
PAGE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MAY 8th. 1943 English Tweeds Sergs NOTICE THE FOURTH ARM share of the credit in defending MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Freedom in the war.
By DERIC PEARSON WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER Ecenes: seat on a village green Willy Jones That right The Prime Minister of Sreat ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP in a miring district in South David, two of my cousins were Britain has made these remarks chinery made or repaired, from Located in front former Wales. Date: 14th March 1957. killed in an explosion last to the miners.
a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Motive Power Club in 3rd.
year. We shall not fail and then carry an assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of Willy Jones (aged 14) What David Evans Besides the some day, when children ask: Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop did your father do in the War? coal miner was just as necessa What did you do to win this at all times. Building No. 89 in this city. All sanitary David Evans (aged 13) Hery for winning the war as the inheritance for us and to inake North Fifth Avenue.
arrangemeats. Barber with was a soldier, what did your soldier or the sai or or the air our name so respected among THOMPSON, Proprietor.
man. My dad says that if it men? one will say: was a THE RESETTER WITH IMyears of practice in all classes Willy Jones He was in the had not been for the coal that Fighter Pilot. another will say: PROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. trial will convince the most navy, and his brother, uncle kept factories going and the was in the Submarine SerMate Barber Parlour Centrally fastidious.
Joe, was an airman. What the vice, another: marched with located on Commerce was munitions turned out and Avenue LIONEL MONDOLI your y?
ships built, Britain would have the Eighth Army, a fourth will almost opposite Teatro ArrasJohnny Lloyd (aged 15) Oh, lost the war in the first six say: None of you Proprietor.
could have ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous he wasn in any of the er months. So it seems to me that lived without the convoys and Pervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT Vices, he was a miner. the soldier, sailor, airman and the Merchant Seamen. and you Hair Specialist.
David Evans Well that the the miner are each one of them in your turn will say, with bame thing as being in one of just as important as the other equal pride and with equal can srill be had at the services. At least mining is in warfare and have an «yual right: WE CUT THE COAL. ATLANTIC BAR AND Reasonable Prices of pretty risky sort of job Britain turns out about four RESTAURANT JACK ORANE Sucs.
millon tons of coal per week, THE PEOPLE HOUSE ARE CREDEREELDIVESTREAM but it must not be forgotten The very best and highest Limon that a very great deal of Fuel is grade native and foreign Lirequired for the factories that quor always stocked No adul NEW HARLEM BAR ANI turn out aeroplanes, ships, am teration Our Short Order RESTAURANT. The Best drinks Address all your EngPara todos sus frabajos munition, guns and all the war Service the best inthe City. prepared by Crawford and ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a material that is required to put 4th Avenue and 7th. Street. Grant, Genuine native and foran end to Nazi tyranny and CLEMENT ROBERTS eign liquors stocked Our Cusipreserve the freedom of the Proprietor ne service the most up to date.
world. These miners do their CRAWFORD AND GRANT, BOX 523. Teléfonog 5319, 3201, or 2929 work unflinchingly, knowing CABINET AND UNDERTAK Proprietors.
SAN JOSE the service they are doing and ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
the necessity to carry it Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos outing and repairing furniture and ARCHITECT AND BUILDER effectively in their efforts to every other branch of wood Years of practical knowledge, 101 win the war It should not be work. Coffins always stocked. efficient, neat, accurate. These imagined that their life is an Yee as before going elsewhere. my bighest ambition Any design unpleasant one. Mining seems Prices moderate. 4th Street, Ir. wood turned out with gratito run in families. There have intrance to Gamez Lumber lying results. Office and shop Héroes Decorados been cases where a son has fol. Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, 5th. Avenue, North NIA.
lowed in the footsteps of his Manager.
father and grandfather in being a miner. It seems to run in the Wat te blood in some of these mining fillages.
The people of Britain are ecoIN PARISH HALL nomising in the use of coal, hot baths, gas and electricity and Consequent on the great en Contest in the St. Mart Paparaffin, each one doing their thusism being evinced with rish Hall on the evening of little bit for the freedom of respect to the Singing Cont the 18th instant instead of in themselves and all na:ions est to be staged under the aus the Lodge Hall, as previously throughout the world. The Cai pices of the Loyal Bethseca announced.
lors, the Soldiers, the Airmen Lodge of the Independent Or Apart from the greates seat are known as the heroic rncm der of Odd Fellows, Manches ing accommodation, and in berseen the three arms of at ter Unity, and the large de view of the more extended tack and defence of the Free mand already being inade for suroundings, the change will, dom of Democracy, but here admission tickets, we have we have no doubt, greatly veare heroic members of the been reliably informes tha! nefit the function in all esFourth Arm. the Coal Mi the Management of the Sock pects.
ners. tv have decided to hold. ROIG IS SINGING CONTEST WILL BE STAGED Limon Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Grupo de nueve oficiales navales de un submarino de los Estados Unidos, en el momento en que fueron condecorados por su heroísmo en la campaña del Pacífico. Se le acredita a la flota submarina de los Estados Unidos, haber hundido más de 200 transportes y buques de guerra japoneses.
Dried Ipecac Roof RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuis and Cópra NEW BROADWAY STORE Visit the New Broadway Store (Opposite La Victoria Coffee Shop, Limon City)
where you will find the newest assortment jo Clothing and general Furnishings at the Lowest Prices.
REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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