
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE 20 Events, of which we confess the importance, excite but little sensibility, unless they affect us more neariy than as sharers in the common interest of mankind.
ditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 EAR VIII LIMON, MARCH 27TH. 1943 NO 367 COSTA RICA IN THE VANGUARD OF FUTURE THE RUSSIAN BATTLE FRONTS IN NORTH AFRICA PROSPERITY The Eighth British ArThe Soviet troops are of. after being defeated in an my under the commander Costa Rica ideal position, geographica. dy, her rich cially reported to be pur encounter east of Belgorod of General Montgomery, is aing their advance in the where the troops are threa stated to have swrounded soll, her characteristic peaceful life free of the stritas ntral front and to be. tened with isolation. The the fortifications of the Ma and other uprising which have blotted the records if many ing their lies in the Dolenemy forces are said to reth Line and to have reaof the other countries and retarded their progress her etz sector. Other forces have suffered heavy losses, ched a point about twenty e said to be moving from in men and material as the kilometros off the enemy traditional religious liberty, and her magnificent Good le north toward the dis result of the renewed Russ. port of Gabes, despite the Neighbour activities, which are corrimanding universal at: iet Dukhovahehina situate ian offensive.
violent Nazi resistance.
nly 48 kilometros off Smo. Late advices state that Other advices indicate tention, all serve as mediums for enhancing the investment sk.
the Soviets have attacked that, notwithstanding the of foreign capital in her industrial and agricultural cctivi: Military observers in Lon the exterior defences of repeated counter attacks of on declare that everything Smolensk and their offensi the germans in the region of ties, and the development of new and mportant undertak oints to the possibility of ve in the vicinity of Duro El Guettar, the North Amo ings.
he starting of an intense Ru gobuzh to have developed rican troops had absolute As the trend of present day events indicate that bright sian offensive between Le in violence: they are also control of the situation, whi ingrade and the Caucasian reported of have occupied le other Allied forces were post war opportunites will rap at our door, we must be pre egion. After several days the major part of the upper continuing their advance to pared to seize and hold them. We cannot, therefore, afford of fighting, the Soviet course of the Donetz. Offen ward the coast.
to delay our preparation we cannot wait until a start is roops operating in the cen sive activities have been reTwo thoasand Germans ral sector captured several sumed in the Kaban area were taken prisoners in the made in the gencral re organization and reconstruction of mportant positions leading where the Russians are mov recent Mareth Line encou Old World affairs, as the problem will demand the assiztance oward Smolensk. On Tues ing toward Kerch and the ter. Frontal attacks are stil lay last the Germans were naval base of Novorossisk.
of the unlimited resources of cur hemisphere, chief among being launched against the orced to recross the Donetz enemy in this sector. More which will be the application of approved methods of nutrithan twenty enemy planes tion, the feeding of the hungry, the clothing of the naked CHANGES AMONG HIGH POSITIONED OFFICIALS were destroyed at the cost of eight Allied machines, du and the housing of the horseless.
According to the notices Demetrio Tinoco, will be hour Costa Rica aid will be along agricultural lines, chiefemanating from the Capital, don Carlos Manuel Escalar ring a period of 24 we gather several changes te successor, though the between last Tuesday and iy, hence the urgent need of our stimulating production, of iet Wednesday.
have occurred, or are about name of Lic. don Juan Ra.
to take place, among impor fael Arias, intensifying the production of as much of the things requirLate advices indicate that who is well by our war distrasied brethren. Experimental plantings tant positioned members of known in political circles, Rommel is making desperaThe government.
has been also mentioned.
te efforts to avoid his forces will indicate the piants best adapted to our soil. This is the Don Carlos Manuel Escathe We next have the report being surrounded in ante, who occupies the im of the resignation of time for us to arrange how best we can contribute to the south of Tunez.
dan ortant position of Minister Claudio Cortés Castro, the In the Gafsa sector lazt vital necessities of the devastated countries, and of direct3 Finance, has been named Administrator General Tucsday, the Germans lanbassador for Costa Rica the Pacific Railroad, ing our attention to the laying of our own economic and unched an intense attack a an sefore the government of the naming of don Prospe gainst the North Amer can social requirements on a sound and lasting foundation. We the United States of Ameri ro Guardia Mora, in his ste flank with the aid of powr must secure an early seat in the vanguard of future prosca with residence in Wash ad. Don Prospero is the pre ful tanks but were badly re perity ington. He takes the place sent Administrator of the pulsed with heavy losses.
of Lic. don Luis Fernandez National Liquor Factory, who has resigned and his place will be taken, we der for solder, the forces will be returning to Costa, are informed, by don GuiINVASION OF EUROPEAN CONTINENT have been specially prepar Rica.
llermo Guardia Mora. the ed for this aspect of the ofIMMINENT There is a strong belief Secretary in Chief of the fensive.
that the actual Minister of Comandancia.
Reports from Allied Mili pons, of secret designs, at Meantime Hitler is stated Education, Lic. don Luis tary sources in London dis their disposal along with to be constructing elaboraclose the belief that all has their well trained troops, te defence lines along the NEW PLAN FOR NATIONAL LOTTERY been made ready for the in the military high command major part of west Europe, vasion of the European Con are confident the invasion while his partner, MussoliWe learn that the Junta ticket carrying the first two tinent or, in other words, can be effected on a major ni, is doing likewise in south de Proteccion Social who have fiour of the second prize that the darkest hour of scale. As it is expected that Italy. Sicily and Sardinia, charge of the National Lot will learn a premioum of. the raging conflict is near the grearter part of the with the assistance of extery, have approved impor 30. 00 at hand.
fight will be carried out, sol pert Nazi Engineers.
tant changes in the system of total of 3, 873 prizes will The United Nations drawings now in operation, be distributed in lieu of the said to be fully equipped Commencing with the present 2, 916. The sor and prepared for the deamonth of June next, the first, quantity of tickets will be is dly encounter and have ama Wair of all kinds, class and qualities cut to the desired sty prize for the ordinary draw sued but each will cost ssed vast quantities of the le with satisfaction to clients at Dixon Barber Shop inas will we understand be. 15. 00, and divided, as at most modern armament in of the City Market.
75, 000 colones and the se present, into ten parts. cluding specially construct cond fifteen thousand Each ed tanks, designed for speed and durability. Their aerial BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT equipment has been descrbed as of a quantity suffi cient to cover all Europe.
With these powerful wea Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your TicketIf you are every particular 400 SERBS Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES Red Beans, lb. 30 Starch, lb. 45 ASSASSINATED Kerosene, bot. 60 Bosco, jar. 00 If you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at Salt, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bot Sapolio 00 Klim, tin 25 By way of Cairo, Egypt, we THE STANDARD have the information that Island Palm Soap 60 Ooats, Ib.
Lord, Ib.
four hundred Serbians 80 Cond. Milk, large 50 were is ce tain to please you recently executed by the No.
zi authority in a locality forty We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh miles southwest of Belgrado, Merchandise NELSON and SON TAILORS in reprisal for acts of sabo. LA PROVEEDORA tage said to have been com75 Yds. NORTH THE POST CFFICE IN FRONT mitted on the railroad. The LIMON THE CITY MARKET township called Topaonitzo was also destroyed by fire by the Germans.
ale. West The STANDARD LA PROVEEDORA 60 00 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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