Neither proffer TIRED As Christmas approaches nor receive cheap praise. 4) Dear Mr. Editor.
objective? We are therefore one recollects another year if called upon to suffer, do so If Dr. Calderon Guardia not so easily cajoled in these is slipping by, and with the like a well bred beast, which treats his medical patients as days; and we are least inclinsending of cards and other goes away in silence. 5) En he is his present political ones, ed to confide in those who tokens to one friends and deavour to win, if possible, but can no longer doubt the seem possesed of an unusual Murine soothes acquaintances there is gene it not, remember above all to cause of his phenominal suc amount of generosity in this and refreshes rally a feeling of goodwill be a good loser. 6) Do notcess and popularity.
respect. There are, however, EYES how sincere do not venture cry either for the moon or over was very pleasingly im exceptions in this as in other Use it daily, to predict To those, however, spilled milk.
pressed with his attitude and matters, hence our feeling of On The Sick List of every age, the words of How much worse this Xmas pronouncements during his confidence for this PresidenParry hold good brother would have been had there recent visit to our Old Line tial Candidate. In assuring us man fold to thy heart thy bro been a European War, also Districts, particularly his de that if the work on the TorAs during the past couple of ther; where pity dwells, there do not venture to predict; 1claration in connection with tuguero waterway was not weeks the absence of the usual is the peace of God.
conclude with the following the canalization of the Tortu accomplished during the presmiling face of the Editor and As a boy learning to play advice to all Hats off to the guero Lagoons.
sent regime, he would have Manager of the Central Agames, was taught the lo past Coats off to the futu It is all in the game for it done as soon as possible afmerican Espress was noticed, Ilowing which commend to re.
those who, from time to time, ter assuming the Presidency, we dispatched one of our re lall Be obedient to the Thanking you, Mr. Editor, seek our political patronage, Dr. Calderon Guardia did not presentatives to determine the rules of the game. 2) Lear for the indulgence, and with to gratuitously obligate them invoke his political guarantee cause, when we received the to distinguish between senti good wishes for 1939. selves to effect certain com he pledged us his personal sad information that his good ment and sentimentality, adwife had been indisposed. Weniring the one and despising munal benefits if we support word, the word of a GentleAubrey Spyer. their cause, though the mo man. And so those of us who wish her an early and comment this is gained, they usual have the honour of knowing plete restoration.
ly succeed in forgetting their him, and of being acquaintWe are also sorry to learn with promises. Hoy many such pro ed that the son of the genial Mahis high qultural mises have not been made us, standards, are prepared to im nager of the Fruit Company FOR THE XMAS SEASON Commissary at Siquirres, Mr.
and how many have we seen plicitly confide in him and carried into effect after the his given world. Hart, is on the sick list in New Arrivals of the Latest Goods San Jose. We sincerely hope Candidates had obtained their John Simplex the for Men, Ladies and Children youngmon will speedily regain his accustomed good in Hats, Caps, Tweeds and Fancy Material COLOMBIAN OIL ACTIVITIES INCREASE DONT FORGET The Canal Zone EspioriBOGOTA, Colombia. Ac rities of municipalities fix in The Toys for the kiddies tivity in Colombian oil fields different sections. The Texas is increasin with the deve Company has won an importa lopment of the Catatumbo ant suit against a valuation THE PEOPLES HOUSE The trial of the four GerLIMON fields, which are expected to at 6, 000. 000 pesos for fax purmans who were arrested soproduce for export next April. poses of a tract that cost me weeks ago by the Canal The Shell company has in 500, 000.
Zone authorities for alleged vested 10, 000, 000 here concession of almost half JAPAN TO LIMIT BUSINESS PROFITS espionage, was commenced in the last eighteen months, and a million acres of oil lands the local Court last Wednes TOKYO. The Finance and not be permitted to increase the South American Gulf Oil has been granted to Anibal day, when the legal represen War Ministries have decided dividends, but will not at pre Company employment has Paris and Rafael Santatives of the accused petition it is stated to invoke the much sent be forced to curtail them increased so much that new tos, and the ministry jof ined the Judge to disqualify all disputed Article 11 of the Na. According to the Stock Exchan barracks are being built. dustries is studying the members of the Jury im tional Mobilization Law, which ge, the shares of 157 concerns There is some concern over twenty two applications for panelled for the case, as it was authorize the government to li will be affected.
minimum vages that autho other concessions.
felt it would be impossible for mit the dividends and prothem to impartially adjudica lits of all Japanese businesTEGYPT te the matter in view of the ses.
enormous publicity it had The deci ion was GOOD NEWS reached REARMING been given following a heated dispute bet ween the two Ministries, the CAIRO, Egyp. King Fato SUFFERERS FROM FOOT TROUBLES Financy Ministry fearing it rouk, opening a new session (Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Fallen Arch, Ingrowing Nails, Siquirres Has Municipal would greatly disturb busi of Egypt Parliament dedicatAthlete Foot, etc. Conflict ness and cconomic conditions ed his nation to an extensive will benefit greatly by consulting The Home Ministry rallied to rearmament program as a seFor some time past a con the proposal for enforcement quel to the September Euro MRS. FRANKLIN flict has existed between the supported by the War Office, pean crisis.
members of the Municipal thus threatening a political The speech declared the EGraduate Surgical Chiropodist.
Board of Siquirres and their issue.
gyptian air force would be ZENT COSTA RICA Superintendent or Comptrolstrengthened considerably, a ler. The matter assumed such Informal conferences follow bly, a naval fleet would be a serious nature some weeks ed, re ulting in a created and compromise munitions and ago that it had to be placed providing that companies earn other factories established. ANOTHER LANDMARK FALLS before the Chief Executivering more than 10 per cent will new recruiting bill would re of the Republic Very regretfully we announ of the Merchandise Deportquire all Egyptians to the ment of the United Fruit Com As it is understood the PaWith The Methodists three years in the armed force the great loss which rochial Fathers are not satis family, relatives, and our ge pany, where he served with neral community have suffer marked distinction throughfied with how things are shap In keeping with the age oldled the expenditure of Egypt already had announced by the passing of another out o long number of years, ing we note they have decided to take no part whatever this city will be holding their nal defense in the current year tre Great Beyond on the 30th.
practice, the Methodists of 12. 500. 000 dollars for of our older settlers Mr. and was highly natioappreciated Edwards who left us for by all his employees.
in the Municipality affairs Harvest Thanksgiving Services and hopes to attain a standing November, after a compara the following afternoon in the His remains were interred until the Superindendent has been removed from office. As the celebration of the Anniver this year. The Council tomorrow in conjunction with army of a least 50. 000 men tively short illness.
this decision which is suppos sary of the Women League. Defense recently of presence of a large and repreThe deceased came to this sentative gathering, as well as ed to be unanimous, will seThe 00 service will announced riously affect the interests of be under the chairmanship of plans to build thirty six war!
country from his notive Isle, the members of the ConcorJamaica, some thirty odd dia Lodge of which he was an the district, the inhabitants the Rev. Chinn, and a very ships in the next two years, are having a memorial pre richly years ago, and endeavoured to old and faithful Officer at a cost of approximately pursue his vocation of an Eduprepared progromme To his widow, and two sons pared for presentation to Con will be given.
17. 500. 000 dollars.
cator of our young, but soon here, as also his daughter in gress. Special Function in condiscovered that, unlike his Jamaica, who now mourn his nection with the Anniversay homeland this was a berren death, the Atlantic Voice. No tiene primera, no tie of the League will be heid at field. He then joined the staff offers its deepest sympathy.
ne segunda, no tiene tercera. 17 the following dey Qué será. Monday. Muy sencillo. Un tren de very cordial invitation is carga!
extended to all.
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ijf enfeobled by age, Virilinets use The Botica Botica Alemana ocumento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional

    Presidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón Guardia

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