
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE a The lines of suffering on almost every human countenance have been deepened, if not troced there, by unfaithfulness to conscience, by departure from duty To do wrong is the surest woy to produce sutterDevoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone ing. The sins that are followed by no palpable pain YEAR ore yet terribly avenged even in this life. They abridge LIMON, COSTA RICA APRIL 22nd. 1939 241.
our capacity of hoppiness, impair our relish for innocent pleasure and increase our sensibility to suffering. WIRELESS NEWS International Conditions Said on the Improve No enemy con do us equal harm with what we do ourEurope international situa change for her adhesión to the selves whenever or however we violate a religious or ROME. Premier Mussoli tion is reported as being much, defensive bloc now in exil fence moral obligation CHANNING ni and leaders of the Hunga more satisfactory nothwitstand with Greece and Yugoeslakia, rian government have begun ing the persistent activities a to offset the menace of the conversation which it is hop geinst the Anglo French efforts Rome. Berlin Axis, despite the THE DESTRUCTION OF GREEN MANGOES ed will link Hungary to the for a united non. aggressive statement that Hugary is exerRoma. Berlin Axis in the front, Mussolini rejection of ting every effort to induce YuDANGEROUS DIVERSION vent of war. The Hungarian President Roosevelt peace pro goslovakia to join in the antiPremier and Foreign Minister posals, which he describes as ab Comintern pact.
are to go later to Berlin to surd and unjustifiable, as also Noture has provided us with a lorge variety of edible Poland has announced het recomplete negotiations. Fas the more recent large increase fusal to participate in the nonfrpits and vegetables. These develop much food values cist said the trend toward to Germany armed forces. aggression pact of England and when ripened but are entirely devoid of them if eaten in on closer association had alrea Regarded as a peaceful gestu France if Russia be a party immature state, and are therefore merely destroyed and dy been established by Hun re toward France, General Fran thereto, and she has also declintheir usefulness lost.
garian adherence to the anti co has commenced the demobili ed to permit Russian troops and An oppreciable number of the Mongo trees ore to Comintern pact and withdra zation of a large part of the planes passing or flying bver wal from the League of Na forces he had distributed in the her territory. Nothing has yet be found on many of our City vacant lots ond around that tions.
vicinity of the French frontier, been released as to how this.
on which stends the general Municipal Market. Nature while preparations are stated to latest decision will affect the seem to have accorded them, ot this time, an unusually be underway to re embark nu propo:als which it had been abundant crop, and which we have no doubt would evenmerous contingents of the Ita hoped would have eventually tually be of much value to many around us, but it is deplorNEW YORK. The Natio lian troops after the celebrations allowed the Soviet Union to join nal Maritime Union state of 15th. May.
forces with those of the other able to see the destruction being carried out by the gangs strike which had been called From Sofia it is reported that nations, who had already conof children who carry on an open stoning warfare on these as of midnight the 19th. as the government of Rumania has sented to form a united front absolutely immature fruit. This is a serious evil, for aport a result of the collapse of ne offered to cede Bulgaria a part against the aggressive activities from the wanton destruction of the frpit, pedestrians along gotiations between the Union of the Dobruja ferritory in ex of the Totalitarian nations.
the public thoroughfores are exposed to bodily harm from and four Oil Companies, had the hurling of the numerous sticks and stones. few tied up oil tankers all along Latin American Nations Approve President Roosevells days ago we noticed one of these sticks, which had apparenthe Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
Nearly 5, 0000 crew members ITDA Peace Appeal tly got stuck on o branch of one of the trees, fall ond hit aboard 136 tankers were calo womo non her way out of the market. It is bad encugh led cut and Union officials mands that the United States ministration reported, with ex While a swelling tide of de. for at least ten years, the Adwhen this kind of conduct is displayed on suburban lots, but said 25 tankers were tied up steer clear of war, regardless pressions of pleasure, that the when indulged in right in the heart of the city where our at New York, of what happens in Europe, is message to the Dictatons had people frequent most, it becomes a matter which we think said to have swept over the developed world. wide pubcalls for some definite action. We hope that in the interLegislative Body in session in lic opinion for peace.
est of public safety our Municipal Fothers will endeavour to BURGOS. General Fran Washington, in the aftermath The arrival in Washington rid us of this destructive and dangerous diversion.
of President Roosevelt co started demobilization of ap of the replies from the Latin his Spanish army fith an or peal to Hitler and Mussolini American governments dis(To Page 9)
ENGLAND AND FRANCE SECURE CO OPERATION 200, 000 troops from all secOF RUSSIA tions of Spain on the 19th, ins THE PROMOTION OF DR. SALISBURY tant. It is estimated that the We gladly note the announce dent for the entire country.
Nationalist government had LONDON, 21st. In well, viets will, it is expected, mate at least a million men under ment that as a result of a rear with Dr. Oscar Pacheco ls his informed circles it is stated that rially affect the support prerangement and extension of the Assistant.
the Soviet Union has decided to viously anticipated from PoUnited Fruit Company Medi As it is understood that these unconditionaly join England and land and Rumania, as both naWASHINGTON. The names of their activities, there is to our next issue, we take this cal Services throughout the Zo changes will come about prior France in resisting aggressive actions are unwilling to permittion will parade much of its every possibility of Dr. Salis opportunity of tendering! Drs, tivities in Europe.
Soviet troops crossing their res The information declared that pective frontiers. On the other when the first formal fleet re much appreciated Superinten mest congratulations on their sea power on the 27th. instant bury, the widely known and Sali: bury and Pacheco othr war Russia is disposed to militarily hand, it is felt that the formaand economically assist the An tion of this new triple alliance view to be held in the Atlan dent of the our local Hospital, preferment, with the sincere glo French front for the main will have far reaching effects on ed off the Virginia Capes. Na and more important position of greater heights in their chosen tic in five years will be stag being appointed to the higher hope they will continue to attain tenance of peace in Europe. This the activities of the nations agreement on the part of the So with aggressive intentions.
vy officials emphaiszed that General Medical Superinten field of labour.
the review had nothing to do with Europe crisis.
ROYAL NETHERLAND ROME. The Fascist Press have violently attacked President Roosevelt appeal for STEAMSHIP Co.
a guaranteed peace for at least the next decade, forshad SOS owing its rejection by both SERVICIO DE VAPORES (Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
Hitler and Mussolini. The newspaper Il Messagero chaSelidos semonoles de Limón pare Nueva York con racterized the appeal as an escola en Cristóbal y Habone act of war which fits into the PROXIMAC SALIDAS DE LIMON: general offensive promoted Levendo café para todos los puertoo 4511 by the plutocratic democrablind Europeor y Americonos cies against the proletarian nations.
VAPORES SALIDAS LONDON Intensified ef forts continue to get both Tur key and Bulgaria German al CHIRIQUI Abril 23 lies in the world war, into the TALAMANCA Abril 30 OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 French British front of nations. Success hinges on the QUIRIGUA Mayo FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG conversations in Moscow, So fia and London, and until results are known, it is unlikely that agreements with Tur ALVARADO y Cia. Sucs. key alone will be announced.
It has also been stated that Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Agentes. ED JANIN Co.
Britain is interested in the Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la independence of the NetherGENTES EN LIMON: lands, Switzerland and DenUNITED FRUIT COMPANY mark, but no specific commit en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs. enents to assist any of these countries have yet been maTELEFONO 3156 tumde.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
19 UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Costa Rica. 28 de Abril

    CominternEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerMussoliniSovietSpainURSSUnited FrontWorld War

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