
PAGINA SEIS ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th. 1942 MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Caribbean Packing Company We always buy Cacao Avelino de la Peña Co.
Co. Sucs.
Prayer. Those GO TO THE VOGUE Chip ATLANTIC BAR AND RESTAof the Pioneer, Rogers URANT. Best and highest Transcendent knowledge in up grades native and foreign liquor.
to date American Cutting and No adulteration. Short Orders Fitting, Opposite Limon Elec at Nights Courtesy and reliable tric Light Office. EDWARD service our Motto. 4th Avenue ROGERS.
and 7th. Street. CLEMENT ROBERTS, Proprietor.
WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND ECONOMY. Everything in ma, NEW The Cacao Farmers Friend HARLEM BAR AND chinery made or repaired, from RESTAURANT, The Best drinks a Pin to a Crane. See us. We prepared by Crawford and carry an assortment of Beds, Grant, Genuine native and forSprings and other useful things eign liquors stocked Our Cusiat all times. Building No. 89 ne service the most up to date.
North Fifth Avenue CRAWFORD AND GRANT, THOMPSON, Proprietor. Proprietors er vel LA BERTANA. Clean comCABINET AND UNDERTAK fortable lodgings. Ventilated ING SHOP. Specializes in mak Rooms, Olean Linen. Guests ex CINE MUNDIAL ing and repairing furniture and tended every courtesy. Moderaevery other branch of wood te Rates. You cannot escape Limon work. Coffins always stocked. seeing the Sign on approaching See us before going elsewhere. Hollywood Store. REDPrices moderate. 4th Street, GUARDS, Proprietress entrance to Gamez Lumber Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Manager FETED ON BIRTH Mr. Jos. Thomas, who hefried ARCHITECT AND BUILDER ANNIVERSARY the well prepared refreshment Years of practical knowledge, 1: Wie, requested Mr. Edwara Ro efficient, neat, accurate. These. gers to grace the festive Board.
my highest ambition Any design On Teestday of the week in avoury birthday speeches In wood turned out with grati course. Time brought in its punctuated the partaking of the L ACEN fying results. Offiee and shop! evolution, the sixtieth annivers rich dainties and seasing 5th Avenue, North ary of the birth of Mr. Boz beverages. Mrs. Abbott CHAS RODEN.
well of our city, and as he was contributed a splendid cong and ELO away from home on his regular Mrs. Grant recited a rhayime 1282 avocation, Mrs. Bozwell was able in complete harmony with the MATERIALES DE ZAPATERIA THE RESETTER WITH IM to perfect her plans for giving happy event. At the close of PROVEMENTS: clean up to him a surprise. She assembled the very enjoyable function Per date Barber Parlour Centrally her guests whom the shaded Teacher Abbott pronunced the CAL ZA DO located on: Commerce Avenue Black out lights heiped to almost opposite Teatro ArrasThose who helped to the pleasant surprise ky. Pleasant, reliable courteous keep from view while the hon.
LIMON ouree approached his home, Mr. party were Mr. and Mrs.
APARTADO 156 service. THOMAS PARCHMENT Hair Specialist Lewis was deputed to de: Abbott, Mesdames Williains, Weds art tract Mr. Bozwell attention th Brown, Grant, Keath, all was ready. Mrs. Ella Keath the Misses Rogers and THE ORIENTAL BARBER was the sentinel. Just as the can Roberts, Messrs. Lewis, MISS ALICE MURRAY THE BRIDE OF MR.
SHOP. The only one of its dles in the lovely birthday cake Rogers and Jos. Thomas.
kind with a service beyond com were lighted, the guest of hoLAWRENCE JAMES.
petition. All sanitary arrangenour arrived and was greeted ments Situated corner 7th.
During the Mr. and Mrs. James lef forenoon Street and Commerce with shouts of Happy birihAvenue, hours of for their home in Matina the day and the showering of con front the Football Ground, Low spes Prices. LIONEL MONDOL, Governor of office of the following morning. this province, cial Thanksgiving service Specialist.
The scene then changed and the Civil marriage of Mr was conducted at the Baptist WATER FACTORY Lawrence James and Miss Church in that township on 11th. La Voz REWARD REWARD Alice Murray, both of Mati Sunday the Fábrica de Hielo y na was effected. The Ace Atlantica adds its sincere con The Jehovah Witnesses offer a reward of One was impressively performed grats tó Mr. and Mrs James hu to any person by don Abel Robles, our wi and wishes them a long and sent the Bible to the below mentioned Sentences, Refrescos dely respected Governor. In and properous union.
in common use by religionists.
the evening of the same day, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy ihe religious ceremony asso VERY REPREHENSIBLE Ghost.
Limo in ciated with matrimony was That God will no more destroy this world by in the Baptist soleinnized informace that around the been afforded the Water, but by Fire.
Church with the Rev. For That Jesus exacts from His followers a tenth of FLORIDA ICE AND de officiating. Mr. Jos. Tho hour of p. last Sunday. while about their earnings or that they, His followers, should pay Tithes to Him or any mar were the witnesses. splen tions to God in the building zens were offering their devoFirst Corinthians Chapter verse FARM CO cid reception was afterwards known as Kingdom Hall Ephesian Chapter verse 6 given in the residence of Mr.
some lawless persons initiatIsaiah Chapter 44 verse LA FLORIDA and Mrs. Bozwell, when ma ed a stone Chapter 45 verse. 22 Isaiah throwing game ty expressions of congratula by way of the windows and Second Luke Chapter yerses 54:56 tions were tendered the new doors. One of the stones is Third Hebrew MADERAS Chapter verses 13 ly weds, to which Mr. Jasaid to have struck a worship Peter Chapter verse FABRICA DE HIELO més responded very effectiper on the temple, while vely another contacted a leg of the pr fficer, a Nos permitimos llamar su atención a ld nota al dorso we beg to call your attention to our remark at the back storming flowed.
a de su recibo que dice: Taking advantage of the of receipt which reads. Blackout. the perpetrators Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before of the repréhensible act måde dentro de los prmeros 10 días good their escape before they the 10th of the month could be iclenitfied. This is an de cada mês Be so good ag to comply with this request and do not example of the ome Le rogamos recordar esto y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, step which our people are de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
making use of the Civil Defence measures being enfor ced for the protection of all.
We understand the poliauthorities have been advise Lof the incitent: 9th.
COSTA RICA SODA instant in the ottice of fetti.


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