
TAGE 10 THE ALTANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th. 1939 have was now a Whats Sance for the YOUNG SALVATIONISTS MADE WELCOME FOR SALE BABYLONIA FARM Goose, is not Sause Day by day the local Unit, by one of the visiting of cers vering more ground in the me was fittingly extend Banana Farm in the Hone Creek District. fort he Gander spiritual field and helping Mr Jos. Thomas whid 35 Hectareas in full bearing. three new.
the community to sip deeper followed by a stirring Camps, Mules, Mare and colt, 15 Head mixed Cows.
from the fountain of God dress by Mrs. Henr Also Four Apartment Cottage at Cieneguita with all modern conveniences.
BERLIN. After having de wonderful Love to sinful hu behalf of the Women rided the British in the press, manity. me League which has a on the radio and in cabaret This was manifested APPLY. RICHARDS, Box 181, Limon or on bership of 101. The because Japanese sentries at the night of Thursday the People Unit was effed Penshurt Farm, Estrella.
Tient on forced British sub 17th instant when we had an represented by Miss jects to undress, the German incident similar to that recor Taylor. It was rather a Ar Nazi press at Danzig is now de ded in history regarding one tie moment when old him nouncing Poli terrorism and of the great Sr. Paul accom mie Mairne the 91 yelita THE BOCAS. CUBA ENCOUNTER lack of culture because Poplishments during his mis Comrade, expressed hores lish customs officials allegedly sionary journey to the Chur and thangsgiving to Godext This game was in honour re MsGuinness when there are forcing susnected Danzi. ches in Asia Minor. the on The messages respeche of Mr. E Bookout, but was a mix up between Seger to strip.
ly difference being instead expressed by Capt. wel he was unfortunately unable cond and Third Base runners The Danziger Neueste Nach of the breaking down of an son, and Lieutenants My to be present and Mr. Billy the inning terminated with richten charges many Danzi upper loft, it was the fall of nett, Walters Sau Graham was asked to pitch two runs in their favour gers were forced to undress a few sills in the flooring of and Ifill, the transien les the first ball.
The Cubs failed completely where they could be seen by Major Lynch Hall due to re very interesting and the The temperature was ra in their turn. It was obviuos passersby.
the large number of persons tuoching, particularly she ther mild. There was scarce at this jundture, that Paul, Even if they (Poles) have who had thrunged there to by Lieut. Ifill, who de ly standing room in our well who started the pitching for no culture. says the Nachrich. welcome the five young co the mark of powerful repaired Stadium, and the the homesters, should they apparently believe loured Officers on their way nius in the works of dr with semi enclosed Diamond was been relieved, but he was that in doing this they are to Trinidad and British Guia souls to God. The visitan a very welcomed improv kept on to the Seventh. With giving thew proof of their na from the Army Prepara we doubt not, producedy ment. it blocked out all Miller dropping a catch at high moral and cultural le tory Institution for Officers ting impressions and of unauthorized persons. The a very crucial period and vel.
in Kingston, Jamaica. Great procal nature, The press in Sporting Fans along the fen Babb giving free passages to Germany, was the impression made by which found ces were exceptionally nume liners which went his de great way, amusement the Young pligrims. This Journal adopts than when the rous. It was freely expreasse Pocas made two more runs.
Japanese stripped The Meeting was opened dium of adding its quae ed by the Visitors that they The tricky Candella again Britons has ignored the Dan by the Major in his characte, the good hishes already is had come specially to whip wrought havoc with the lo zig charge.
ristic manner After the readtended the Young Sal the Cubs, and were well pre cal batsmen in their Seventh ing of the Scripture lesson nists pared to do so. They did it inning. Bailey too they crowned their ambi brought on to pitch. The SIXTEEN CHILDREN IN FITtion with a score of six runs Eighth. Candella made (Literature Sent in English) ties against four by our boys. daisy liner and got safe to TEEN YEARS OF MARRIED Their pitcher Candella was Third, but was pegged in a LIFE marvellous. It was a ham force off. The succeeding bats Ilustrese en las enseñanzas de los secretos mer and nail contest, and nen scored one run. In their our side broke down from corresponding de los Rosicrucianos inning As guests of the New York pir tre fourt inning Boy found themselves on World Fair, in connection ce again at the mercy of the with the Twins Day celebra Los secretos de las enseñanzas de los Rosicrueianos se olchi The Cubs had a brilliant rapid and effective deliveries tion recently observed there ce a todas aquellas personas quienes desean aprovecha te start, and up to the Third of the visiting pitcher, and Harry Fifield, rated as the de ellos para mejorar y perfeccionar su intelesto o fa inning had registered three Samuels, Ralph and Kerr we foremost specialist in twins in tades internas, para sobrevenir los obstáculos que dial runs with their mente se les atraviesa en el curso de la vida; la Organi you the the United States of America, is opponents ce respectively left at ción Internacional de Rosicrucianos será feliz en red we shewing nil. George Hart Plate.
now in that city with his wife made a great three bagger and brood from their home in solicitudes de aquellas personas quienes creen en kun recimiento y senceridad determinan los derechos de la ping in the Second inning but he The final reached Putman, Connecticut.
sona para obtener esas inteligencias: a ellos, les si tal needed some more hedp. The and the Cubs gained one mo Mr. and Mrs. Fifiela have enviada una copia del folleto.
in for the visitors. They had e run, which left the visi been married fifteen years dur. LA HERENCIA SECRETA. un libro de fascinación, Di Fourth was a great revival tors the victors with six ing which time sixteen children será obsequiado sin costo alguno; sea este libro una si found Maitland, our Pitcher, runs against four.
were born to them. Margaret, usted hacia los planes conservativos mediante el cuba a stream of two baggers took aged 13, is the eldest of the podréis ensanchar el radio de su Poderio Personal.
the Diamond and they regis tered their first run. To ma showing in general. They also died. The others, all alive, The Cubs made a very poor children her twin, a boy, died in infancy. The following two DIRIJASE sencillamente su solicitud a Scribe ke matters worse, Tasse who are capable of doing Amoro Temple, Rosicrucian Park, San José de Califord was a wizzard behind the pla better. Apart from the tight are Claire and Della, aged 11: Harriet and Helen, 9; Charlotte, te, got one of his fingers pitching, no greatness was fractured and Ralph had Elizabeth and to observed in the foreign batte a single. be used in his place. Thery However, spilt. milk canHarry, 7; David and Paul, 4: Fifth was negative for both not be reclaimed. Perhaps Richard just wecks, Mr. Fifield Franklin and Eleanor, and sides. The visitors mastered they have learned a lesson wife the pitching in the This is what a writer, in a wilted of Sixth Messrs. Pearsoll and Frank is 59 years old, his first discomfort and coupled with a very Mc Guinness were the Umpi died leaving a daughter, now recent issue of the New York man who has drunk doubtful decision my. Umpi res.
16 years of age. The present Times, had to say of the old wife is 37 years.
and universally appreciated (To Page 11. Dish.
Although ie was a interesting the ather day to read that a SALOMON CHIN man had been lured from suici de by the promise of a beef stew it was not unreasonable.
ESTRADA For a well cooked beef stew is one of the treasures of li LA IBERIA No incurra en el generalizado error de creer que siempre fe. Any man would be willsobra tiempo para pensar en acumular reservas para cuando ing to go on living indefinite Articulos del país la vida decline.
ly with an occasional beef stew in sight. The word Abarve us y Licores stew has some vulgarizing. Precios económicos Piense que mañana mismo Ud. puede necesitar urgentes connotations. Frequently recursos económicos, como si la hora de su vejez hubiese soit is used to describe the our DOC was a BEEF STEW SU VEJEZ COMIENZA HOY nado ya Nuestra CAJA DE AHORROS le garantiza el futuro. BANCO DE COSTA RICA FOR SALE AT SWAMP MOUTH Property of 25 Hectareas. One House number of Cows and other Animals. Fine Location for Pasture. Part in Cultivation.
Apply: W, Jackson Opposite Post Office Limon.
SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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