
The Scotch Lily Lodge of ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with an excellent the Independent United Orcuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that der of Scottish Mechanics, If you are every particular at is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with affiliated with the Grand 25 a xed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient Lodge of Edinburgh, ScotABOUT YOUR CLOTHES service at all times by its new Proprietor.
land, convened a special sesion on Wednesday night ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS If you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at of the week in course. The important items transacted THE STANDARD are said to have been the elevation of several of the members to higher degrees, is certain to please you Mrs. Johanna Mata Saunders Passes into Eternity and the installation of the Administrative Personnel NELSON and SON TAILORS Ripened in age and truly ciated with the church in for the first siz months of resigned to answer the Grim this city, where the last sa the current year.
75 Yds, NORTH THE POST OFFICE IN FRONT keaper call, Mrs. Johanna cred tites were condueied Those who were the reciTHE CITY MARKET Mata Saunders passed to over her remains and con. pients of the honours are eternity on the morning of cluded at the grave by ine Miss Irene Stephens, Worthe 26th. Instant, zurrun mev. Forde.
thy Mistress: Mrs. Adora ed by her own offspring, her Among the surviving res Brown, Deputy Mistress: At the close of the very been plentifully showered grand and great grand chil latives are her daughters, Mrs. Samuels, Senior De impressive ceremonies, a on the newly installed offidren. She was bessert to mesdames Josephine Rodri acon: Mr. James Fowles, very appetizing and deli cers.
have lived for mere than guez, Louise Coward and Secretary: Mrs. Nelson cious supper is said to have ninety years on this univer Miss Emma Mata. Messrs. Treasurer; Miss Came been served, and to which se so beset with difficu:ties Guillermo, Tito and Arturo ron. Junior Deacon; Mr. many friends and the relati afflictions and a congiome. Coward, Mrs. Elena Bermu Smith. Tyler; Miss Bla ves of some o fthe members FROM LIVERPOOL ration of evils. Mrs. Mata dez, Mrs. Josefina Eccies ke, Hostess, and Mrs.
weré specially invited gu Saunders was a native of ton, Mrs. Ivy Sinclair, Mrs. Bennett, Sitting Past Mis ests. The after liquid service On Thursday the 21st, inthe parish of Si. Elizabeth Mrs. Maroquin, and the tress ktoasts are reported to have stant an Evening at Home in the Island of Jan area, Misses Rodriguez are among was given by the Liverpool and had lived in this Repu her twelve grand sons and Ladies Union. It presented a blic for nearly sixty years, daughters Her great grand GRAND OPPORTUNITY new creation in local social during which long period children rumber eighteen.
afafirs. Messrs. Graham.
shed maintained the highest The Atlantic Voice exSECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC Henry, Gray, Flines.
regard of all whom she contends its deepest sympathy Brown Shand, Hatacted. The Baptist Denonri to all the sorrowing ones.
can be purchased at very low prices.
milton and a few of the se nation was her chosen leed May the soul of our departnior day school scholars and for a long number of ed citizen find rest perpetuAll in serviceabie condition.
were the guests.
years she was actively asso al.
The Tea prepared by sis Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon.
ters. Shan and Murray was very delicious SisJUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella ter Henry was responsiPERSONAL SHORTS ble for the richly spiced san dwiches Two songs were contributed by the Tots business call has taken our activities. May she soon return SON OF E CO PRESIDENT KIILLED IN WAR which thrilled their listen good fellow towhuman, Mr. and help to rekindle cur frien ers. The speeches were rath Harold Smith, to the Capital. ship fire.
We very much regret having against the forces of Generaler inspiring. Miss Brown, He left by last Wednesday regu to mention the death of M: Sa Rommel in North Africa le the President of the Society, lar passenger train.
Among those who left us for muel Zemurray the son of Mr. leaves a widow, a daughter, six included express ons of We hope he experiences a the Capital last Sunday by the Samuel Zemurray, President of years old, and a son gust one Thanks to the invitees in pleasant time.
regular passenger train, were the United Fruit Company. mouth old. To them, his father her splendid address. The our popular citizens the Misses The deceased was an amation and his other sorrowing relati singing of the Union Ode.
Miss Clunie, who was on a Neomi and Carmen Taylor. Captain and met his death while ves, the Atlantic Voice ext. The Lord Watch, termavisit to our city during the past Miss Neomi is expected back leading his squadron in action lends its profound sympathy. nated the gathering, two and a half months, has re this afternoon, but her sister turned to her home in Cartago. will, we understand, be remain She wss quite a Welcomed ing for a longer period we hope guest to our citizenry and ma she will return icoking some de to feel at home in all circles. what as she did on a previous She attended severaj of our re occassion.
ligious and wholesome social. PETROLEUM SUPPLY COMMITTEE FOR COSTA RICA AVISO THE BURMA ROAD SUS Los que crean que exigencias de consumo de productos de petto.
leo deben ser clasificados en la categoria de esenciales para la guerra, deben enviar a esta oficina cuanto antes detalle de su consumo por cada mes durante los años 1941 y 1942 y lo que se calcule para ser consumido mes por mes durante ei año de 1943. Estos informes se necesitan de todas las industrias y empresas de transporte tales como: Lanchas en servicio de cabotaje, Vapores de servicio de alta mar, construcción de carreteras militares, la Defensa Nacional, Empresas die Transportes Aéreos, Exigencias Militares, Ferrocarriles Transcontinentales, Abacá, Hule, Balsa, etc.
As one after the other oi that way. Only a small China ports fell into the amount of her products went hands of the Japanese the to the Soviet Union over the Burma Road became, by the Sinkiang Road.
beginning of the year 1940 The road construction the only means by which was an amazing achieveFree China was able to conment. It was planned by nect with the outside world. two hundred engineers and All her military and civilian built by one hundred and requirements were received xty thousand men, with and her exports sentout primitive equipment, in less than twelve months.
The dynamiting of the rocks and levelling of the road bed were all done by human Land Running From Lashio, in Burma, to Kunming, the road is about 1, 600 miles long and rises, in places, to as high as 9, 000 feet. It passes over some two thousana carverts and three hun dred bridges. No machinery was used in its construction.
The cost was 16, 000. Chinese dollars equivalent to 200, 000 pounds sterling.
All those who believe their requireme nts for the consumption of Petroleum Products should be classified as essential for the War Effort, should send to this office at the earliest opportunity a detail of such consumption month by month during the years 1941 and 1942 and an estimate of their required consumption av months during the year 1943. This information is required from all industries and transportation concerns, including: Launches in coast wise service, oceangoing vessels, construction of Military Highways, National Defense, Commercial Airlines, Military requirements, Transcontinental Railways, Abaca, Rubber, Balsa, etc.
GAMBRINUS quita la sed y refresca OONDON, Secretario.
Apartado NO 30.
San José, Costa Rica.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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