
ATLANTIC VOICE Editor, Jos Thomas PO Box. 199 Year VIII Limon, September 12 1942 341 Our One Hundred and Twenty first Anniversary The Thought for the Week On The Several War Fronts Allied troopa Experience clearly informs us that misery does not make all virtuous; though it is no less certain On Tuesday next, the Fifteepth, Costa Rica will cethat of what virtue there is, misery produces, by lebrate the one hundred and twenty first appiversary of far, the greater part Physical evil may, there her political independence, fore, be endured with patience, since it is the cause The marked progress which this, the most southern of the Central American Republics, has achieved, since of moral good. Patience of itself is one virtue by ker, liberation from the control of Spain is truly represen.
which we are prepared for that state in which tative of the fundamentals which pioneered its Indepenevil shall be no more.
dence. The period has been productive of many noble thiogs, in the forefront of which is the democratic Cons titution we all enjoy.
The approaching commemorative date will find our beloved country in the vap with the united Free Nations Notwithstanding the very 42 of their infantry division who are in the throes of the greatest world struggle to precarious position in which and 25 brigades during the subdue totsali tarian aggressior, ruthlessness and all other it is said the Soviet forces, same period.
undemocratic activities. She has already contributed, in operating in the Stalingrade So badly beaten have the part, to the supreme price, and nor withstanding further sector and the Caucasian re. foroes of General Rommel menace is resolved to the supreme price, and notwith. gions, are placed, in conse been by the standing further menace is resolved to keep in the fight quence of superiority of that they are reported to have until civilization shall have been frecd from tyrannic evils enemy air foroes, last moment had to retreat completely beand huma pity regain the right of liviag a life of freedom advices seem to point to a trend yond the British mine fielda and happiness. We breathe the sincere wish that this for the better.
and abandoned large quantities goal shall have been reached long ere the arrival of the During the period from 1st.
of their heavy fighting mate15th day of September 1943.
May to 31st. August last, the rial. The RAF and Allied Air Germaus lost 765, 000 of their Units continue to inflict heavy man power on the Russian damage on the more important fronts, according to an official enemy bases end lines of statement from Moscow. The communication. As well as on Soviets admit serious losses in Pasa a a página Arriving on the 8th. instant entire trend of the war in th in Angora from Egypt, WenNear East and will, eventually, dell Willkie, the personal reeffect a total change on all Limon Visited by Minister of Public the fronts in favour of the presentative of President Roos Health and Other Personages Allieds.
evelt who has been visiting It has since been reported Exceedingly welcomed was Sanitary Office of Washing the battle fronts in Russia that General Rommel health the visit of the Minister of ton who are commissioned to and the Near East, gave the has become so badly impaired Public Health to our city cooperate with our govern following declaration to the that ke has been recalled to accompanied by the Engi ment functionaries, in connecPress.
neers of the Pan American tion with the disbursing of «Rommel has been beaten Germany.
the half a million dollarg and is virtually disarmed in granted by the North AmeriEgypt. The truth regarding the Allied viotory has not yet RICE, lbs. 65 AT can government to effect im.
provements in the general been told. Rommel bad unhealth and sanitary conditions premeditatedly attacked the of Costa Rica, Allied positions which resnlted Sugar Head. 70 in the destruction of about 30 Coffee, Ib.
The tour of inspection coveQuaker Oats 50 Starch, lb.
red several important points one hundred of his two hnn. 035 Black Beans, lb. 20 Salt, lbs. 35 in and around our city, indred and ninety first line tanks cluding the «Jamaica Town and a considerable number of We offer courtesy, lower prices, fresh merchandise settlement. Attention was alhis troops. saw the ruins of so given the proposal for the Share in. 45. 00 Merchandize Prices.
the tanks in the desert with construction of a new stadium my own eyes and am convinEACH WEEK on our public playground.
ced that Rommel lost forty LA PROVEEDORA Limón The starting of the work on the per cent of his force. This different projects is Axis defeat has changed the anxiously waited.
Rommel Virtually Disarmed LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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