
ATLANTIC VOICE and THE TROUGHT FOR THE WEEK Let no one rashly determine that his unwillingness to be pleased is proof of understanding, unless his superiority appears from less doubtful evidence; for though preevishness may sometimes just y boast its descent from learning or from wit, it is Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 much oftener of base extraction the child of va nity and the nursling of ignorance, YEAR VIII LIMON, JU JE 12TH. 1943 NO 377 THE PROPOSED GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED ALLIED ATTACKS CONTINUE OVER ITALY FISH INDUSTRY The aerial and naval of space of nine days, it is reare told, to launch attacks fensive of the Allied forces orted that the important on Crete, Dedecaneo We have been afforded the information that a Plan over the south of Italy con Island base of Pantelleria, the islands in the Egean for the establishment of a Fish Industry under the continues vigorously and ince in the Mediterranean, is Sea. The aerodromes at Ca trol of our government is gaining very favourable sups ssantly and is regarded as reduced to such a condition tania and Gerbanja, in Sici port. We are in line with the suggestion.
the prelude to the invasion that its surrender is expecly, suffered heavily from Wherever deep water fishing has been established long pending ted at any moment. The attacks by North American as an industry on a commercial basis, many auxiliaries After having been bom Allied Command have con air units during the day are usually associated with it, to the great benefit of the bed for six times during the cluded arrangements, weight hours of Wednesday general community, quite apart from the two major ob Tast. Rome states that forty jectives. a regular supply of fresh fish for local conWomen Bcar Important Share of Canada persons were killed and ni sumption as well as for Canning.
As the exigencies of the year figure.
nety one injured in Catania Limon and Puntarenas, our principal ports, wouid, of war make greater demands Since the start, in 1940 Photographs taken after undoubtedly, be ample centers for the carrying on on Canada manhood, her of the War Emergency the raid over the naval ba the Industry. As the development of activities along the is womenfolk assume an in Training Programme which se of Spezia disclose, it, necessary lines would require the construction of servicreasing share of the na offers a wide range of cour reported, that serious dama ce buildings and large tanks, with inlet and outlet wation burden. Approxima ses, more than 21. 500 wo ge was done to the heavy ter contrivances, in which to deposit the live catches tely 000. 000 women cruiser Attilio in lmen have enrolled, and up Regolo. for use from time to time for local and exportation purthe Dominion are over the to the end of last Novem and other war units, North poses, an appreciable percentage of assistance would age of fifteen years be accorded our economic situation. As the Canning Deand ber 16. 000 had completed American planes also effec about 000. 000 of these are their courses. Women tively, raided Massina, San partment too, would need the establishment of a laboare at work, including 225. 000 also trained in the schools Giovannia and Regio di Ca ratory for chemical and bacteriological work in addition directly employed in war in attached to the different labria on Sunday last. to the mechanical and packing operations, our commu nal interests would derive added benefits. Certain pacdustry. This shews a mai war plants and made effiAll Europe, partidularly ked increase over king operations have been in effect, we understand, at last To Page Germany and Italy, is sufPuntarenas for same time in connection with the Attun fering intense nervousness OF THE FAR FASTERN FRONT Industry, but this is entirely under private control, and on account of the Allied in therefore by no means as extensive as the proposed one report from Chungk. serious damage to Japanese vasion which is expected to would be.
ing states that the Japanese activities in the Yellow Sea. take effect at any moment.
The establishment of an up to date Fish Industry are making desperate ef: strong opinion exists Mussolini is Said to be rus: would also effectively compete with theh igh prices at forts to check the advance that the Allied command hing all the troops availa which live stock for butchery purposes must now be pur of the Chinese to the north is preparing for the laun ble to the south of the pe: chased and thereby grant some relief to consuº of Lake Tung Ting in Cenching of an intensive offensi ninsular to meet the invamers. We wish the proposal an early realization and tral China. It is also stated ve to put an end to Japane ders, while Hitler is feveris: the very best success.
at the Chinese (continue se operations in the South hly continuing his defense overcome all enemy re Pacific, as well as the des systems along Western Eu tance south of the Yang Itruction of their fleet.
The Italian garrison on Island base is now occupied Another official communi Pantelleria surrendered yes and controlled by the We desire to call the at 30. 00 or 00 for each que releases that the advan terday and the Atention of our wide circle piece. The tickets bearing important lied Forces.
ce by the Japs in the moun of esteemed readers to the the last three figures will tains of Taihang, important changes which receive 00; toward those the north, has been comple RUSSIANS DESTROY NEARLY 200 NAZI PLANDS plan connected with the dra and those with only have taken place in the with the last two 50. 00, the tely controlled. The annihi wings of the National Lot last figure 30. 00, or the lation of the enemy troops Military advices, emana and Gorki. The Nazi plansItery.
operating in Tungyang, in ting from Moscow, declare were said to have been enti same as those with the first the south of the province that the Soviets have regio rely frustrated. The offensi which commenced with last According to the scheme three figures.
of Ghekiang, is expected.
Tickets carrying figures tered new and important ve launched North American submari gains in their activities in troops in the Sevsk area by enemy Sunday drawing, every tic similar to the first two of nes are said to be causing the areas ket whose first three figu the second prize will also of Leningrade was also racelled with res are similar to those of be awarded a premium of much loss to the Nazis. the First or Grand Prize 30. 00 each.
GENT: DE GAULLE RESIGNS German transport was will receive a premium of From reliable North Ame por the liberation of Fransunk in the Sea of Barents, rican sources the informace to which he was recten also another and three pa: tion has been released that tly elected in Argel.
trol ships in the Baltic.
BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT General Charles de Gaulle Russian aviators destro The Committee is said to has resigned as. co president have accepted the resigna yed between 150 and 160 of the National Committee tion.
enemy planes as the outcome of their attacks on six aerodromes during the night Black Beans, Ib. 40 Red Beans, Ib. 50 of Tuesday last. Another Toilet Paper 10 Starch, lb. 45 LA FAMA lot of twenty four German Kerosene, bot 50 Bosco, jar. 00 Island Palm Soap planes were shot down in 50 60 Sweet Oil, bot Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria (Limón)
Lard, lb. 25 an encounter in the Volkhov 80 Klim, tin Prunes, 15 00 Oats, 15 80 region. The Russian losses Tobaco Ib. 50 Sapolio 00 ESTA VENDIENDO EL JABON amounted to twenty for machines.
We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh ISLAND PALM number of Polish sol Merchandise diers, who were pressed in to service by the Nazi Com AC0. 60 CADA UNO LA PROVEEDORA mand and sent to the Kalin in front are said to have qui ROGELIO TASIES tted their ranks and joined LIMON the Russians.
our LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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