
WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND IN FOND AND LOVING MEMORY THE ORIENTAL BARBER ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP the German officers could chinery made or repaired, from Located in front former Today, picture in the mind eye, that scene which was We hardly believe a Pin to a Crane. See us.
their ears Motive Power Club in 3rd.
my sad lot. when, just one year ago, the scythe of Death assortment of Beds, and went cold with dismay. carry an Avenue is the new parlour of mowed down my dear and loving Sister On the conclusion of the Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop reading, the leader stamme at all times. Building No. 89 in this city. All sanitary Mrs. LYN WILLIAMS North Fifth Avenue.
red But, there must be THOMPSON, Proprietor.
arrangements. Barber with (Died May 22nd. 1942)
some mistake; those are years of practice in all classes terms which no civilized na THE RESETTER WITH IM of the Hair Cutting Art. trial tion could impose on ano PROVEMENTS. clean up to will convince the most The face of all the world is changed. think, ther. am very glad to hear Nate Barber Parlour Centrally fastidious.
Since the smiles on thy face had fled you say so, replied General located on Commerce Avenue LIONEL MIONDOLL Seemingly, feel the footsteps of thy soul Foch gravely. then, No, almost opposite Teatro ArrasProprietor.
Moye still. oh, still. beside me.
gentlemen, those are not ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous our terms; you have been service. THOMAS PARCHMENT CLARA SAMUELS listening to a careful trans Hair Specialist.
English Tweeds Sergs lation of those imposed on can still be har at Lille by the German Com ATLANTIC BAR AND Reasonable Prices at mander, when that city sur TONIGHT MOONLIGHT SERENADE PARTY JACK ORANE Sucs.
rendered. Here are my RESTAURANT THE PEOPLE HOUSE If the little rain drops will orms our desk, and on the terms, and he inanded to The very best and highest Limon lend their sympathy and re rear of same are these en them the written armistice conditions.
grade native and foreign Limain cozy in their own re chanting lines quors always stocked No adul NEW HARLEM BAR AND gion then, anticipatingly, Russia cannot forget that teration Our Short Order RESTAURANT. The Best drinks the invitees to Messrs, Syd Be, careful it my heart peace scene which was open Service the best inthe City. prepared by Crawford and ney Walters and John It not my watch you reed on November 20th. 1917. 4th Avenue and 7th. Street: Grant, Genuine native and forson Moonlight Serenade holding, it my heart; In other words, it was about CLEMENT ROBERTS eign liquors stocked Our CusiParty, to be given tonight, It not the note sent you a month after the BolsheProprietor ne service the most up to date.
Saturday the 22nd. on the that you so quickly burnt; vists had seized power. The CRAWFORD AND GRANT, beautiful terpsichorean te It not the book lent you Peace Treaty was dictated CABINET AND UNDERTAK Proprietors.
Irace by the residence of and you never returned. by Germany with the Ger ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
the first named are in for Remember it my heart, man Commander of Brest ing and repairing furniture and ARCHITECT AND BUILDER a most enjoyable time. the heart with which Litovsk acting, more or less, every other branch of wood Years of practical knowledge, so willingly part, as master of the house, and work. Coffins always stocked. efficient, neat, accurate. These We have been told a Cin. It yours to take, to keep receiving the Russian dele Xee us before going elsewhere. my highest ambition Any design derella will be in attendan or break, but please be gates with very good grace. Prieus moderate. 4th. Street, in wood turned out with gratice, and may fortune smile! fore you start, They were housed in com antrance to Gamez Lumber tying results Office and shop on us to pick up her glass Be careful, darling, it my fort, cars were placed at Yard.
SYDNEY BECKFORD. 5th Avenue, North slipper Mr. Lebert Brown heart.
their disposal and they were Manager.
sensational Band is slated We urge the favoured in invited to mess with the Ger to provide the rhythms. vitees not to miss the Parman officers. These were, MAY QUEEN CONTEST AND CORONATION copy of the invitation ad. ty.
however, all camouflague.
Very pleasing it was to a very hot pace and had According to the assuran have witnessed the procce the rest of the entries up ce given the world by the dings in the Hall of the Sal and doing, but as the time RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO United Nation leaders of vation Army in connection for voting sped toward the United Nations, it has with the May Queen voting close under the warning ut EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, been resolved to completely Contest and the charming terances of Mr. Jos.
LIMON occupy Germany and Italy Coronation Ceremony per Thomas, the Vote Booster, When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come when the collapse of the formed on Miss to the above named Restaurant. the service you have Daphney the final results were in the Axis is effected, then dur Murdock, who earhed the this order Murdock, long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool ing that period of occupa Golden Mead and was su Gordon, Payne, drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders. tion to treat only with their rrounded by her princesses. Jackson, Dobson and OPEN DAY AND NIGHT military chiefs, and only on The event took place on the Sharpe.
We buy Costa Rica Lottery a basis of unconditional su night of Monday last. It was The Throne and OCTAVIUS Royal THOMPSON rrender. Reading between obvious the overwhelming Court were of Scenic bea(Better known as Edwin)
these lines, we opine no go audience were cognizant of uty. Her Majesty, Daphney Proprietor. Box 52 vernment negotiations will the fact that the entertain1, in exquisite robes, was be accepted.
ment had been given for the preceded by Master Woopurpose of securing finan drow Johnson, the page, be cial assistance to further aring the crown on an at the Army efforts to alle tractive velvet cushion; the viate human misery, suc Crown barer, with the titlecour human weaknesses, aid of Arch Deacon, seated on orphanages, and mission sta Court Princesses followed tions, and spread the Gos They marched up to the Ab pel Message in slumlands. bey, under the strains of Those who contributed so the Army Brass Band. robustly were not, we make The Coronation ceremony PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR bold to say, ofthe very was performed by Mr. Joz.
wealthy or extraordinarily Thomas. In the setting wêre successful ones, but rather Her Majesty Daphney of of the humble and meek, 1943, with princesses Petro whose hearts had gone out na, Ruth and Yegiota on the for the occasion.
right side of the Throne, Mr. Peter Muir presided, and the Princesses Hermiand very effectively guided na and Louise and the the event. The conteastants The Queenly ensembl was were the Misses. Jack the fine accomplishment of son, Sharp, Dobson, Miss Ethlyn Booth, for Murdock, Payne and, which she earned much prai Gordon. The affair was se. The prizes donated by most exciting; on and off, the Major to each contes some of the Misses would tant were ably presented by leap to the front, when the Mr. Muir. The Major impres supporters of others would, sively expressed his thanks step forward with their and mentioned that the fi: twenties. fifties and hun nancial outcome of this dreds. Miss Gordon, the year effort was supreme sixth in numerical order, led over all previous ones.
Limon Trading Company Dried Ipecac Roof RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra REMEMBER WANTED WANTER WANTED Black and White Puppy with long hair, that will not grow very big.
Please bring to the AMERICAN CONSULATE, Limon City WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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