
Rubber Reserve Co.
on Unitey, women mest and moved in harmo ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE Saturday, May 22nd. 1943.
ONE OF THE ITALIAN DICTATOR PROMINENT SPEECHES In an address, before a knots be unitied once and cheering throng of about for all, because a hard rea 50, 000 persons, as he star lity was sometimes preferated on a week tour of ins ble to a long uncertainty.
THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND pection of military establish Reading between the lf WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO ments in the Piedmont renes of this prominent pro gio nof Italy, the Fascistnouncement, French diploLeader, Benito Mussolini, mats regarded it as superfi declared, on the 15th. day cially moderate, though it of. May 1939 just four was stated that it represen years ago. that he and ted a demand that France the Fuehrer, Hitlery blelie take the initiative in settling WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR ved the problems of Europe the French Italian dispute if could be solved without re Europe were to have peace course to war, though they with justice. What followed felt that the Great Demo a year later disclosed, clear cracies had already begun ly, that Mussolini scorn a White War against Ger and reference were truly CINE MUNDIAL many and Italy a war of meant for France.
economy Now that we have just ce These words represented lebrated the fourth anniver LIMON but the primary coating of sary of the utterance of that that which the Italian Pre great declaration, we wonmier had in mind, for he der if, in view of all which further stated that there has since happened and is were knots in the political still taking place, friend Ben TO VICTORIA THE GOOD TOMORROW BASE affairs of Europe but recour nito has learned what a ra BALL ENCOUNTER se to the sword was, per course to the sword means Even though a long a ught with the greatest good haps unnecessary, though and transmitted the intellinumber of years have pass for her people, and though there was need that such gence to his collaborators.
ed, we cannot dispel from the evils of war did not es Baseball engagement will our memory the birth an cape her mighty. Empire in be witnessed tomorrow after Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a niversary of the British So her day, she emerged vic noon on our Diamond bet Dixon Hair cut. from Dixon Barber Shop West of vereign, Queen Victoria torious from among her weed the teams designated the city Market. The Good. which comes foes and kept Old England Veterans and Youths.
to us each year the Flag floating on the breeze The match has been promot SINGING CONTEST AN OUTSTANDING SUCCESS 24th. of May. As a womanjat a majestic height. Weed by our sportsman Benny and a member of a distin! verily believe the spirit of Banfield and will be in ho The very inspiring endelker followed and was also guished Royal family, she the Good Queen lives on nour of Mr. Street, the high avour of the Loyal Beth loudly cheered. Miss Bert had a renowed radition in watchfulness over thely esteemed Assistant Mana seda Lodge of the Indepen nard of Liverpool was the and history has assigned destinies of her beloved Em ger of the Merchandise De dent Order of Odd Fellows, next, and her a great page. pire. Despite the raging and partment of the Costa Rica Manchester ny with her.
We recall the outstanding bitter conflict, we opine the Baanana Company. From all Mr. Vincent Gray as the Mrs. Doris Gray was the ceremonies in which, during United Kingdom and the Do we have heard the game is li moving spirit, in the staging last and carried on under the happy days of our minions beyond the Seas kely to be exceedingly lively of the rich Singing Contest great physical sufefring. It youth, we participated on will not forget to comme and full of thrills it should in which Mesdames Adina was really her love and zeal each Victoria Oay; and the borate the forty second an therefore attract a large ga Vassel, Walker, Doris for the event which brought patriotic discourses and tri niversary of her death on thering of our sporting Fans. Gray and Miss Bernard her forth. She was by butes to the noble Queen this day, and that wherever of Liverpool were the con means herself and her disseem yet tinkling in our domiciled or located her testants, came off in the ability when made known ears. Her nation and civili nationals will pay her spe. SALOMON CHIN St. Mark Parish Hall on to the audience, gained her zation, on the whole, have cial tribute.
Estrada the evening of the 18th. in much sympathy and admira greatly benefitted from her It is our fondest hope that stant.
tion for her sacrificing act virtues and magnificent ere the next anniversary ideals. Her is a LA IBERIA Raise me Jesus. was and willing service. She memory arrives, the Dove of Peace the song selected for the sang without musical accom which is mellowed as Time and prosperity will have re moves onward.
contest. splendid prelimi paniment. The Judges, Mrs.
turned to the great Empire Abarrotes y Licores nary programme paved Jessie Wright, Mrs. Caroli Her exceptionally long which she had, throughout the way for the main featu ne Bernard and Mr. Roreign of sixty four years, the years of her lengthened Precios Económicos re. Mr. Esterine banged binson gave their verdict over the British Commour life, so royally yet loyally the piano with the opening for Mrs. Walker as the win wealth of Nations was fra: served.
selection, meantime the ner and Mrs. Vassell as run SAD ANNIVERSARY Choir occupied the plat ner up. The prizes were ef form. Harmoniously they fectively presented by.
rendered the anthems NEW Messrs. Barrett and Mefittingly we pay tribu was glad when they said un Newton. Mr. Simeon Reid te to the memory of a wor, to me and it is a good officiated generally at the thy colleague, Samuel Charl thing tho give thanks Mes piano les Nation, who left us for dames Bolton and Brown Mrs. Walker, the Avinner the Great Beyond on the contribute da highly season of the Contest, is said to ha 23rd. day of May 1943 ed duet. Salutaris was ve been prepared by Mr.
Visit the New Broadway Store just twelve months ago. Miss Hendricks melodious Daysley; Mrs. Vassell, We specially cherish his ly rendered solo. Accompa who took second place, by (Opposite La Victoria Coffee Shop, Limon City) memory for we regarded nied by Mr. Esterine on Miss Lucille Johnson Miss him a very useful citizen, the piano, Mr. Gray ad Bernard by Miss and where you will find the newest assortment who laboured for the better ded a highly appreaciated Brown of Liverpool, ment of his fellow creatures violin selection. feet tea Mrs. Gray by Mr. Reid.
for the greatest good sing piano item was another Mr. Jos. Thomas presiin Clothing and general Furnishings for the greatest number, righ accomplishment ofded as Chairman The seatat the Lowest Prices.
though, perhaps, not in a Mr. Esterine.
ing capacity of the Hall was manner always clear to all. The Contest now began. well taxed with a very reDuring his long years of Mrs. Vassell, who opened, presentative audience. We domicile in this Zone, he was the recipient of deaf say Thanks to the frater contributed much to the cau fening applause at the close nal friends for having provi THANKSGIVING SERVICE BY BETHEL LODGES our province and se of the general upliftment of her rendition. Mrs. Walided us with the rich treat.
peo MIES During a time of shot and also of a very high standard. ple, and his outstanding in shell, of selfishness and so Quite a refreshing time was tellectual abilities, journalirrow, of grief and pain, one spent and at the conclusion stically and otherwise, were NOTICE was pleasantly impressed of the proceedings all left ever at the disposal of every by the religious exercises, the Hall fully satisfied and endeavour which tended to Address all your EngPara todos sus trabajos held by the Bethel Lodge of hoping the old Bethel Lodge advance same.
ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a Good Samaritans and Dau will continue to live and On this the first anniver: ghters of Samaria in their emerge, after this crisis, ta sary of the close of his ear ROIG 30 moration of their thansksgi ties for the benefit of sul the Atlantic Voice. which BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 ving and annual services. fering humanity.
he served, in tendering its SAN JOSE Sclect songs and recitacions tribute to his name, prays Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos were splendidly rendered A Petgravo. his soul may forever rest in the elocutionary items were Peace.
UNIMO no BROADWAY STORE. santalium Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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