
ASA SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 READY MADE CLOTHING AT ONE HALF COST PRICE PLOT AGAINST HITLER 10 PRICE BULI PTINS TO BE POSTED IN COMMERCIAL FOR OUR WORKING PEOPLE DISCOVERED ESTABLISHMENTS It is with much gratifica. will establish deposits of clo tion we bring the following thing with the Priests With the view of further asked to solicit the aid of the in By medium tof the British to the attention of our estee charge of the different Cu Broadcasting Company, the in assisting the purchasing pu police should they encounter med readers.
res throughout the country formation has been released that blic with respect to the prices any difficulty in connection Inspired by a desire to alle who have offered their co was recenly discovered in Gerry day necessities, the Natioa plot agains the Hitler regime they should pay for their eve with the matter.
certain intimamany, and in connectio with nal Price economic difficulties being te knowledge of the people which fünteen persones tiere Weite is having, we understand, vul The Return of Mr. Willie experienced by our working will enable the sales to be cated; among them were high y letins printed disclosing the classes, párticularly in so conducted to the very best positioned members of the ar. fixed prices for the respective Heilbron far as the acquisition of advantage. These deposits my as well as functicnaries of articles. These bulletins will We greatiyenjoy having essential articles of life are will, we understand, include the departments of foreign rela be posted in all retail establis Mr. Willie Heilbron once ag tin concerned, the National other articles at a later ti tions and economy.
ments, and purchasers will be with us. He has returned from Board cf Supplies have inime.
the San José office of the Nor tiated activities for the sale As the sale of the clothing thern Railway Company to fill to them of ready made work at a fifty per cent reduction the responsible position reing apparel alter the rate of will entail a great financial GESTAPO PURSUE PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS cently vacated by don Juan fitty per cent of the cost loss, the Board has arrangLuis Vargas.
ed to recover the amount Prior to accepting TempbyThe President and Secreta by means of special taxes The exiled Polish Govern in Poland had assassinated se ment with the Company. Me.
ry of the Board have been on merchandise not regardi ment have issued, from their veral hundred Catholic priests Heilbron served for many travelling through the va ed as of primary importanc London headquarters, further and monks, and that 700 years as Assistant Secretary in rious districts for the purpo ia for the general consumer. information recently received priests, including seven Blour Governor Office, where se of inaugurating the servi The service was initiated regarding the anti Chirstien shops, are actually confined in he ever displayed a pleasing who ce, which will, afterwards, it is stateri. with a stock of activities of the Gestapo. concentration camps, as the willingness to serve all be conducted in the follow articles bought by the Board The publication stated tha: result, of the Gestapo perse required his assistance, The Board for 10. 000.
during the past few monih3 cution of the Church.
ing manner The ATLANTIC VOICE members the Nazi authorities bids him a hearty welcome. TANGIBLE DEMONSTRATION OF ESTEEM AND FELLOWSHIP LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY We owe a debt of gratitu worker marvellously perFABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS de to Mr Peter Blackman, a formed the duties of Master true friend of the Atlantico fCeremony; and in the back WEM Voice for having invited us ground of his very pointed LIMON SOAP FACTORY to the magnificent Farewell expressions treating on the tendered Mr, Solon Contreras outstanding character of ut o nthe afternoon of Tuesday their Guest of honour, was PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD the 30th, ultimo.
characteristically humorous; The Affaire du coeur inter alia be remarked: Whe (Fundada en 1910)
was held in the accommodatrever you go and are offer ing refreshment parlourofed milk, drink as many glas the local commissary, and ses as may be given but, re Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS its setting was highly appro member do not ask the sour piate with the spirit of those ce nor attempt to count the who had promulgated the cows. beautiful and COS GARRON e HIJOS Tribute to the guest of hotly present, contributed by nour don Solen Contreras, the meant of the department who, after twenty two years was seasoringly presented by LIMON of efficient and faithful ser don Peter APARTADO 417 vice with the Merchandise In the same vein of hign Department of the Costa Ri appreciation Messrs. Willie ca Banana Company, a pe Price, John Steele, Japhet No Increase In Price of our PRIVATE SCHOOL TEACHERS ASSOCIATION WILL riod in which he had frater Clark, Splatt, James Scott nized with, befriended and Jesus Mora, Arturo Coward Milk CONVENE AT MATINA deeply esteemed his fellow and the writer added their The Managing Personnel of The city teachers and others employees, had resigned his contributions. Very impres the Private School Teachers residing on the Line Towns The information las reachposition as Import Control sively Señor Contreras ex led us that one of the largest Association adopt this medite east of Matina will be able to Clerk to accept a mere impressed his gratitude for the four Milk Suppiýing floris Tere System, as also cand fuation by th usual freigni an!
Yotify all associated with avail themselves of ttanspor portant and lucrative one heinour conferred on him, approached the Nationale affiliates, that the first quarssenger cabination or the with the Pan. American which he said he esteemed Control Committee with tlie Highway Authorities As a not as one of comrades, but request thai the price fresh terly meeting for 1943 will be extra for the Matina Branch medium of presenting a tan of brotherly regard, and cow milk be increased held at Matina on Saturday Line.
gible proof of that fervent which would ever live in fifty céntimos per bottle the 10th. instant, commencisg We learn there is a great regard they held for him, his memory. Mr. Jerome Ear nixed for Puntarenas. The aim at 30 a.
urge for a full attendance.
the men associated with his le, who prepared and perso mittee duly considered the immediate department pre nally attended to the serving matter and have recided, we Appearance counts. when in need of a haircut or slave pared the manifestation. of the refreshments, was are told, that the price should you look thin, sick, shabby and a wreck. Do yourself jusMr. Peter John Blackman, warmly thanked by the Mas remain as at present.
tice by visiting Dixon Barber Shop, West of the City Market who has been his closest col ter of Ceremony ta 35 NOS COMPLACEMOS EN INFORMAR Que hemos sido nombrados Agentes Compradores exclusivos para la exportación a Estados Unidos de HIERRO ACERO viejo AYUDE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS VENDIENDONOS TODO EL QUE TENGA!
Visítenos o denos detalles de lo que tiene, y le informaremos el precio de compra fijado Costa Rican Trading House, Inc.
APARTADO 1710 SAN JOSE TELEFONO 3805 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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