
ATLANTIC VOICE we are civi THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Piety is the only proper and adequate relief of decaying man. He who grows old without religious hopes, as he declines into imbecility, and feels paing and sorrows growding upon him, falls into a gulf of bottomless misery, in itor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 which every reflection must plunge him deeper, and where AR V1 LIMON, MAY 8TH. 1943 NO 372 he finds only new gradations of anguish and precipices of horror. The Rambler. LONDON, 7th FLASH. It is officially announced that the Allied THE GREAT WAGNA CHARTA OF MOTHERHOOD aces are in complete control of the important bases of Tunez and The special wanual celebrations, in tribute to Mother RUSSIA VICTORIOUS OFFENSIVE Dizerta.
hood, have made their 1943 appearance. The members of the Baptist Denornination in this city will hold their obserhe Soviet forces ar push and finally forced the Gertheir successful operations; mans to quit leaving around vance tomorrow the 9th. instant, the region of the del a of 000 dead on the battle field.
WAR REPORTS As the observance of Mothers Day einbraces all natioKuban writ disastrous ef Aided by an unusuol large on the enemy are air force the Russians are ow nalities, all races all classes, and is free of all discriminaormed After completely harrassing the enemy west of daring Nazi submarine is tions between the rich and the poor, the strong and the troying the Nazi defenres Novorossisk while the naval repored by Washington to psuhing forward over se units on the Black Sea have approached the coast weak, the high and the low, we can justly, we think, refer al kilometros, they captur endeaworing to prevent their off South Carolina. It was to it as the Great Magna Charta of Motherhood.
many important positions escape.
sunk by one of the United No sane individual can reasonably fail to offer a tribute States coastkal guard ships.
WANTED. WANTER. WANTED Units of the Roytal Air of heartfelt gratitude to Mother for her forebearande Force and Allied Powers et her patience. her toil. her unbounded devotion. and Black and White Puppy States coastal guard ships.
during the past week over love. She and she alone can truly soothe the troubled with long hair, that will not grow very big.
Germany, Italy, France, and heart and aliate the sorrow laden soul. She and only she Please bring to the other Nazi occupied terriis ever ready to forger and forgive and to lend a helping tories in Europe. The impor tant industrial centers AMERICAN CONSULATE, Limon City of hand at all times and under all privations. In Mother, the Essen, Berlin, Antwerp, Na, prodigal, the ingrate will always find a true and lasting les, Taranto and Dortmund AGRICULTURAL COLONY FOR TALAMANCA friend. Germany) east of Essen, is We pleasingly note the It has also been stated one of the Reich most im Death has deprived many of their Mothers since the rmation that the Central, that the Secretary of Pu portant mining and induspast year special Tribute. to these let us extend a refrevernment, by medium of blic Health is giving consi trial centers. So intense was shing memory. Let there be too, no Mother who will not e Secretaria de Governa deration to the inauguration the bombing over this center remember she is a pais of this Great Magna Charta. and on, has submitted for the of such methods which will that it has been estimated twenty five onsideration of the Natio not only enable the Indians hol less than, should in consequence, be mindful of her responsibilities, il Congress a project for to satisfactorily pursue their fected successful bombings bombs and practise the wisdom which fortifies affection and gee establishment of agri jagdiculutral paz. dies, buy ands of incendiary Atural colonies in the Zo will provide them with the fell each minnute on the lo nuine love. She should also be careful to provide a safecation and affected is of the country occupifcessary y tinjstructions, in guard against that stress and strain whcih might militate by the Indians.
struments, credits and, last, and military damages of out It is proposed to establish but not least, such medical standing nature. Thirty of guard against that stress and strain which might militate de of these colonies in the facilities as will safeguar the attacking planes are reagainst the well being of her offspring, ast region of Talamanca in them against the spread of ported to have been lost.
Military advices reveal nis province.
May humanty never lose sight of Mother love, the The sinking of four allied primery purpose of Mothers Day; and may every son ships recently off the coast THE BEGINNING OF THE END of Australia by Japanese and daughter so whole heartedly love and honour their The Allied armies have in Tunisia that the Secre submarines. Allied air units Mother that they may participate in the promised Divine unched their general and tary General of the Fascist are conducting a series of have constant raids over impor reward. May we all too at this time, give a special thonght ve against the enemy bases Party is reported to ve against the evemy basen Mitted the app foaching tant enemy bases, nine hy to those Mothers who mourn the loved ones whose lives Tunez and Bizerta in Tu lied invasion of his coun droplanes were destroyed as to those Mothers who mourn the loves ones whose lives sia.
try, and the possibility of an outcome of one of these.
have been lost in the great struggle for the preservation of In conjunction with the its inability to make a suc te n the coastal sector vesful defence.
nez where violent fighting civilization orth Americans who ope last minute advice sta was in progress Patrol par e first British army, initial tes the Allied forces hod ties are also said to hay a general movement al entered the outskirts of Tu entered Bizerta.
Neither parents nor children are content if the Hairiinst Tunez last. Thur cut was not done at Dixon Barber Shop uy. Hundreds of airplanes. West of the city Market.
nks and artillery batteries e co operating wth a view SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF ETHIOPIA is thought, of securing a JBERATION pid decision. Bizerta is BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT sing approached by the Wednesday last, the ffchraged and supported his pe merican Troops.
of May, registered the se ople to continue their resis Both bases were suffering cond anniversary of the litence against the aggres avy damage by fire produ beration of the historic Em sors. by the Allied air raids. pire of Ethiopia from the To When all had been fully It is stated that fol ow ng talitarian Grip, and the des planned and efficiently prs Red Beans Ib.
Storch, lb. 45 e example of Marshal Rotruction of Mussolini dre pared, the British, aided by Kerosi ne, bot mel, General Von Arnim am of an extended Italian well trained and properly 50 Bosco, jar. 00 ad abandoned Tunez. He Empire. The occasion is equipped troops from ind a Salt, lbs. 35 Sweer Oil, bei 50 preciously issued and Sast Sapolio 00 Klim, tin än said to have been specially South Africa, 25 der to the forces Island Palr, Soap under celebrated in Great Britain. West Africa, initiated the 60 Cats, Ib. 80 is command to figlit to a fi Driven from his throne offensive against the Ita Lard, ib. 80 Rice, Ib. 35 sh in view of the impossi and country by the Italian lians and completely routed lity of their retirement. bordes, His Royal Highness them in less than six months We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh So convinced is the Italian she Emperor took refuge in. ing. Adis Abeba. the 21 Merchandise inh command of a defeat England, whence he encon Capital, was occup ed by the victorious forces on the 6th. April 1941 and one LA PROVEEDORA CAPE OF GOOD HOPE month later, on May the WHAT IS THAT?
5th. His Majesty Haile Sela ssie, re entered the city and LIMON officially resumed his posiThat is your Store, where ou will find all you need tion of Emperor. On the in the latest styles and 31st. Jannuary of the follo POST WAR wing year all the Bi sh DISTRIBUTION BY HITLER AND CO VERY CHEAP troops still in the country Hitler, Laval, Von Ribben. will be incorporated by stay were withdrawn and the antrop and Bastianini are ie lafter the close of the actual It is very comfortable to reach because it is in the cient Empire reverted to its ported to have reached an war IM ON MARKET age old independence as agreement under which Che This procedure, of con free nation. under the rule French territories of Nice, Sa anticipates, an Axis victory.
of the Negus.
voy and the Island of Corsica We shall see.
LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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