
Rubber Reserve Co.
were ue on The meeting of the English ready issued by the Assoriation Private School Teachers, for, particularly those relatis. ts the second quarter of 1943, was the transfer of scholars from held at Matina on Monday April one school to anothe: without the 26th. commencing at 12 a Leaving Certificate from the THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND noon. Present were. Mr. last school.
WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO Thomas, President; Mrs. The Associated much apre Bernard, Vice President: ciated the kind reply from the Mr. Davidson, Treasurer; Educational Dept. of the se Mr. Corniffe, Secretary: venth Day Aventists head of Mrs. Jessie Wright, Asst. Secre fice in San José to the Secretatary Major Lynch and Mr. ry ietter of March 5th. on the Abbott, Vocales.
subject of the new school ratcs.
Other members in attendance Instructions were given that a WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR were. Miss Brown of Li reply be made in compliment. verpool; Mr. Josiah Johnson of The Association regretted to om Estrada; Miss Lewis of Ma learn of the serious illness of 23 tina; Mr. Gibson of 28 don Juan Bautista Peralta, DiMiles. Visiting educators were rector of the Tomás Guardia the Misses Lucille Johnson School of Limón, and directed ke CINE MUNDIAL and Dorothy kicketts of Limón; the Secretary to send him a letMrs. Alberta Sawyers of zeritter expressing their sympathy.
and Mrs. Beatrice Franklin of The Secretary was also requestLIMON Hora Zent Siquirres. Miss ed send a letter of 2991 vie, Methodist to tion and thanks to the Rev.
the Cusapin Indians in the Re Forde and the Mațina Baptists Satisfaction, the desire of the masses, is to be had atas public of Panamá, province of for the loan of the Church VACATIONING IN THE Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
Bocas del Toro, was also o building where the meeting was sitor.
CAPITAL TOMORROW GRAND LOTTERY DRAWING After the usuai formalites It was pleasing to the Assohad been effected, the moutes ciation to receive four of the With the very extraordina There exists, without a smaller offerings. This is but of January 31st, were ceai ana visiting teachers as members ry rise in the temperature in doubt, the most selfish wish natural and consequently, ex confirmed after a few miner Mesdames Franklin and Saw this city, during the months in the heart of every one who cusable, we believe.
amendments approved. yers and the Misses Johnson of March and April last, it is will participate in tomorrow Not only fro man indiviAmong the many matters dealt and Ricketts.
no wonder those who were extraordinary drawing of the dual viewpoint, but on behalf with was the question of the It was decided to hold the born and grew under the in National Lottery that they of the economic welfare of registration of the Association next meeting in Limón, when fluence of inilde relimes have gain, if not the full Grand this Zone, we are hoping in order to give it the official the Association hopes to have experienced such uneasiness Prize of 150, 000 colones, then Dame Fortune will lend her recognition it deserves and one as its guest the Inspector of as the result of the intense a part of same or one of the sympathy in this direction.
which will pass on to posłexty. Private Schools and Colleges heat.
The members agreed to The meeting then adjoumed procedure and even urged its MrsJessie Wright offering Among others, FOURTEEN DIE IN AIRPLANE ACCIDENT we learn being effected in the quickest the closing prayer. Major Lynch that Mrs. Berenzon, the es From Washington it has ry last to replace General time possible evoked that at the opening teemed wife of Mr. Salonón been officially reported that Eisenhower who had taken Importance was plaur Berenzon, the popular proprie in addition to General charge in North Africa. He the obligation of each memies CYRIL CORNIFFE, tor of the widely known Tien Frank Maxwell Andrews, was but 59 years old.
to carry out the instruc in a.
da Hollywood. who is of Cu Commander of the North Others who perished in pean origin, has left for the American Armed Forces include Bishop Anda Leonard, Capital, where it will be much Europe thirteen persons last of the Methodist Denomina more refreshing. She was ac their lives in the airplane tion, who represented va CAFE HOLNESS companied by her son, Salo accident which took place rious ecclesiastical sees of Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street món Jr.
on the 3rd. instant in Icelthe United States of Ameriand.
ca and had been making a directly in front the Football Ground General Andrews former tour of all the war zones; This New Eating and Refreshing Spot 150 THOUSAND ly occupied the position of Brigadier General Charles military commander of Barth, 39 years of age and is now at the Public Service DOLLARS PER the Canal Zone and the Ca Chief of General Andrews ribbean area. He was trans Staff, and Colonel Morrow.
GLORIA WARREN ITALIAN TROOPS The seventeen year oid arUNWILLING TO CONTINUE FIGHT DEATH AND BURIAL OF OLD RESIDENT tiste, Gloria Warren, is re According to the reported The captured Italians are ported by Hollywood to have declarations of a large num stated to have resented the secured a contract with the ber of Italian troops who sur bad treatment meted out to RK concern which guaran rendered in mass to the North them by the Nazi officers, Leon Charles shared the consisted of many mourners tees her the huge salary of American forces around Tu and to have expressed their distinction of having been nd sympathizers. Among one hundred and fifty thou nez, there is much unwilling intention of making every efone of the foreigners who those who survive him ars sand dollars per annum durness on the part of these mem fort to relieve their fellow arrived in Costa Rica du his widoy; his daughters ing a period of seven years, bers of the Axis combine to nationals who are still under ring the early twentieth Maria, Teresa, Simona; his The contract was approved carry on the fight.
German officialdom.
century during which leng sons Juancito and Fran by the Supreme Coutr, Glothened period he earned al kie; his sister Miss Al ria being a minor and under wide popularity and high berta Saltimia (Fifi) and legal guardianship.
BROWNE ABRAHAMS esteem among all classes. his brother Henry Lewis (Jaton. To all these and This gives the young ArCOMPRAMOS Mr. Charles had reached the other sorrowing relati tiste a daily income of a lita reasonably advanced age ves here and abroad, the tle more than four hundred COCOS. COPRA. ACEITE DE COCO and had been, unfortunate TLANTIC VOICE extends dollars. not so very bad in ly, the victim of a painful its deepest sympathy. May these days of financial strinApartado 362 and lingering illness to the soul of the departed one gency.
which esuccumbed on Safind perpetual Rest.
turday the 1st. instant whi le a patient in the local hor pital. He was a native of Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back the Island of St. Lucia, ons de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: of the many British Colonies in the Caribbean wat Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This bill must be paid at our office before ers. He occupied responsi the 10th of the month ble positions with both the de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Northern Railway and Cos Be so good ar to comply with this request and do not ta Rica Fruit Companies, Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
On Sunday afternoon his remains were conveyed from the Morgue to the Cathedral, where the funeral rites were solemnized by the Rev. Fr. John. The cortege COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON TEN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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