p. 12


PAGE 12 SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN 2015 SILVER THE GALLOWS TREE TRUTH. JUSTICE LUFTWAFFE SEEN AS BOMBERS FOR EVERY JUBUEE FREEDOM FIRST REICH FORCE HOUR OF DAY The Russians report that the Germans have developed a Goebbels is reported to have TO CRACK AND NIGHT mobile gallows, very efficient On Thursday, April 1st. 19:3, in operation, accommodating said recently that a good deal the Royal Air Force On the Tunisian of the trouble in Germany was Front comme five convicted persons at February, 1943, saw a grex morated the 25th anniversary time. Neither the details nor due to failura to secure ha. Ma ch. Ine Luf: wafle way step forward towards the nur of its foundation, and although the basis of this report is par mony between the patriotic b: the first German (uiting stop day and night bombin offensive against Germany it is the youngest of the three ticularly important. Germa people and the religous people to crack British armed service, its mom ny has produced engines of Goebbels meant it as a cri Erman rorals, whose it. During that short month bers, and indeed the whole death and destruction which ticism of the religious peo verage age is fifty six, to the year more than 50 per cemi nation, may well be proud of cast a mére gallows into ihe ple who refused to rejoice handle Luftwaffe pilots in the greater weight of bombs was its magnificent record in peace shade. Nevertheless, it would Jew baiting, or to accept Nazi same ruthless, souiless lavin dropped on the Reich than ir and war.
doctrines about education or which they handie army any other month of the war be particularly fitting for some Who does not remember the ingenious Nazi to develop an race superiority, or to preach troops. The airmen vre more And yet this is only the begin.
splendid deeds of valour of improved method of flinging an anti Bolshevik crusade. For temperamental and individ in uing.
courageouslistic, and cannot be turnea Nevertheless, it is a most the Royal Flying Corps during dissenters into eternity; to there have been the war of 1914 1918? Who has combine the old brutality of outspoken church leaders in out like sausages. Because the significant beginning because forgotten the names of Major the hangman boose with the Germany who have criticised Luftwaffe is overworked and daylight raids deep into ere Edward Mannock, Colono:1 the Nazi gospel.
Saljv et is encountering constantly im. y territory are taking the modernity of William Bishop, the Canadiantructed metar imga the re Religious people if the proving aircraft and personnel, place in the tactical plan be who is now an Air Vice vice, no doubt, would be light should judge the diags of fight is a sign bearing out this now maintained to a large ex are true to their professions, its present disinclination 10 side the heavy night raid Marshal in charge of training but strong. Each element. tent by four motor bombers the Dominion pilots, Captain would be clearly numbered, men and nations by moral and contention. was told of one Luftwafle The result is that the enemy Albert Ball and all the others making for ease in dismant spiritual standards.
who won glory and nonour oring and erecting the machin?
In Britain, from the very lieutenant, who had shot do vai defensive forces are getting themselves and their country All moving parts would work! cutset, our religious leaders many Russians and who was little rest; day and night shes in hundreds of air battles, and smoothly, and the men intrust have heartened and supported the first of his squadron to ya, are having to meet in aling set an example to the younged with its care would be well the national war effort. They captured in Africa, that sa isig, air forces.
pilots of the Royal Air Force drilled and furnished with an have done this not merel be percentage of the Luftwaffe is continuous assault ture calls for a inely ha that came into being at the adequate supply of indent cause they love their country, demoralized.
The dive bomber seems to lanced team capable of all cod of the great conflict. forms for use in requisitioning as of course they do for it Then came the years of repairs and replacements. In they thought their courtry be dead as an implement of ae ing on in every type of wea ther and even of turng rac peace, but the young arm did a word, one can imagine that wrong they would say so T!:ey rial warfare.
see the great moral issues in Carefully prepared statistics weather to advantage. Fortu not rest on its laurels. The such a gallows would be a mo volved. They know the United show that the average Stuka nately in the British and Ame British designers evolved the nument to Nazi craftsmanship Nations are in truth, and 119 famous does comparatively slights rican Air Forces now building hydroplanes It might be argued that a merely as a matter of patio mage, and that an average raid up the attack, the United Na won the coveted Se inciler spray of machma sam billetstic rhetoric, fighting on the by fifteen dive bombers results tions have types of aircraft Cup on three succesive would be quick in side of Truth, Justice and easions against the best versmunder. But ne ans, as in nearly one third of them and trained air crews which Freedom.
combine together ideally. They in Europe, and it was becoming casualties.
fortu they have shown by si aging rate for Britain that by the to the headsman in docetic If troops are bothered by extend the Luftwaffe to the time the Nazis set u: on her executions. believe that era Stukas, it shows they are inex uttermost in the air while in SAYINGS perienced troops.
flicting great damage on the present bid for world conquestain, erudity in metood is efThe British 8th Army has ground.
the fast combat aeroplanes fective in inspiring terror. modelled after the winners of streamlined gallows, a neadsTRIBUTE TO THE not seen any dive bombers for VARIETY OF AIRCRAFT the last six months.
The extent to which a sta that famous trophy had reach man in top hat, possess the RED ARMY The North Afuca Allied air tegic offensive of the type now ed the stage of mass pugly incongruity of a Naci in and my peoples join with force is wearing blisters on being waged depends on she tion. It was equally fortunate this modern world. Hitlerisn the peoples of the Soviet Union hands of Axis troops digging performance of the individual hat British air strategists had has capitalized on such anach in wholehearted tribute to the slit trenches, because ihe aircraft is not always realised decided on the buildiag u ofronisms, they make its rule heroic qualities and magnifi troops do not know where he wide variety of first class a supreme air force of figh:ers more terrible by sheer con cent leadership, whereby the higher flying planes are going a craft are im service instead of bombers Derau e trast with the decent apoi Red Army in its struggle to unload their bor BS liyan with the Illied ir Forces the excellence of the machines ties of civilized life.
against our and the indomitable, aguescommon enemy pointing their noses neis operating fro Britain. The And so a new gallows vould has, by its resounding targets, the Allied bombers af motor Lancasters, Fortresses, sive offensive spirit of the be a most appropriate sybol of triumphs, written new young pilots not only saved the New Order. Europe, fur of history. The King over a wide a rather :lan the highspeed Mosquitos and pages fect the morale of Axis ops Halifaxes and Liberators the British continental army rowed by Nazi high explor a specific group.
Bostons. and even the Musfrom destruction during thesives and sown richly with in The Red Army is an arry One of the major jons of the tangs and Typhoons or intru.
retreat from Dunkirk, but frus nocent blood, shows forth the lof defence, of peace and friend fighters and ligh: bombers is der operations.
trated the great air offensive first fruits of Hitlerism. Stark ship between the peoples of to make certain that the cer he way in which Priisli of Marshal Goering Lift against the red sky, sleekly all countries. It has been man evacuation of Tunisia is a and American units dovetniwaffe in autumn 1940. Vastly functional, angular as the swas created not to conquer outnumbered they shot hund. tika itself, stands the gallows people country but for her costly one. It will be very in together in the attack on Gerthe teresting to see, since it will many is perhaps best illustratreds of the Nazi bombers out tree.
defence of the frontiers of ihe be the first ani to try aned by a typical 24 hours operaof the skies over Britain art all Soviet land. The Red may evacuation without air supetion. In darkness, before although grea: damaze DO YOU KNOW THAT as always regarded with eve riority.
the bombers from the preinflicted on the civilian jou rence the rights and indep. 1lation and many of (911 Since the moveagents of vious night raids have try beautiful historical built. Construction of British air Stalin.
dence of all nations. Premier ground troops are limited by turned home, intruder patrols ings were wrecked by the fields is being speeded up mincs, booby traps and rear go out, nightflying Dougias vandalism of the Germau ant through the invention of a se guard actions, the final task in Bostons and Hawker Huer Hitler has been out gene. the battle for Tunisia will be canes, shooting up and borib men, the gained ile icret cement which enables ralled, outmanoeuvred, first resounding victory over heavy bombers to lan! tly out fought. Never in all and borne to a large exten: by the ing enemy defences and com Around its air force. It is mounting srcadi munications.
Hitler war machine anul an 24 hours after it has been ia d? long, proud history has the Gerly in numbers, the Western more light and melium boximpressive ascendency in the complete airfield, which man Army sustained such an Desert machines now having bers join the fray.
air which it has never relin formerly took a year to build, unmitigated disaster the quished since. The words o now takes only a month.
superiority in this thenter, If the day is fine with proRey Army has inflicted u though the short interval lives mise of little cloud the great Prime Minister Winston Chur it in the battle of Stal nurau, Jof the Germans may give them Boeing Fortress and Consoti chill that never in nistory so few months. Little by little. Mr. Anthony Eden, Foreign superiority in certain specific dated Liberator bombers of the few had done so much for so put inexorably, the Nazi war Secretary.
battles. Army Eighth Air Force many were a just apprecia industries are being destroyed are warming up on the run.
tion of the heroism displayed the air power of the United It lies to the crei of the ways ready to set out to carry by this handful of boys w! Nations is growing by leaps Soviet military authorities ly organisation. Sir John their bombs to Germany in defeated their powerful ene and bounds, and however long that they early grasped the Anderson, Lord President of daylight. If clouds low, mies, and the example they the war may last the end Is need for education of the raak the Council, and visibility bad for high set to the whole British Em already in sight. The hitory and file. They created an my level bombing, then Welling.
pire was directly responsible of the is that of the not of automatons but of think The heroism of Stalingrad, tons may be warming up insfor the wonderful morale Community of British Na ing men full of initiative. which has captured the imagi tead to steal out on cloudshown by soldiers, sailors and ticns throughout the world in. Attlee, Dominions nation of the world by the hopping tactics to some pin civilians alike in the dark times of stress and danger Secretary.
grandeur of its scale and the pointed objectives a thousand days of the present conflict they are ever able to scale the grimness of its exploits, is no miles away. Later, Vega Ven.
and which has taken the na heights of sublime fortitude What is the secret of Resdoubt equalled at other key turas, Mitchells, Hurricanes, tion onto the final stretch of and abnegation, pluck and sa sia great military effort? points. The same skill and en Spitfires and Whirlwinds will the sead that leads to victory lour, because they are con:rs. What does it all betokea. an durance, under conditions we strike off again each bent Now Germany is feeling the eci. free men and free women suming patriotism, unshak cannot think of, are being on causing as much destruceffects of the great bombing ready to give their all in the eable determination, selfless shown in attack. Mr. Oli tion as possible to the enemy pffensive the has been defence of their humane tra endurance beyond belief, su ver Stanley, Colonial Secreia. war effort and disorganising Bonducting during the last. ditions and their civilizations. preme leadership and master ry.
the enemy defences.
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