
13IN. 1943 ATLANTO VUOL FOUL VALUABLE PLANT DISCOVERY La razón del enorme consumo del cigarrillo LABERITY PYGARETTES The Island of Jamaica is the ecipient of a great plant dis covery. It is reported that aier much scientific study, Mr. E. Sutherland, the Island Agri cultural Instructor has produeed an immune Banana Piant.
Its value, as a product and an artice of export has been etablished, we ale, told. The Islacd governing authorities have, We gather, accept ad the plant and rected that it supercede the other which is so much affected by thPanaAna and gatoka diseases. gratuiy of five hundred pounds sterling has been extended Mr.
Sutherland by the government, in addition to a salary of 900.
It may be recalled that some dars ago Mr. Sutheriand ac companied Thelwell thic present Secretary of the Jamaica Agricultural Society, on a visit to this country.
The discovery Will undoub.
tedly be a great boon to Jamai ca and it agricultural imster.
ests. It is understood that the immune plant is not to be seni out the Island.
gratulates Mr. Sutherland, LIBERTY?
nada más que la sincera recomendación POLIS de amigo a amigo. 2012: Big Boobs NOTICE JOSE ACHION Ng.
DEATH TAKES ANOTHER HUMAN LINK ANOTHER COSTARRICAN GENIUS Comerciante detallista With his sickle in hand, so live our lives that the Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Death is ever grasping for goodness of God may We have been afforded large scale at the factory in Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc.
be the very pleasing informa San Jose which will be the beautiful, the lovely, with us when our end comes. tion that after a period of known by the name Antortricos; todo se encuentra en the rich or the poor, and este establecimiento.
The sting of the great Des study and experiments, Doc cha After satisfying local while he effects his round: troyer was, doubtless, who tor Juan Navarro Cisneros demands the new product PRECIOS DE SITUACION no one can say who will be lely distant from the tho has perfected a new type of may, it is expected, become his next victim. We should, ught of Mr. Wilfred Leopold safety match, which will an article of export.
for this if no other reason, DeLeon, when, on the mor ignite on any surface.
Its We adopt this medium to ning of Monday last, he quality is said to be on a extend Limon congratulal eft his residence to partake par with that of any of the tions to the Doctor for his NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA of his breaklast prior to as Impotted (nes. Production splendid addition to our Na suming the day responsi will, we understand, soon tional Industries.
The best assortment of first class lumber ble duties at the local Cus be undertaken on a very toms Department His sum Laurel and Cedar mons had, however, already Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour been prepared, and it reaSaw Mill in Siquirres We buy Logs ched him while seated at the table awaiting his meal.
He succumbed instantane GERMANS LIVE IN FEAR AND TREMBLING ously. So well and widely re Address all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajos garded was he that the news ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a The Germans are said to be seven and eight thousand.
of his sudden passing into ROIG living in an atmosphere of such The civil populations of Brest, eternity was rapidly wingnervousness, provoked by the hand other cities on the Frenched throughout the city, and BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319. 3201, or 2929 fear of an Allied invasion of the coast, threatened with Allied air in a few minutes teaming Europaen Continent, that th bombings, have been also re dozens of friends and symSAN JOSE Nazi authorities have ordered moved. All the inhabitants otpathizers were on the scene. Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos the evacuation en masse of Orient and the eight near by The late Mr. DeLeon was many large areas.
towns, whose presence is not es of British nationality, and All the residents of Fiumark, sential to the economic ble of born in the parish of St. Cain the north of Norway, have the districts, have received ins therine in the Island of Ja SOLDIERS OF PRODUCTION been removed to the interior. tructions to abandon their homes. maica. He lived in this city The people numbered between for more than a score and a half of years, during which It might perhaps be well, tion. None of these thouperiod he gained the high to classify the workers in sands and thousands of wil BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT het respect and recogni the respective war indus ssify them in an yother light tries of our fighting nations ing workers are tion. He possessed a compre iminune LA PROVEEDORA hensive summary of useful as soldiers of production. from the dangers of enemy knowledge reading was his since modern warfare de bombing or from the ef Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket greatest habit. In addition mands production on an out fects of sabotage and other to his immediate associastandingly large scale in mishaps. They Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
acecogni tes our democratic institu order to keep those in actual zant too that on them jest Red Beans, Ib. 35 Starch, Ib. 45 tions have lost a true friend combat well and fully sup the great responsibinig of plied shortest replacing, in the Milk, evap. large 00 Wire Sponges and defender. 25 Munition workers are per time possible, the planes, Kerosene, bot. 60 Potted Meat, tin 75 His remains were borne forming services almost pa tanks, cannon, naval units. Salt, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bot. 75 to the St. Mark Church, rallel to the soldiers in uni and other war material des Sapolio 00 Klim, tin 25 where the funeral rites were form. The recorded willing troyed by enemy actions.
Sugar, Ib 25 Dats, lb. 00 solemnly conducted by the ness of the civilian pepuia These individuals, who con Island Palm Soap 60 Kerosene, bot. 60 Rev. Evans. Mr. Les tions of the united Nations pose the industrial soldiery.
lie Angus, of the Metho to cortribute their most are making possible the vicWe offer you Courtesy Lower Prices and Fresh dist Circuita, concluded the services in airplanes, tank, and tories being obtained by sur Merchandise ceremony at the grave. To other factories, as well as in fighting forces on the battle LA PROVEEDORA his surviving relatives in Ja the ship yards, cannot cla fronts.
maica and elsewhere, the than soldiers of producLIMON Atlantic Voice tenders its Sacere condolence. May You are invited to have your hair cut and shave done at his soul be at Rest.
Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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