
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 30th. 1943 DEATH OF MR. EZEKIAH SAMUEL KIAH For more than two deca. Hs family, his fraternal des the name of Ezekiah and social associates, as also LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY zekiel Samuels, as weil as a large number of other his personality, were gene friends and acquaintances, rally known in this city and were somewhat bewildered FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS throughtout the province. on Friday, eight days ago, He was for many years a when informed that he had responsible employee of the succumbed in the San Juan LIMON SOAP FACTORY Cia. Bananera de Costa Ri de Dos Hospital, San Jose, ca. He was born in the pa as the result of a very painrish of Clarendon, Jamaica, ful injury. He had been, PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD and a son of the late Geor most unfortunately, the vic ge Samuels and Cordella tim of a fall while in the Mowatt, who survives him. performance of his work at (Fundada en 1910)
He migrated to this country the 25 Miles Abaca Indus in the years of his teens. try, and is said to have suf fered a broken leg and oth Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS er ill effects. He was brought to the local hospital LIVERPOOL LOSS and transferred to the Capi GARRON e HIJOS tal on the 13th. instant. He LIMON GAIN died eight days later.
By special arrangement APARTADO 417LIMON his remains were brought By the transfer of Mrs. There on last Saturday pas 100 Sarah Ricketts to this city, senger train. They were ta iectively performed by dist Circuit. To his widow: the residents of Liverpool ken from the railway sta Messrs. Hamilton, and other relatives we exare said to have sufered a tion to the Hall of the Chas, Edwards and Egbert tend our profound condogreat loss. Mrs. Ricketts was Grand United Order of Oda McCarthy. The religious lence. May his soul find Pe TEATRO MODERNO one of the outstanding land. Fellows, where the frantar ceremony was conducted by ace Eternal.
marks of the village and prona) rites, in conjunction with Mr. Angus of the MethoLunes 19 de Febrero minently associated with its the Guiding Star Lodge of FABULAS SUPERreligious, social and com the Independent Order of HOMBRE mercial features. We bid Good Samaritans and Daug her a glad welcome. hters of Samaria, were efMartes de Febrer PIRATAS DEL CABD MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Miércoles de Febrero ARCHITECT AND BUILDER THE ORIENTAL BARBER AMBICION Vears of practical knowledge, SHOP efficient, neat, accurate. These Located in front former Jueves de Febrero my highest ambition Any design in wood turned out with grati.
Motive Power Club in 3rd.
Del RANCHO a la CAPITAL fying results. Office and shop Avenue is the new parlour of 5th. Avenue, North the only Oriental Barber Shop Viernes de Febrero CHAS RODEN.
in this city. All sanitary Del RANCHO a la CAPITAL arrangements. Barber with Sábado, de Febrero THE RESETTER WITH IM years of practice in all classes LA ENREDADORA PROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. trial date Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most beated on Commerce Domingo de Febrero Avenue fastidious.
UNA NOCHE EN LISBOA almost opposite Teatro Arras.
LIONEL MONDON ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
ING SHOP. Specializes in mak Chungking, China. Relinquishing extraterritorial rights in SUDDEN DEATH EDIBLE OILS Ing and repairing furniture and China, British Ambassador to China, Sir Horace Seymour every other branch of wood. seated left) signs the Sino British Treaty at the Chinese It is with deep sympathy we of the Costarrican Oils and work. Coffins always stocked. Foreigfn Office in Chungking. Selated at right is, Dr. report the rather sudden temise Grease Company (Alajuela) ce as before going elsewhere. Soong, Chinese Foreign Minister, who signed for China, and of Mrs. Ann Wilson, a highly Enquire regarding quality Prices moderate. 4th Street, standing (right. is Sir Hugh Richardson, acting Agent regarded and widely esteen:ed and Factory prices of intrance to Gamez Lumber General of the Government of India, citizen She crossed the Gea!
Paris, Apdo. 537, San Jose Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Divide on the morning of the Manager 20th of the present month.
WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND LA FIRMA DE UN ACUERDO ENTRE LA GRAN BRETANA According to the information HARLEM ECONOMY. Everything in ma NEW BAR AND LA CHINA. Momento de firmar el Embajador británi released, she retired to rest the chinery made or repaired, from RESTAURANT. The Best drinks a Pin to a Crane. See us. We prepared by Crawford and co en la China, el tratado mediante el cual la Gran Bre previous night, apparently assortment of Beds, Grant, Genuine native and for taña renuncia a sus derechos extraterritoriales en China. good health. Early the followSprings and other useful things eign liquors stocked Our Cusi Sentado a la derecha se encuentra el Ministro de Asuntos ing morning she fell ill and was Exteriores chino, Dr. Soong. Mirando, de pie, se en where her spirit, shortly after rushed to the local hospita at all times. Building No. 89 ne service the most up to date.
North Fifth Avenue.
CRAWFORD AND GRANT, cuentra Sir Hugh Richardson, representante general del go took its flight to the Eternal THOMPSON, Proprietor. Proprietors.
bierno de la India, Giver The deceased was a native THEIR FOURTH of the parish of Clarendon in the Island of Jamaica. Her ANNIVERSARY first marriage was contracte with the late Spa! clingo Yesterday, the 29th. register the Collector Genecal Depart THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND ed the fcurth anniversary since ment in that Island. Her rem Major and Mrs. Thos. Lynchains were taken to the St. Mark WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO arrived here and took Church on the afternoon follo com.
mand of the local Mission of the wing her death; the religious Sa. vation Army.
ceremony was solemnly onduc Their coming has been pro Catechist Daysley concluded ed by the Rev. James Evan: luctive of much good, spiritual at the grave. Her loss is mouri ly, morally, intellectually and ed by two daughters, the Misse otherwise. They have during Alice and Grace Spalding, and WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR this period won the confidence a grand daughter, Miss Edni and esteem of our citizenry and Anderson, of the Nursing Staf also of those they have contact lof the San Juan de Dios Hospi ed elsewhere.
tal, San Jose. To these and We earnestly hope their lives all her other relatives thi will be spared to further their Journal extends its sincers CINE MUNDIAL humanitarian labours during condolence. May her soul resu many more years.
in Peace Perpetual. LIMON So many mothers could not be wrong when they say Our boys get their hair cut at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
Rubber Reserve Co.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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