
GOVT. INTERVENES IN PENSHURST TRAMLINE MATTER NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY With feelings of the high further mentioned that the est appreciation, we men Secretary of State haz taken tion the receipt of the in for up the matter with the parmation of the Government ties principally concerned intervention in the matter for the purpose of avoiding El día 15 de Febrero corriente se pondrá en vigencia un nuevo hoof the lifting of the fram the lifting of the linez line which connects the ne. which, if allowed, will, we rario de trenes cuyos principales cambios son: time great banana produc are assured, mean the iso El tren de pasajeros de SAN JOSE para LIMON saldrá de SAN ing farm of Penshurt with lating of a large number of JOSE a las 45 horas (en vez de 30 horas) los días domingo, the Hone Creek and other the people who inhabit thuregions. The step is said to se regions and seriously in martes, jueves y sábado, llegando a Limón a las 15. 40 horas.
have been initiated by the terfere with their agricultu El tren de pasajeros de LIMON para SAN JOSE saldrá de LIMON Minister of Agriculture innal activities and our econo response to representations mic interests.
a las 10. 00 horas (en vez de 11. 00 horas) los días domingo, lunes, from this end. It has been miércoles y viernes, llegando a San José a las 15. 57 horas.
a Los trenes entre SAN JOSE y ALAJUELA saldrán todos los días de OUR CONTINENTAL DEFENCES SAN JOSE a las 17. 00 horas y de ALAJUELA a las 00 horas. large number of new bat mama ned against attacks by San José, Febrero 5, 1943 teries, airplane detectors and air, land or sea as also against GREEN, Gerente.
auxiliary aerodromes are report sabotage. To strengthen the lines ed to be fully establish:. nar of communication with the Paneighbouring Republic of Pananama Canal, the thousand kilo.
ma, by virtue of the arrang. metros highway, to link the quetly dished out. The Briements concluded with the Unit meridional frontier of Mexico, AN IMPRESSIVE WEDDING CEREMONY de ensemble was furnished States of America. The new us said to be under rapid cons. On a background of all Inez Steele, ed by the artistic hands of Williams, installations were doña Elena de Bermudez commencea truction. This highway will con that was pleasing, orderly Wallace, Mrs: Elma last May. Their principal objec nect with the Mexican railroad and impressive, Miss Nor Smith and Swaby, as al hand to see that all of San Jose, who was on went tive is the defence of the vial and facilitate land transporta ma Yvonne Miller, daugh so two Nurses from the San well. Dancing, under the zones of the Panama Caualtion between the United Statos ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Juan de Dios Hospital, San influence of the rhythms of These defensive projects are sup and the Canal Zoute. The Miller, and Mr. Stanley Jose, co workers of one of the Lebert Brown orchestra, ported by moveable land forces Canal aerial equipment, with Lambert, were joined in the the Bride sisters. Tire climaxed the lovely recepand an arch of aerial and coast its squadrons of potent bomb bond of holy wedlock on order of Toasts was befital defences, maintained by the ing and fighting planes, patrol Saturday evening eight days tingly adhered to and eloRepublics of the Caribbean constantly over the air bases ago The religious Rite asso The coasts of Panama Costa established in the forest. Some ciated with the event was Rica, Nicaragua, Guatınala, of these human birds scout solemnized in the Baptish Hondrasu, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti over this SASTRERIA MODERNA country at frequent Church. The Rev. Forde the Dominican Republic and the intervals. Other powerful installied the Knot.
British Colonies toward the lations along the ccast lines Mr. Miller, the Bride NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS Caribbean Sea, are the regions serve to strengthen the aviation father presented her to the most strongly defended in the and infantry garrisons of our Groom. Mr. Duncan We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, Americas. Constant vigilance is Continental Defence.
was Bestman and Miss Ina Elegant Fittings.
Lambert, a sister of the PACIFIC LABOUR DISCONTENT STILL UNDER Groom, the Chief BrideNext Door La Miniatura and 20 yds, East smaid. Miss Ruby Lettman, Unidad Sanitaria.
DISCUSSION the Auxiliary Chief, had Mr.
SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES Wallace as her escort.
Growing out of the recent, ly solving the entire ques The Chief was charmingly disturbance among the vortion. The High Executive iskowned in tafeta and lace, kers of the Pacific Banana also reported as giving the and carried a fashionable Zone, we understand Shat most careful consideration bouquet of tropical beauties, several further conferences to the ways and means asi The ensemble also included have been held between re will provide the workers in several exquisitely attired presentatives of the Govern those regions with a more Ravidesntaids and the ham ment and the Management satisfactory standard of liv somely gowned Train beao fthe Banana Company, ing.
rers, the Misses Joyce Mcwith the view of permenentFarlane and Merline Ander son. The Flower Girls were MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS the Misses Majorie, Joan and Elsa, sisters of the ARCHITECT AND BUILDER THE ORIENTAL BARBER Bride.
Years of practical knowledge, SHOP The Bride trousseau of efficient, neat, accurate. These Located in front former my bighest ambition Any design ortentally interwcven sorin wood turned out with gratiMotive Power Club in 3rd.
ganza on a satin backgrofying results. Office and shop Avenue is the new parlour of und, with an extensive circu 5th Avenue, North the only Oriental Barber Shop lar fall of queenly design, CHAS RODEN.
in this city. All sanitary was exceedingly admirable.
arrangements. Barber with Her coronet of orange blos THE RESETTER WITH IM years of practice in all classes soms, fastened to an embroi PROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. triaidered tulle was added beNate Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most auty. She carried a mask LLEGA UN CONVOY MALTA. Momento de atra.
located on Commerce Avenue fastidious.
shaped bouquet of Jasmine, car en el muelle los barcos mercantes británicos que foralmost opposite Teatro Arras. LIONEL MONDOLL Lilies of the Valley and As maban un convoy que llegó a Malta sin novedad. La foty. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor paragua Fern.
tografía fué tomada desde un crucero británico que a Kervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT Leaving the church all, Hair Specialist compaña al convoy.
CABINET AND UNDERTAK but the newly? weds, walING SHOP. Specializes in makked to the St. Mark ParWORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND Ing and repairing furniture and ish Hall which had been ECONOMY. Everything in ma every other branch of woodmagnificently regaled for chinery made or repaired, from work. Coffins always stocked.
thle a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Wee as before going elsewhere. The feast table ofered its wedding recleption.
carry an assortment of Beds, Prices moderate. 4th. Street, charm. The Grace was proSprings and other useful things intrance to Gamez Lumber at all times Building No. 89 Yard.
pounded by the Rey.
SYDNEY BECKFORD North Fifth Avenue ALMACEN Manager Forde. The duties of Mass THOMPSON, Proprietor.
ter of Ceremony were the ac NEW HARLEM BAR AND complishment of Mr. Jos.
prepared by DE ZAPATERIA Crawford and the festive board were MATERIALES can still be had at Grant, Genuine native and for. Messrs. Angus, BerReasonable Prices at eign liquors stocked Our Cusi nard, Roy Goulbourne, JACK ORANE Sucs.
ne service the most up to date. Hazel, Yunis, Roy MiCALZADO THE PEOPLE HOUSE CRAWFORD AND GRANT, ller, Mr. and Mrs. AlberLimon Proprietors to Lam, the Misses John LIMON APARTADO 150 son. Nelson, Ruth McNever visit Limon and leave without calling at Dixon Farlane, Bogle, Reid, Barber Shop. West of the City Market. Fuller, Josephine and Avelino de la Peña Co. Sucs.
English Tweeds Sergs RESTAURANT. The Best drinks Thomas. Others around Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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