
THE TROUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Every whisper of infamy is industriously circulated, every hint of suspicion eagerly approved and every failure of conduct joyously published by those, Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 whose interest, it is, that the eye and voice of the pubilc should be employed on others. not on them.
YEAR VIN Limon, Octo ber 24th. 1942 347 selves.
REGARDING THE WAR panese in Burma is about to Moscof reports that the Navi the loss of the destroyers Me.
offensive in the northwestern redith and Brien, Whibe Ja Conditions are fast approaA NATURAL OCCURRENCE sector of Stalingrado had been pan losses are officially plac ching a crisis in unoccupied checked, while the heavy rains ed at 452 airplanes, 10 war France in consequence of the had minimized enemy opera ships sunk and 29 others damag opposition of the general, po. 000 tions in the city. The exreme ed and probably sunk.
pulace to the persistent efforts cold and There are certain natural incidents, whose approach claimed to be seriously oppressed on the enemy units located with industrial workers, snowfall are also Additional losses were inflict of Laval to supply Germany and form of activtiy none can either apparently hasten oring the Nazi hordes.
in Buin last Thureday night. the threat of the Nazi high fard. Hence our sympathy for the increasing number of Information from the Cauca In view of the powerful naval command to resort to the use men who constantly return here from the Monte Verdesian regiong indicate that after force the Britsh have consentrat pf forcee if the required number gions as a consequence, they claim, of fever.
ten days of resistence the defena ed in the Indian Ocean it is thau is not forthcoming.
We do not for a moment doubt the correctness of this ing forces had scceeded in de ght the offensive against the Ja sertion, but it should be borne in mind that during the taining the advance of 45, 200 Nazis. The Rumanian troops NAZISM VS. CHRISTIANITY itial stages of all agricultural activities, more especially are continuing their efforts to ose which embrace the opening up of dense woodlands, break through the Soviets der of the Catholic mission on the lands.
The bishop and seven priests goer, one of the group of Islaria and other health destroying ailments will be fences for an advances toward Kai Islands, off the northern venty years old and is said The Bishop was secountered untli such time as the efforts of the medicos Taupse southeart of Novoross coast of Australia, were shot to have spent the greater part isk. sanitary experts become effective.
The Allied Air Units domina by the Japanese troops shor of his life among the natives.
It was so during the pioneering days of this very city te, it is stated, the situation in tly after landing on Langwhen hardly any of those who lived for lengthened the north and south Pacific riods in the interior of the country could withstand the Their persisent and effective CENTRAL AMERICA THREATENED WITH CONFLICT stilential attacks. Today, we live in a city as healthy as attacks in the area of the Say other tropical city which possesses modern sanitary have frustrated, for the present which have reached us dur parently known on this side, lomon Islands are reported to According to the information the disagreement is not ap.
ovisions In the course of time, therefore, the rigid sanita redith and Brien, while Ja ing th epast couple of days, a we understand that the press on and other health protective activities now underway panese to recapture the conflict exists between cer of Guatemala aggravated the Monte Verde will eliminate the unhealthy conditions. portant strategic base of Guada tain of our Central American situation by certain publicaeantime, we urge all to be courageous and combat as best canal. As a result of the acti Republics and has intensified tions against the President of ey can the dangers and thereby contribute their hit toward vities in this area during the lo a degree which the loca: Nicaragua end failed to make past several days the e development of an industry destined to materially as Viited press regard as critical. amends when presented with States Marine Department report our economic resuscitation and provide us eventually, Though what gave rise to a protest by the diplomatic ith a permanent and appreciable source of revenue. Let TODAY EDUCATIONAL ASSEMBLY IN SAN JOSE representative of General 4o 21. za.
never be despaired. o0o It is further stated that SO The Congress of the coun, Republic at a. today Honduras is allied with Guatry Educators will convene and close with one by the temala while El Salvador into HOLLYWOOD STORE today in the National Theatre Minister of Public Education ends to keen clear of the conAll teachers, whether funct during the afternoon tomor ict, and Costa Rica to interioning on behalf of the govern row. Having regard to the pre vene in an effort to bring SALOMON BERENZON ment or privately, were reparation sachieved by the or about an amicable settlement quested to nominate a dele enizing Committee, it is ex of the difficulty.
LIMON gate from their respectiverected that much good will It has since been announced localities to attend the Confe result therefrom in the inter that Guatemala has officially Grand Assortment of Silk Stockings 50 upwards.
sts of the country educa zefuted the assertions and We learn wiht interest that tioral advancement.
states that nothing has occur The Hollywood store in its new location downstairs Miss Olimpia Trejos, the Dired to disturb her good relathe American Vice Consulate of this city offers to restress of the local Girls inns with Nicaragua.
its esteemed patrons a complete new stock of the School, has been selected to best fabrics and other necessities.
represen tthe teachers in the service of the government in Juan PRICES WITHOUT COMPETITION nis Zone, while don Bta. Peralta, the Director of the Tomas Guardia School, OSTS was elected as the delegate LIBERIA BREAKS WITH THE AXIS COMBINE on behalf of the city private educators.
SERVICIO o0o The conference will open By way of Rome we have the of the changes which have occu with a discourse by His Ex formation that the West Afri rred in the Cabinet of the Re cellency the President of the Republic of Liberia has se public of Chile it wont be many red diplomatic relations with days before that South Ame FINLAND WANTS PEACE a nations of the Axis combi rican Republic also breals rela.
tionship with the Totalitarian o0ot is atrongly expected in die nations, Information received in Lon partir de esta fecha y a causa de atic circles that in view don by way of Switzerland la situación anormal, cualquier informe said to have disclosed Marshall Mannerheim, the Com respecto a reservaciones de pasajesy esmander in Chief of the armed pacio para carga, no pudiendo atenderforces of Finland, recently sent MIXTURA lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado a communcation to His Holiness the Pope en the ubjet of personalmente en nuestras oficinas en los separate Peace treaty for Fin.
The Marshall is supposed to LA DIARREA.
have asked the Pope to appro GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA ach the United States of Ameri ESPECIAL PARA LOS NIÑOS ca and Great Britian with view of securing the most fa.
donde nos esforzaremos como de costumvourable contditions on which DE VENTA EN TODAS LAS BOTICAS Finland could conclude a sepa. bre por llenar sus necesidades.
Depósito, Botica Guier, Cartago rate Peace Treaty.
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