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SATURDAY ST26th. 1959.
THE ALTANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 26th. 1930 ELCOME GRAN BARATILLO DE MERCADERIAS he visiting mmunity ngly extend homas a stirea fear e Women which hasi was elis y Miss he 91 ressed Pit ble transie who of with Manager stew.
rather Arriving on Saturday mor chito suffered the same fate (From Page 10)
KLIM GIVES BABIES THE aing the 19th instant, the vi but Ruben sent a hot liner to than he can carry. Calling sitors readily made themsel. Second, which slipped by a man a big beef stew is BODY BUILDING ELEMENTS THEY NEED ves at home. Our citizens and McGuinness made the not nice. But the beef stew ng to Gextended them their accusto plate safely. The Visitors is the king of dishes; and respamed joyous welcome. There made one more in the Sixth many people, otherwise sensi Capt Zwere signs of rain from ear Fermanckle, the Bocas who, find themselves V. Sila heavy shower fell. It was and nantly morning and around noon cher was now well primed eating filet mignon or roast the required three turkey with giblet gravy at. feared that the game with Outs came in his favour in formal banquets wish very ming and the Torbillinos would be wathe Torbillino Sixth.
The devoutly that they could ncularly shed out but at about one scores were now two runs spend the evening at home o clock a change came a for each side.
with a huge bowl of beef மய னt and we were blessed In the Seventh, an ideal temperature Padilla effected a change in Incredible as it may seem e vial during the remainder of the his battery. Pitcher Graham there can be bad beef stews.
replaced Japp Bocas did They are too watery and too and not score in this inning. The remote from the cow. For This Match was in honour Eighth created much excite cooks with depraved imagiof our genial First Coman ment The visitors, seemin nations think they can toss Ppts dante of plaza. He pitched gly recharged, went after la beef stew together in a bo its the first strike to the drinking water as you need first the pitching with an effort, red couple of hours. But KLIM supplies all the vital elements that pure, fresh milk to feed your baby.
alread visiting batsman, which was crowned with show us the cook who is wi fresh milk contributes to None is wasted because you ng Si The game began very en two runs. The Eighth for or lling to devote two days to straight bones, strong teeth use only as much Klim as you In the job and we will introdu and resistance to disease.
couragingly. The play mov boys was another nil.
need at the moment. the ed evenly up to the third the final for rest will keep for weeks even That is because Klim is Bocas, humanitarian their ce you to a pure, fresh milk.
after the tin has been opened.
inning. Each team had a se first batsman made a safe First, brown the meat. Then This makes Klim economical.
ries of s. Japp was pitſ hit the next in order drove dump in a can of tomatoes Klim is fresh milk powching for the homesters and a carpet sweeper and; his Add carrots and onions dered. just the water re Notice, too, how all the moved, nothing added. and fresh, natural flavor of fine had a good length on his de predecessor reached the ho plenty of onions mind you!
crelo: milk remains in Klim packed by an exclusive liveries on the fourth inning me plate unobstructed. The Season with peper, salt and process that insures the unchanged. Order Klim being reached our boys se end was reached with a to two teaspoonfuls of thyme milk reaching you just KLIM for your baby today.
parated from the friendly tal of five runs for Bocas. In Let er simmer all day in a as fresh as it is a few mood and registered a single Torbillino Ninth, Graham covered casserole. Let er sit hours after milking. You while the visitors were still and Mascot respectively rea all night in the refrigerator mix it with boiled or orech kept in check. None of them ched First by the complimen As the supreme hour approa did had up to this point gone be tary route. Altimont made a ches on the second day, add The Milk That Keeps.
Orgur yond First Base. They, ho swell liner which sent home peeled potatoes and cook on And Keeps Its Natural Flavor thwever, broke their ducks Graham. However they we the top of the stove until in the fifth inning by scorre dismissed after adding the potatoes are done. Serve!
baying one run. Torbillino re only one to their total which er up in a mammoth bowl taliated with a similar score brought the final to three in the center of the table, in the corresponding inning. runs.
and let every man Jack pitch LUMBER DEPOSIT SMYTH ARREA acil During that performance At the close of the game, in until he is exhausted. SoW Frank McGuinness made a the Colonel complimented the me folks use cabbage and (Previously SAITA de brilliant liner to First, then visitors and presented them turnips, too, which is perfecThe Best Assortment of First Class trickily advanced to Third with a bat and ball Messrs. tly all right. The main thing LUMBER ON THE MARKET Altimont, who followed, was Phipps and Babb were is to let er sit all night in the Administrator in Limon. Alfredo Cañas cooked at the plate. Pan the Umpires.
libri refrigerator. That helps the LAUREL nd CEDAR savor of honest beef stew reach out in all direcWE BUY LOGS SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR TOMORROW tions, making every portion APARTADO. 197 From 10 The inauguration of the equally poetic. whose reputations have been o clock in the Saw Mill located in Siquirres morning to tlantic Basketball Club will firmly established, are on the is mark another bright period Programme slated to start away past midnight it at of in the St. Anthony Calendar. three o clock in the afternoon.
any man delight.
It is one of its Auxiliaries, Ample preparations have been The Inaugural ceremony will made to accommodate at least preciative smacks of local be preceded by an up to the tive hundred persons, so none connoisseurs minute Pleasant Sunday After need keep away. The function Viene de la pág. UNO pital y aumento de gastos, en noon Programme. Any one mis will be held in the Catholic KEEP con el Gobierno, la firma Nie planillak, pepuestos, combustising this classical entertainment Schoolroom.
YOUR haus debe servirse de las lan ble, etc. todo para Ilnar más will, it has been reported, be At the corresponding hour, chas Moderno y Alpha pa satisfactoriamente las obligacioEYES committing an almost unpardo. the Obed Temple Nº 12, Order ra el servicio a los puertos de nes del contrato y para servir nable wrong to the Community of Mosaic Templars, wili hold Cahuita y Puerto Viejo y esa o. mejor a la provincia de Limón, Welfare activities.
their annual Thanksgiving Serbligación se traspasó al señor donde tienen los señores NieMany of our young Artistes, vice in the Hall of the Loyal USE Ernest, quien la realiza con re haus fuertes intereses, Phoenix Lodge opposite, the gularidad y eficiencia, No quie. Las lanchas Energy y EsCosta Rica Soda Water Factory.
re decir eso que los señores Nie pañola han realizado en el mes cordial invitation is extended EYES haus hayan abandonado sus o de agosto ocho viajes, para pesASK YOUR DRUGGIST the public.
bligaciones, car tortuga, facilitando, a la vez, Para la pesca de tortuga esa el tráfico de pasajeros y carga.
firma ha contratado, también, En lo sucesivo la Energy y los servicios de la lancha Espa. la Santa Elena alternarán en SASTRERIA SPORT ñola y esa actividad beneficia el recorrido de la costa de Bluegrandemente a este puerto: vi fields a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo, Philip Brown LaFuente ven de ella no menos de 50 pes tocando en los demás puertos Cardui helps to relievo cadores y 24 tripulantes. intermedios, Colorado, Manzani.
functional pains of menSerie EXCELSIOR. Favorecido el Nº 126, pertenecienBuscando un mejor serviciollo y teniendo como base cenof stration; and, in cases te al Sr. GEORGE WILLIAMS.
de conexión entre los puertos de tral, Limón.
or of malnutrition, it aids Favorecido el 25, perteneciente al Sr. FERNAN Sixaola y Bluefields, con un trá. En esta forma, no puede dein building up the whole DO DEL BARCO OROZCO. Este sorteo se efectuó fico dos veces por semana, se cirse que los contratistas del system by helping women la semana antepasada.
ha dispuesto poner al servicio servicio de cabotaje, aludidos, en to get more energy VISTASE con VESTIDOS hechos de esta CASA otra lancha, la Santa Elena. no cumplen con su obligación, y on from their food que llegó de Colón y reune in nos complacemos en reconocery quedará bien vestido.
mejorables condiciones.
lo así.
Esto significa inversión de ca.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
an We think we hear the ap LA FIRMA GMO.
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