
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday September 12th. 1942 Two American Submarines for Allied use Britain National Debt According to the infor stated, an increase of more mation released by the go. than 674 000 000 pounds veroment, the national debt durlog the previous twelve of Great Britain totalled months.
14, 073. 499 359 pounds ster In this connection, it is ling on the 318t. March interesting to note that, last. This represents, is was accordiog to announcement of the British Minister of Mr. Hamer visitsus Finance, the average daily Mr. Hamer, the newly as cost of the war is now arosigned Manager of the Costa und forty nine million do Rica Banana Company, wis lars.
among those who visited our city last week end. He left, Desintegrada.
we gather, for a tour of inspection of the Company inViene de la ira, página terests in the Almirante re pera defioitiva a quien co.
rresponden sus obligaciones y deberes. En San José, yi ng the White Ensign of the Royal Navy, in a Hitler Needs Ships el problema desde luego es Naval base, an ex American Submarine is here seen being So sadly in need of ships mucho más secillo porque handed over to the British Fleei. second vessel has s2 apparently is Hitler that he allí es muy fácil distribuir milarly been taken over in America by the Polish Navy. is reported ta have demanded en las distiotas dependen.
The former carries a crew of 30 and the latter of 40. the delivery of 200, 000 tons clas adininistrativas las fun.
Both submarines were transferred under the terms of the of vesssels of the merchant ciones que a la Junta co.
Lease Lend Act.
class from France. The Vi rrespondían. Pero en esta chy authorities are said to ciudad es necesario definir On The Several War.
have rajected the demand.
esta situación lo más pron.
As Frauce owas 130, 000 to posible. Continuamente Viene de la 7a. pág.
reverses in the SB omon Isles tons of the total, the Nazi their naval qpits in the Meli. may oblige them te modify Dictator has made claim to se presentan dificultades de ca terranean.
their plans for futnre activi the remaining 70, 000 which que aunque no son Followiag on their defeat by ties, though they believe the appertains to Belgium, Ho.
racter grave, sl entorpecen the North American forces on Invasion of Sibsria will be lland, Yugoeslavia and other el desenvolvimiento de la the Salomon Islands and other effected as soon as what is countries occupied by him, vida corriente, points, the Japanese are considered a favourable op.
on the ground that this is in esta situación se normalice ported to bave launched a big portunity presents itself. keeping with the desire of lo más pronto posible en offensive against Port Moresby these countriefs.
beneficio general, Ninew Guinea.
The Chinese continue to reMr. Johnson Desert map readers training for the libyan offensive gister gains in their offensive, We understand that the reoapturing much territory and services of Mr. A. Johnson, several points of stretagis im who was in charge of the portance.
Transportation Department of The RAF have continued the Northern Raiw. y Company their daily and nightly raids have been diepenged with.
over Germany and the occupied Mr. Johnson W19 widely teritories, where they cause kwa throughout this Zone serious destruction to lh Axis and will be greatly missed war lodustry and pavel and We wish him every military bases.
in whatever sphere of actiMilitary circles are of the vitics he may hereafter be opinion that the Japanese engaged.
Ojalá que resuccess NOTICE Engineering Requirements to dara todos sus trabajos Address all your de Ingeniería dirijase a ROIG Box 523 Teléfonos 2938. 3201, or 5319 SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable. Precios módicos. British Military map readiog class in the Western Desert receiving instruction in the taking of bearings by compags, and the mapping out of the wastes oi the Desert in eparation for the second itish offensive agaiost the Axis forces.
These soldiers have qualified in actual map reading.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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