
Limón Trading Company RUBBER PAGE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 27TH. 1943 250 JAPANESE PLANES DESTROYED IN SINGLE ATTACK It is reported that two in military circles as an inhundred and fifty enemy dication that the Japanese planes were destroyed last were making ready for Tuesday, during an attack new offensive toward the on the Japanese base at Ra south.
baul by units of the Allied Effective raids were also air force. More than 54 tons made on the Guadalcanal of explosive bombs are said area. Units from the Brito have been launched on tish base in India also conti the base. The concentration nued their destructive ope PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR of so large a number of pla rations in Burma.
nes at that base is regarded!
MATINA BURIAL SOCIETY HELD ITS OWN fortnight ago the Ma Ichard Jones, Wallace, tina Burial Association In Clarke, Mrs Emma Walla elusive very warmly and suce and Mrs. Reid. The ador ccessfully carried out the nment, in its colourful ef special reception program fect provided by the regame and other important fealias and robes of the memtures which have infused bers was rich food for the new life in the Society. leye. The recitations by the Among the newly admit. Misses Milicent Wright and ted members to this branch Etta Hutchinson added COCOA COCOANUTS COPRA of humanitarian service are much to the occasion Messrs. Chas. Copeland, Ri An Observer.
MARSHAL ROMMEL ORDERED TO ITALY REMEMBER Informed Vichy circles re. trated three divisions and Teose the information that where the native querrilla Marshal Rommel has been warriors are prepared to rer WE PAY THE BEST PRICES ordered to Italy along with der valuable assistance by har his Staff, to tako charge of rassing the Nazi rearguard the German defences as soon while the invading forces tac as his campaign in Tunisia kle them on the coast.
terminates The Nazi authorities are said to be concentrating large Your Boy needs a Hair out send him away this minute to NEW USE FOR VITAMIN quantities of artillery and Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market.
infantry, also air equipment in the south of Italy, in si ranking scientist is re tamin which may have, an cily, Sardinia and Corsica as ported to have discovered a important bearing on war predautionary measures aga.
TONIGHT MAGICO AND OPERA new and radically different time medicine.
inst the anticipated Anglo use for the anti scurvy vi Dr. Holmes, Pre American invasion, The local Motive Power pera. Talent of a real clas sident of the North AmeriThe Germans also Clubroom will be transfor sical character has been lis We opine the Show will can Chemical Society is con known to be constructing or med to night, the 27th. into ted for the latter, while the be a great diversion, and so vinced the vitamin is an efer ditional defences for the proa magnificent amusement Professor will personnally we urge a maximum of sup fective weapon against sur tection of the Balkan regions setting with the presentat perform the intricate tricks. port.
gical shock as he asserts the Military observers are of the ion of a variety Show by nervous systems of patients opinion that if the Allied Po. Professor Wally Logan and RECENT DEATHS who have taken it prior to wers attack the Balkans they his Troupe. It is our infor We have been afforded the, and was also a native of Nitions or tooth extractions, major operations, injec.
will do so by way of Crete, mation that the programme where the Nazis have concen will range from Magic to o information that among the caragua. He entered the hos have borne up much better persons who died, recently, in pitał on the 15th and died than normal He is endea Even the most fastidious, with stubborn hair and pear shap the San Juan de Dios Hospi Ion the 17th, of the present vouring to have the Army ed heads, smile with satisfaction when the Hair cut is done tal, San Jose, were.
Department try it out on a at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
Pedro Rivas García, 70 Efigenio Bustos Barrantes, large scale.
years old, formerly of Rio 21 years old, a native of San Vitamin (ascorbic Hondo, a native of Nicaragua. ta Cruz de Guanacaste, who cid) is now produced as a MISCFLLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS He entered the institution on resided in Guapiles, the son by product of explosive the 21st February last and of Timoteo Bustos and Odi manufacture at about 00 ARCHITECT AND BUILDER TILE ORIENTAL BARBER died on the 15th. instant Ilia Barrantes. He entered the Fears of practical knowledge, an ounce; when made forSHOP Benigno Calderon Gueva hospital on the 14th of last mery from orange juice the tfficient, neat, accurate, These Located in front former ra, 48 years of age, who pre month and died on the 8th cost was e 90. 00 an ounce.
my bighest ambition Any design Motive Power Club in 3rd. viously resided in 28 Miles instant.
in wood turned out with gratiLying results. Office and shop Avenue is the new parlour of 5th Avenue, North NIA.
in this city. All sanitary arrangements. Barber with Tomorrow, Sunday the Time has once again furtain of the boat, Mr. Macho THERESETTER WITH IM years of practice in all classes the re enjoyed many pleasant PROVEMENTS clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. trial 28th. the annual Harvest nished the proof that Hate Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most Thanksgiving services of oceans do not divide, that hours with his relative and her husband.
the Methodists at Zent will they united us instead.
Leated on Commerce fastidious.
Mr. Peter Machore, a be held in the Union ChaWe understand that pilot almost opposite Teatro Arras.
LIONEL LIONDOLX ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
pet at the hours of 11 a. pilot on a merchant vessel, Machore is the senior Stem. and 30 m: was afforded the privilege, ward of the service. THOMAS PARCHMENT Methodist Hair Specialist while his vessel lay at an Church at Bocas del Toro, Young People programme CABINET AND UNDERTAK presence in ING SHOP. Specializes in maks. will be staged in the after chor in our port, to visit his Panama. His WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND lag and repairing furniture and noon. Harvest Drama will niece, our well regarded ci our city was very welcomECONOMY. Everything in ma every other branch of wood be presented on the follo tizen, Mrs. Egbert Polson. ed, generally.
chinery made or repaired, from work. Coffins always stocked. wing night. The accusto: Accompanied by the capa Pin to a Crane. See us. We Yee as before going elsewhere. med cordial invitation has assortment of Beds, Prices moderate. 4th Street, been extended the residents Springs and other useful things trance to Gamez Lumber in the district and vicinity nt all times. Building No. 89 Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, to attend the services.
NOTICE North Fifth Avenue Manager It has also been announceú THOMPSON, Proprietor.
that the Denomination ad Address all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos NEW HARLEM BAR English Tweeds Sergs RESTAURANT. The Best drinks stage a Rally, based on the herenus a Siquirres will ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a can still be had at prepared by heroes and heroines of the Reasonable Prices at Grant, Genuine native and for eign liquors stocked Our Cush Elible, on Monday night, JACK ORANE Sucs. BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 ne service the most up to date. the 5th. April proximo. We SAN JOSE THE PEOPLE HOUSE CRAWFORD AND GRANT, understand a well balanced Limon Proprietors.
programme is being prepa Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos red to serve as the seasonling for the main feature.
are a.
Avenue carry an AND ROIG WILD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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