
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH. 1943 OF LEFT FOR HER LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPUI RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO NATIVE LAND PLAN PARA EL SORTEO DEL 21 DE FEBRERO DE 19 EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, Emisión de 25. 000 billetes numerados del 1001 al 26. LIMON a razón de 10. 00 cada uno When in this city from the Line Towns and Coasts come Mrs. Evelyn Clodomar, divididos en décimos, a 00 el décimo to the above named Restaurant. the service you have who was a welcomed guest Valor en premios: 157, 515. 00 colones long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool while on a visit to her reladrinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
tives Mrs. Susan Hylton and premio mayor de 50. 000. 00. 50. 00 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT family, left San Jose on Tu1 premio de 10. 000. 00.
10. 00 We buy Costa Rica Lottery esday the 9th. instant, by 10 premios de 1. 000. 00.
10. 00 OCTAVIUS THOMPSON ajir transportation, for Pa 10 premios de 500. 00 000 (Better known as Edwin)
nama, the land of her nati 60 premios de 200. 00 12. 000 Proprietor. Box 52 vity.
60 premios de 100. 00. 00 Prior to leaving for the 57 premios de 50. 00. 85 Capital Mrs. Clodomar ex10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 anpressed her fervent gratituteriores y posteriores) de 200. 00 cada ON THE SICK LIST TOMORROW SERVI de to our citizenry for their una. 00 CES AT ST. MARK marked hospitality and ga10 aproximaciones al segundo premio (5 anRegrettingly we mention ve an assurance that she terioreg y posteriores) de 100. 00 the absence from our una. city a. Holy Communion. would ever cherish fond re 00 of our widely regarded citi a. Rite of Confirma miniscences of her trip to 99 aproximaciones al resto de la centena del zen, Mr. Brotherton. ton followed by Sung Mass. beautiful Costa Rica. It is primer premio de 20. 00 cada una. 1, 98 Due to illness he left by last Preacher, the Assistant Bi our hope she had a pleasant 99 aproximaciones al resto de la centena del Monday regular passenger shop.
flight and a happy reunion segundo premio de 15. 00 cada una 1, 48 train for San Jose to under p. Young People with her husband and other 24 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del go special medical and sur Service. His Lordship the dear ones.
premio mayor, de 50. 00 cada una. 1, 200 225 terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del gical treatment. He was ac Bishop will officiate. p.
companied by Mrs. Brother Evensong and Sermon. Prepremio mayor de 40. 00 cada una.
9, 000 ton.
acher. His Lordship Bi to be extended the general 2250 terminaciones a la última cifra del premio shop Douglas Wilson public to attend the servi mayor de 20. 00 cada una.
We wish him a succesful 45, 000 cordial invitation is said ces.
treatment and a prompt re2916 premios Valor: 157. 515 covery, CARD THANKS BRAZIL NAVAL ACADEMY IN LIME LIGH!
The Republic of Brazil is five years. The plan of Teatro MODERNO The undersigned, who has been the recipient of the gaining world wide recogni dies comprehend a list of highest hospitality while on a visit to beautiful Costa Rica, adopt this medium to record my thanlos to all who con tion in consequence of its tures which include geome Lunes 15 de Febrero portant war activities. The mathematics, electricity, tributed to my comfort and pleasure. desire to specially ENFERMERA name the Misses Elvira Johnson, Hazel Da Costa, Leono battleships, cruisers and des sics, industrial drawings, as DETECTIVE ra James, Irene Cole and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley troyers which patrol and de nomy, international mig fend 6, 400 kilometros of the communications, hydrogra. The Nurse Secret)
Blake, Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Weekes, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Chambers, Mr. Carlos Alfaro, the Hunter family, and coasts of that cauntry, nave and artillery. Al gradua Martes 16 de Febrero others at Estrada, as well as my dear relatives, Mrs. gate under the orders of grad must be capable of handlu uates of the oldest military any kind of naval equpme.
BAJO EL CICLO DI Susan Hylton and family.
MEXICO Academy of the Western Hem Aspirants for the acader isphere.
course must be between ETHLÝN CLODOMAR Miércoles 17 de Febrero The Brazilian Acadeniy, ages of 16 and 19 years a AMBICION with a memory based on the be graduates of a Seconda Napoleonic era, is located on School. So great is the thy Jueves 18 de Febrero FOUNDING of YOUTH EMERGENCY COMMITTEE the little Island of Villegalg. among the lads of Brazil LAS CINCO NOCHES DE ADAN number of our buddiny, President, Mr. John Babb; non in the Bay of Rio de Ja. entry into the Academy ea Mr.
neiro. There, some 350 cadets year, that during the mon citizens of colour have for Executive Secretary, Viernes 19 de Febrero med themselves into an inte Frank Sankey; Secretary of are trained during a period of of February there are usua around four hundred app Vera Gil. Ten Prizes of 2; LAS CINCO NOCHES lligent whole and by which Archives, Miss twenty cants though possibile adin they are presented to the lings. Honorary Members. Prizes of Total DE ADAN 33 sions do not amount to in general public under the The Governor of the Pro. Prizes, in value 100 dollars than seventy.
Youth vince, don Abel Robles At Entrance colones.
The Academy is stated Sábado 20 de Febrero designation. The Albino Vilalobos; CUANDO LAS LUCES Emergjend Committee, on torney Please say within 500 have been established in u SE APAGAN a programme initiated by Mr. Jos Thomas, Jours WORDS. Why you love year 1808 when the Court ar (Night in New Orleans)
Mr. Edward Mitchell. nalist.
democracy. This is the only Government of Portugal we The Committee Agenda requirement. You may do transferred to Brazil on ac Domingo 21 de Febrero The following constitute In presenting ourselves to so in prose or poem accor ourt of the invasion of Porti (Meet John Doe)
the Administrative Person the public within this coun ding to your desire and abi gal by Napoleon.
nel LA VOZ DEL PUEBLO. Founder, Mr. Ed try, as from the 12th. of Flity.
As in World war NO 1, Bra: ward Mitchell; President, bruary 1943, we earnestly Though early, we venture lian and North American sa Mr. Vincent Bernard; Vice desire the understanding of to say that for our second lors are companions in arms all to recognize us as truly phase, we anticipate holdrepresenting Democra y, ing an excursion to San REGARDING THE HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA both in sympathy and assis. Jose. Some time during the tance.
month of April next may be WEE WEE ANTS LIMON CITY It is important for all to the date for such.
The Editor: This Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable rooms fac.
understand that we greatly In closing please With much satisfaction ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with an excellent aspire toward true Negro watch this newspaper for read your editorial of Ja cuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that progress within the Repu more knowledge of our menuary 23rd. re the Wee it is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with blic. We therefore give asures of progress as in na Wee Ants as a pest.
a fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient forth this our first Agenda. me, the National Associa You may not fully realiz service at all times by its new Proprietor.
The first phase of this tion for the Upliftment of the destruction they are ca genda will be. National Negro Youths. We intend to using our farms, provisió ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS Democratic Literary Con open an office at the Mar grounds and fruit trees, a test, commencing February ket Square with a coloured you reside in the city of Li 12th. and closing May 30th. girl in charge but cannot mon, but should you visi 1943; Contest date. June now say the date.
some of the places on the Parents vote unanimously, wives and sweethearts fifty 2nd. First Prize, 30: second Youth Emergency ne, you would certainly be to one in favour of Dixon Barber Shop for men and boys. Prize 20; third Prize 10.
Committee appalled.
Both the farmer from Cu ba Creek and yourself ars Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back to be congratulated. The op de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: portunity is now afforded This bill must be paid at our office before all concerned to use the co Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro lumns the 10th of the month valuable de los primeros 10 días de cada mes weekly to arouse the Go Be so good as to comply with this request and do not vernment authorities to the Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which serious condition ere it be de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
too late. At an early date will make a suggestion regarding what could be done, Thanking you Mr. Editor, for your interest, Yours, etc, Interested.
of your COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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