
FOUND. mm. JURISM CLINIC SIDELIGHTS OF THE WAR SASTRERIA MODERNA small leather purse containing a very meagre amount of Cash and a few other things For further particulars interview the Editor of this Journal with proper identification.
NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, Elegant Fittings.
CONFERENCE BY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds, East Unidad Sanitaria, SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES MaRINCE Unca Nuevo Horario de las Emisiones de Columbia Broadcasting, la Cadena de las Americas The very large number of tor Robinson and Field visitors, seen in our city du Minister Farrell. The ring the course of last week Shurches associated with were not all participarts of Costa Rica Sphere were re the festivities then in pro presented by special delegagress. Several were adhe tes Each session is said to rents of the Seventh a Dy Ad have had a capacity attenventist Denomination and dance of members had cometo attend the local It is stated that Pastor Conference, Gilbert, a Jew, who was a There were six visiting student for the Arabian Pastors Secretary Priesthood, and was conver Gilbert of the General Conted to Seventh Day Advenference of the United Sta tism and has a record of for tes of America: the Unionty years work, electrified Superintendent, Bin his audiences with his nigh ger; The Educational Secrely lectures, based on tary, Lalabee; the Princi me and the Future. The pal of the Union, Orley For discussios during the Isede; The Secretary Treasu ssions of the Conference, rer, Gordon; The Union treated principally, we un Field Secretary, Fred. Steederstand, on the educational ves and Elder Thomas of Ar and ministerial aspects of gentine The occasion is said the Denomination. The Edu to have represented the first cational Secretary delivered Superintendent Mission Se a most impressive discourse ssion held in this country on Educational and Social and was effectively presided Welfare on Sunday evenover by Pastor Orley Forde, ing when the Conference the Director of the Costa Ricame to a close.
can Mission, assisted by Pas By way of London we have the announcement that Hitler has called on Hunga ry for the immediate dis patch of twenty more divi sions of troops to the So viet battle fronts.
Numerous acts or sabota ge have recently occurret in Poland. plant whici supplied electricity for th: factories engaged in war in dustry was blown up: twei ve camions were burned a another locality. militar train was derailed at om point and eighteen railway coaches destroyed at anoth er. Guerilla warriors attac ked the jail at Kadal ang liberated all the politica prisoners who were a wait ing execution. Tokyo radio broadcas announces that Japanese air units had attacked, the Island of Espiritu Santo, ir New Hebrides, and sunk destroyer. Allied installa tions on land were also said ao have been damaged.
corta, NUEVA YORK (Especial. La Cadena de las Américas, Columbia Broadcasting System, ha puesto en vigencia un nuevo horario para las emisiones destinadas a los países de la América Latina. La ventaja más apreciable del nuevo horario es que ahora muchos de los programas se transmiten simultáneamente por seis emisoras de gran potencia, desde Estados Unidos, Esto significa que la cualidad de la recepción mejora considerableinente, no sólo en el caso de los programas retransmitidos por onda larga por las estaciones afiliadas a la Cadena de las Américas, sino también para los oyentes de onda Antes de establecerse este sistema, los programas de la Cadena de las Américas se transmitían solamente por tres emisoras de onda corta, desde Nueva York.
Al mismo tiempo que se ha llevado a cabo el cambio de horario, se ha aumentado el número de programas dramáticos, educativos y noticiosos. La música popular y de concierto sigue siendo parte destacada de los programas, con el concurso de artistas tan célebres como Eva Garza, André Kostelanetz, Juan Arvizu, Raymond Scott y el Trío Charro Gil. Además, se tras Eva Garza, encantadora folklorist miten todas las seinanas los pro mejicana, es una de las grande gramas sinfónicos de la Orquesta atracciones que presenta Columbi Filarmónica de Nueva York y de la Broadcasting System por su caden Orquesta Sinfónica Columbia. Latinoamericana, la Cadena de la Con el nuevo horario, las trans Américas.
misiones a la América del Sur, en idioma castellano, comienzan a las York. Las transmisiones en portu: 17. 30 y terminan a las 24. 00, hora gués, para el Brasil, son de las de guerra de Nueva York. Los pro 17. 00 a las 23. 30. continuación gramas trasmitidos especialmente damos un sumario del nuevo hopara México y la América Central rario, indicando las frecuencias.
comienzan a las 19. 15 y terminan a la hora mencionada corresponde a las 00, hora de guerra de Nueva la hora de guerra de Nueva York.
ineering Requirements to Para todos sus trabajos de Ingeniería dirijase a ROIG BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos The Visitors triunmphed with Four Goals against Twc The Alajuelenses invade our playground and demons trated their prowess agains the re inforced Jupiter team of our city. The visitors mas tered the exercise in all its phases. The manner of their cttacks and passings of the ball was rather Catchy.
They excelledt in the for ward control of the ball and then put it over the attacker by smartly executed back strokes. Our Boys presented a determined effort to at least effect a tie score but fail.
ed. Judging by the effective display of the Alajuelenses, the homesters did well in earning two points agair such a formidable side, which included players of interna tional fame. Our Military Band was in attendance. Col. Ft gencio Campos, President of our Municipal Council, delivered the trophy in the name of the Festival Committee YOUR CHILDREN FRIEND!
Look around, and tell me friend, Is there nothing to doWhile others climb, you descend. Tis that what you pursue?
ANTENAS DE LA CADENA DE LAS AMERICAS Estos programas se transmiten simultaneamente por las seis estaciones siguientes: CaracteHora de ristica Region Transmision Frequencia WCRC Argentina y Conta Occidental de 17:30 a 19:15 17830 ke. 16. m, América 19:20 24:00 11830 ke. 25. m WCDA México y America Central 19:15 a 02:00 6060 ke. 47. m.
WLWO Costa Atlántico de America 17:30 a 19:45 15250 kc. 19. m.
20:00 24:00 9530 ko. 31. m.
WRX Costa Occidental de América 18:00 24:00 9905 ke. 30. m WOO4 Costa Opcidental de América 20:00 24:00 8C60 kc. 34. m WRUL México y América Central 19:30 a 02:00 9700 ke. 30. m Estos programas se transmiten simultaneamente en portugués por las dos estaciones siguientes: WCBX. Costa Atlántica de América 17:00 a 19:45 15270 ke. 19. m.
20:00 a 23:30 349 ke. 31. m.
WRCA Brasil 17:00 a 19:45 11893 kc. 25. m.
20:00 23:30 11893 kc. 25. m.
What about those your children You Christ; do not begetHow at least, can they be men When they can t, e en truth get?
What about those your children, Christ the Friend. know they Him Your daughters, true specimenOnly to be victims?
SABE AHORRAR Look around, and tell me friend, Is there nothing to doHow long, shall you, so depend, On those who re kind to you?
HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA LIMON CITY This Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable rooms fac.
ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with an excellent cuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that it is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with a fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient service at all times by its new Proprietor.
REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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