
en: was lost.
one was THE ROYAL AIR FORCE HITLER PROCLAMATION Royal air force units conSALE In a proclamation read the Eastern battle front as FOR tinue to strike the industrial by his Secretary of State in it was undoubtedly there centers of Germany, Italy and Munich before a gathering that the destiny of GermaA very strong leather suit case of large size. Suit the Nazi ocupied territories, of his supporters on the ocny and alfl Europe would able for a real travelling trunk. In good second hand with terrifying results. casion of the 23rd. anniver be definitely decided.
condition. Cost 200. 00 new. selling at a sacrifice. Bremen, the important in sary of the founding of the The Fuehrer stated that greot bargain.
dustrial port whose petroleum Nazi Party, Hitler explain despite the belief held by refineries and aviation faced his absence by stating he their enemies that GermaApply Doña Rosa. directly in front the estab tories represent much in the had been obliged, during thel ny had commenced to wealishment of de la Peña Cº Suc. Limon.
Rech war activities, was the past months, weeks and ken, they would soon be teobject of another intense at days to remain alongside rribly disillusioned, as the tack on the night of the 21st their brothers and comra end of the fight would be a SCENE AT OUR RAILWAY STATION instant. More than 100 two des especially with those on Nazi victory.
The scene witnessed at berved in emotional confe and despite the enemy op.
ton bombs fell on the city, our railway station on Monrence, while the yard day morning of the week ingine continued the position not a single plane shuntFOR SALE course, produced a retros ing of additional coaches, pective thought on some of the hour of ten arrived and don declare that the North Military observercin LonA GREAT BARGAIN the pictural views in conjun went by without the sound ction with the rapid move ing of the starting bell for Americans have so greatly aug One mile of second hand Tram Rails in very good ment of the people in some the regular passenger. Run mented aerial activities that more than thousand bomb stricken area.
ners, with parcels and suitserviceable condition. Each length measures metros.
Two passenger trains we cases, kept at a lively pace planes make daily attacks APPLY. STEPHEN DALEY over Europe.
re being made ready by the and pilings continued insi 1412 Miles or Box 330. Limón The British Aviation Minis shunting of coaches here de the coaches wherever the try have announced that durand there one as the re re was vantage.
gular ten ing the last twelve o clock for the The completed train months Capital and the other, a spe eventually left with eleven units of the Royal Air Force LAST SUNDAY FORENOON FOOTBALL ENCOUNTER launched more than 50, 000 cial for the excursionists passenger coaches sardinely Barcelona earned Two Gools and shut out the Alajuelenses who had been our welcomed packed, a baggage and mail tons of bombs over Germany guests during the period of car and three freight cars dropped in the Nazi occupied led at 10 a. last Sunday into a breach of the exerciand Italy, apart from those The football match, play, to their opponents. Falling the festivities. This latter with oxen and horses which territories. During the entire between the train was scheduled to dehad formed part of the Fies Alajuelenses se, our visitors paid the pe ocurse of the war the quan and the Barcelonians of our nalty when the forceful repart at mid day. There was ta entertaining features nothing to indicate which fifteen coaches altogether. tity dropped only over Ger city, gained its merit as one noro earned the shot. Sho: was intended for the regu It was headed by one engine mdny and Italy produced a of the outstanding sporting uts of hurrahs went up. In lar San Jose passenger ser and pushed by another. The total of over 100, 000 tons. events associated with the sharp reprisal our side was Western vice, other than one was on passengers who rode on the Germany was Civic Fiestas.
caught violating the rules.
the main track and the oth platforms formed a pictures again heavily bomber during Play was conducted under Netvousness apparently er was on a side line; due que fringe, though a very the night of the 24th instant an invigorating temperatu took possession of our Fans, therefore, to the lengthen dangerous venture. Some aThe large industrial centers re. Dame Nature extended as hope that the retaliation ed condition of the one on mount of fear was special was inexcapable faded but, of Nurenberg in Germany and her goodness as a enterGrace for the central line, there tained for the safety of the Napoles in Italy suffered ter token of the marwellously, our goalie Evpardonable reason for the human cargo, but, pleasing ribly, it is said, from atacks event An overwhelming num ans, won his spur. He was ber of Fans were in atten the recipient of a great ovastate of confusion which ly, up to this time of wri effected two nights ago.
took place. Men, women ting, we have no knowledge Allied air unts, among whill dance. With tuneful melo tion. On arrival, the rest pewith and children jumped pell of any unpleasant happen the North American bombers dies, the Military Band suglriod found the score mell through doors and win ings.
played an outstanding part, mented the splendour. The ony one point registered bombed the forces of Marshal play and scenery had the and in favour of Barcelona.
dows into the coach es of Rommel during a period of 12 aspect World serie which were already suffocaOn resumption, the play AGRUPAR SUS FUERZAS tingly packed. It was stated hours and efectively aided game. Both sides were col quickly reached nerve rack their disastrous defeat in Kas ourfully admirable. The vi ing status. Jose Jackson rethat many ofthe passeng. LONDRES, 26. UP. Seserine.
sitors earned much distinc placed Macaronior tie ors were workmen return nálase que Rommej debe reagru tion for the tenacity, the home team. Attacks, Couning to their stations, after par ahora a sus elementos acora ON THE SICK LUST technique and having enjoyed the celebra zados y reemplazar sus pérdistick to it ter attacks, the matching tions. To them time was vi bien lag han sufrido en tanques das. Los norteamericanos iveness demonstrated, but of wits against wits. ad they were circled by an iron feet against feet, were soon tal. Government and Railpero sus bajas en hombres han We regret having to medroad authorities were ob sido escasas.
tion the illness of Mrs Lilian ring whose links were not witnessed. In a sensational AnaMUNITET. Hart. She has been confined easily broken. Our local deshuffling, things waxea so fenders seemed to have de warm that one of the visiGAMEZ LUMBER YARD to her residence in this city cided that the beautiful ball ting players held Jose Jack 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops for the past several day as son by the hand and down the result of an attack of shoull not depart.
Here are some of the hap he went on the meadow and FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE malaria contracted while stay penings: At the outset our with an appeal to the UmpiLumbers Native Laurel and Cedar go to ing in one of the Abaca ones Boys fell a victim to a foul, re. The rule was applied.
where her husband is empley but the visiting side failed No, said the visitors, the ball GAMEZ LUMBER YARD ed.
to inflict the punishment. was not placed at the We never have a dissatisfied Customer May she have an early re The Alajuelenses gained the rrect spot when Tenoro inPRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET covery of her former sound ball in a striking position: flicted the punishment health.
the home center back, Cha the objection was entertain NAPOLES OTRA VEZ BOMvarria, ably defended the ned and the ball replaced.
BARDEADA emergency. In a jiffy caine Tenoro repeated the deed TWO THOUSAND ODD ENEMY AIRPLANES DESTROYED cio oficialmente que bonbar was lost by Jackson. goal for our boys.
EL CAIRO, 26 UP Se anun Barcelona chance which and this earned the second BY AVIATORS aeros norteamericanos atacaron favourable chance was a Those of the home teant el miércoles al puerto de Nápo gain presented the homes who reached high water Based on official informa end of last year, they tota les en cuyo muelle norte esta: ters, but Vinicie missed the mark were both Jacksons, tion, a Washington advicelled 4, 147 machines llaron bombas. También fue announces that during the Germany and Western Eu todos los aviones regresaron a bombardeada la zona industrial, shot Another centrary wind Alberto Leon, Chavarria, Pi blew against the visiting cho and the magic goalkeeyear 1912 North American rope.
sus bases.
side the shot was lost. In pear, Evans. Don Alfonso aviators destroyed four enethe one two order, corner Sole, in the name of the Fes my planes for each lost by them.
You are invited to have your hair cut and shave done at positions operated against tival Commission, presented Dixon Barber Shop Not less than 2, 587 enemy West of the City Market. our side, but were fruitless the Erophy.
35 air units are stated to have been destroyed during this Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back period, without taking acde su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: count of the hundreds about whose destruction doubts This bill must be paid at our office before Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro exist, as also the large num ber shot down by the antide los primeros 10 días de cada mes the 10th. of the month Be so good as to comply with this request and do not aerial batteries. North America loss for the same peLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
riod totalled boq machines.
In so far as the Royal Air Force losses are concerned, authorized sources stated that from the ment of the war up to the 1901 tomtan of the 00TUTTI TESTENDIG over COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON commenceEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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