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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN a few as TRANSPORT AND WAR NAZI PROMISES MR. CHURCHILL UNFOLDING THE MAP SELF GOVERNMENT BRIIISH TRANSPORT IS Ten years ago Adolf Hitler REPORTS OF THE UNITED STATES FOR JAMAICA GEARED TO TAKE THE became Chancellor of Germany STRAIN. Already it has proved and within days he It is one of Mr. Churchill To understand the United brave decision, which ma many times over that it can asserted: The first and best qualities that when he has States of America there are also prove to be one of ti move as quickly and efficientiy point of the government pro something to say, he says it. seven big geographical facts wisest decisions in the lon as the war may demand at any ram is that we won lie and After the warm bath of more or which must be taken into history of the colonial polic time.
we won swindle. This is how less meaningless treacle in which acount that must be the nation verdic MOVING ARMIES. 150, 000 Hitler has lived up to his pro we have all been swiming since The first fet is its size. on the offer made to Jamaica special trains for troops and nise: Casablanca, this buoyant, vigo. It is forty times the site of the an advance towards self govern their equipment have been run Germany neither imieads or rous and reasonably factual stat island of Britain. Many of its ment. writes the Londo since the beginning of the war. wishes to interfere in the inter ement of the stiuation as it States are each larger than our Evening Standard in a leadin There are now more than 4, 000 nal affairs of Austria, to annex stands comes as something of a island. California, fo: instance, article in last Wednesday edi troop trains monthly.
Austria or to conclude an Ang relief. Mr. Churchill, for exam the State in which Hollywood is tion. The paper goes on to trac At the time of Dupnkirk 620 chluss. May 21, 1935.
ple, does not hesitate to say situated, is three times iarger the history of Jamaica since it emergency trains were run On Mar. 12, 1938, the Ger that nearly than our whole country.
capture by Britain in 1655 eight days, carrying 300 000 man army marched into Aus HALF MILLION MEN The next fact is its shape, After referring to the bad stat troops from seven ports in south tria.
one of those data which ordi which, roughly speaking, is an into which the Colony fe)
east England. At the busiest time We have no territorial de narily are so jealously hoarded oblong with the long sides facing during the XVIIIth and earl; 100 special trains were wocked mands to make in Europe by the general staffs have been north and south It is only the XIXth centuries owing to ne in twenty four hours.
Mar. 1, 1936 landed in North Africa. He does shorter edges which are wash glect, the Evening Standar MUNITIONS AND RAW MA Since then Germany has not hesitate to discuss the ed by the sea, and this is im says: TERIALS. More than 20, 000 seized Czechoslovakia, Poland, boat war in terms far more porant. Our Joseph Chamberlain freight trains, nearly 1, 000, 000 Norway Belgium, Holland Fran optimistic than those which have Becs. the n cc States pumped new blood into Jamai loaded freight cars, are being ce, Greece, Yugoeslaviu, and a recently been put about. Against is such a vast mass of land, ca veins. He promoted rail run each week.
large part of Russia.
the gloom latterly emitted from while Britain is a little island ways and developed the banan During the first six weeks of will not war against women the high places, his statement with a long indented coast In traffic. Later Canada renderer the war, one mainline alone tra and children. Sept. 1, 1939. that the United Nations have (the moderating influence of the notable service by encouragin, velled 32, 00, 000 waggon miles On Sept. 8, 1939, Nazi bom gained 1, 250, 000 tons in the sea is close to every part of inter trade relations. Since the more than during the correspond bers annihilated the open town last six months and that boats the has a much more better labour codes, education ing period in 1938. Traffic in of Sulejow, Poland, machine are now being extreme climata than ours. It is cultural research, social service iron ore alone was greater by gunning 6, 500 inhabitants. Mas. DESTROYED MORE RAPIDLY very hot in sumıner, very coid and land settlemet schemes ar rate of 2, 000, 000 tons yearly sacre of women and children has than ever before comes in winter.
being reflected in the increasthan in 1938.
continued ever since.
something of a surprise. The Just inside each of the ring stability of the Colony re The carriage of freights has Whatever may come, England Prime Minister makes it plain shorter edges of the oblong runs presentative institutions. Nov increased enormously as seabor will break down. Sept. 1, 1940, that the Nazi submarines still a range of mountains, The the British Government offer ne coastal traffic is necessarily England took the worst the constitute one of the most serious range down the Eastern side is this token of faith in the Wes diminished In one week the Luftwaffe could give anci now probleins of the struggle; that the Appalachian range, of which Indians and in the progres. railways carried 4, 000, 000 tons is returning it with interest. they are prolonging the war the peaks are about twice the they have achieved, especially of coal and raw materials. can say this enemy (Rus and are therefore likely to cost height of Snowdon.
within the last five years. Thi 1, 000, 000 tons of finished prod sia) is already broken and will us many more lives than it The range down the Western advance towards self govern ucts. In a little over twc years never rise again. Oct. 3, 1941. would otherwise be necessary side is nowadays called the ment in Jamaica.
8, 500 special coal trains have On Dec. 7, 1941, the Russians to expend. But he adds that the Rockies. These Rockies live up This London newspaper con been run.
started the counter attach that submarines, whatever their de to their name. In their iower cludes: This is a sign tha THE RAILWAYS GO OVER rolled the Nazis back from predations, now cannot avert slopes they are pine clad with despite all the preoccupations o the SEAS. At the end of 1941 loco Moscow.
deep rocky gorges and rushing the world war, the British peopl motives and other rolling stock Leningrad is surrounded and DEFEAT OF THE AXIS green rivers; then on their have not forgotten their role a were rushed to Persia to speed it will fall into our hands. POWERS.
shoulders they are gaunt bare the custodians of human free up supplies for Rusia over the Nov. 8, 1941.
Some would think this a teme brown rock; their summits are dom.
Trans Persian Railway.
The siege of Leningrad was rarious incitement to compla often snow capped. They are 143 locomotives specially lifted Jan. 18, 1943.
cency. Mr. Churchill, who has huge and massive, and their But one thing ROYAL INDIAN NAVY we equipped with tenders and spare know been proved by experience to peaks are four times the height parts were sent, ard 600 today: the Bolsheviki who would have been of Snowdon.
overoptimistic steel framed 12 ton freight cars not defeat German troops their more than one occasion in the The last two facts deal not DELHI, Feb. The valuabl winter wili be past, is not afraid of overcpti. with mountains but with rivers, her allies possess in the Roya asset which Great Britain an were built in record time. By allies in one working night and day the annihilatingly defeated by us in nism. That the way the si Between the two ranges of Indian Navy is emphusized assembling works fitted together the coming summer. Min. 15 tuations looks now; he conveys mountains lies a broad central the eighteen hundred parts of 1942.
his own impression to the British plain, and straight down this of the work carried out by ship some particulars now availabl each car, so that one was comThe Germans summer offen and the American, public, re plain, almost due north and of the Royal Indian Navy las pleted every thirty seven minu. sive was stopped at Stalingrad gardless of the dangers of over south, flows that tremendous tes.
with the Red Army still very optimism which is only another river, the Mississippi. This is year.
British army engineers esta much alive.
Altogether these ships steare way of saying that he conveys an Indian name, meaning The Nothing worse (than Father of Waters which during the year 812, 299 mile is blished a record by laying twen while protecting the coasts ty six miles of track in a week winter of 41 42) can or will FEELING OF CONFIDENCE why the song is called Man India and routes used by me for the Persian railway, along happen.
in the sense ani perspertive of River. The Mississippi, with which supplies for Russia were Under no circumstances will the democratic Peoples whom its great tributary the Missouri chant shipping to and from In we ever capitulate. Sept 30, he is addressing. Should dia. On anti submarine patrol carried.
the was the great highway of midI they covered 237, 220 miles, and FROM HOME TO FACTORY.
days 95, 000 railway men have been event prove him wrong it would dle west America in the another 383, 150 miles wer The railways are running 7, 000 called up in the forces. Another be unfortunate, but Mr. Chur before the railways came; at steamed while scorting irer steamextra trains weekly to carry 90, 000 are in the Home Guard. chill is no dictator god under one time 500 licensed workers to munitions factories boats plied chant ships. Sonovati on its yellow 85, 000 railway women have the hard necessity of being ini engaged principally in convos Journeys at workmen rates taken the places of men, and are fallible. At any given nioment waters.
work in the Dutch East Indie.
have increased by 34.
working porters, ticket he can present the good, as well Along the right hand half Many special stops and sta colectors. carriage cleaners van as the bad, to the free publics of the top of the oblong flows Arabian Sea, has no less tim tions for war workers have been collectors. carriage cleaners van who are his audience, knowing thien reati orivenestLawrence, 48, 430 miles of steaming to the constructed, seventeen of them drivers, labourers, signal and that they are as intelligently huge lakes, which credit. That represents divide the United States from a.
on actual factory premises telegraph operetors.
alive as he is to the accidents day Special trains for factory HOW THE PUBLIC HELPS. All and changes to which Canada. Stand on one of the average of 130 miles a human which is a notable performanc workers cover 360, 000 miles frills have been cut off civilian affairs are subject.
islands above Niagara and look when periods of being in har monthly.
upstream, and you see tossing travel and the transport of cibour are taken into account.
THE RAILWAYNEN, TAKE vilian goods. Passenger service waiers as wide as the sea in an GREAT PEOPLE THE STRAIN. Railwaymen have has been reduced by 30. 17, 500 English bay Then turn and The sloops Sutlej and Jumn to fight two enemies air raids half day and evening excursions look downstream, and you see are runners up to the Sovava All Britain was moved by the this tossing sea plunge over the with only slightly smaller and blackouts, which have been of a peacetime summer no longer deliberate courage of the heroes tremendous Falls lages.
with them since before the war exist. Instead of 700 dining The Jumna enjoys th inaking of Toulon who took their ships still prouder distinction enough 90 e: to supply inore began. 282 railwaymen were cars there are now only 70. with them to the bottom with having shot down four Jaranes than 200 cities.
killed, and 1, 573 injured, Cross hauls in the delivery flag flying, rather than yield bombers while protecting through carrying on during raids of goods have been cut out them to the tyrant will. Only Such a deed of valour and convoy in Javanese waien and over a hundred have receiv Chocolate, fish and cigarettes a great people could breed men selfsacrifice will nerve, United mean performance for sloog ed decorations for brave and produced in the north used to like that.
Nations to new efforts to set The Jumna and other devoted duty. Their story is travel to the south, and vice Like the phoenix. France will Europe free. Victories in Afriac, ships steamed altogether 20. 00 told in Transport Goes To versa. Now people are consum rise to new life from the flames in Russia, in the Far Fast, call miles during operations in Ma War. the official publication ing local products to save of Toulon. The spirit of Fight us not to relax but to press on laya and the Dutch East dies of the British Ministery of War transport. 93 of all groceries ing France shows the ways to with the task till the day is and 24, 000 miles during this Transport.
are covered by zoning schemes. national re birth.
Burma campaign.
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    BolshevismEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerNazismWorld War

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