
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH. 1943 то LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS LIMON SOAP FACTORY GLEANINGS TROM MATINA The members of the tap Base Ball match scheduled tigt denomination and their for our playground a week friends are yearning for the ago, between a Selection Mothers Day concert. from Limon and the local which will be presented mrTeam. Due to the heavy Monday night the 12 th. ins rain which fell on the Satur tant in the local Church. day, Mr. Johnson, the LiThe rehearsals give rise to mon Manager, considered an outstanding presentation. the diamond was too much Our township wid vivintyimpaired to permit of the are assured a hearty welco game being effected.
me. Should no further abnor mal conditions develope, the match will take place to Our sports enthusiasts no morrow, the 13th. Matina doubt experienced a great bids the visitors a hearty disappointment consequent welcome.
on the postponement of the The Scribe PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD (Fundada en 1910)
Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS GARRON e HIJOS LIMON APARTADO 417 emen The vote of the people is the law of the land. and THE NEED FOR CULTURAL ADVANCEMENT the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. West of the city Market.
CONTINUED FROM MAY 29th to co operate and help in te the good, and, perchanIt is well to expose the putting things in order and ce, disdain the evils, both ills of all, moreso those of SEEKS HAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE so assist the coloured peo here and abroad.
our coloured population, ta ples of the Atlantic Zone to There was a time when king as my example Moses better Morals and culture. did RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY. WEALTHY, not know a word in of Old, who asked God CHRISTIAN WIDOWER came to these shores the Official language of the curses for himself, if only thirty six years ago, full of country, but at the start of wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted his race (the Jews) could vivacity and a desire to li the First World War be Christian and intelligent, be cable to take personal be saved of unbelief. Whe ve and help myself and my gan in carnest to each day care of the domestic duties of her home and do sew never one is disposed to cri race; but, frankly, when it read and learn it, and now, ing for herself and such men wear as may be con tize and expose, such a one comes to the coloured, sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thirty it thank God, can coverse must be prepared to sug becomes a matter of near and be understood by even fima and forty five years. One with a little means gest, invent and devise preferred.
impossibility to save the the best brains. This case Please communicate to Eastwood ways and means to help day. Yet, if we can create can be imitated and will, Farm, Cuba, Zent Line and save that same race, of desire for ourselves and am sure, give some results, people or person.
them to read, read, and even when every ore is not therefore now say that WAR SHORTS read papers and books of endowed with the same later on the measures that culture and even news, this lement of obsorption, as a The prisoners of war now for 200. 000 more French will be adopted and put in will create a habit and will linguist. To be continued. in the United States of workers by the end of the action, will not only be res step by step, day by day re merica aggregate a little un current month, Laval hastrictive in character, but alsult in their trying to imita One Intereste der 38. 000; the Germans to had the laws governing for so constructive. These will tal 22. 000 and the Italians ced labour so amended as to cover day and night schools and Japanese 15. 500: The cancel all the exceptions at all important points, entire lot are distributed which favoured bet centers where a helping Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Di.
among twenty one concenween the ages of 20 and 30. hand will be held out and xon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop. West of tho tration camps.
All of the age of twenty the much needed qulture city Market.
one will now be sent to Ger and all round education pro In order to facilitate the many to work in the war in ffered all, withont partiati filing of Hitler demand dustries.
Ity to race or colour of GAMEZ LUMBER YARD skin. All these will be stri4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops ven after and the GovernLA FRANCE LIBRE FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE ment has already promised Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limón Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedor go to SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA GAMEZ LUMBER YARD Revistas en inglés y español. Novelas Famosas, WOMEN BEAR avonturas, terrorifioas, etc.
We never have a dissatisfied Custome: Cémans Fotográficas, Peliculas, Joyas de Fantasia, From Page Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa cient for filling important PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE positions in the factories ma COMPRO ESTAÑONES VACIOS nufacturing guns, explosiOn parle Francais English Spoken ves, instruments, foodstuffs, ce organized in the present the Transport Service, the etc. as also in the construc war and the first to send a Nursing Auxiliary, as well tion of ships.
contingent abroad.
as the Office and Food Ad THE TOLL OF ALLIED MERCHANT VESSELS Women are also stated to The Nursing Service of ministration sections. Sinbe performing many of the the Royal Canadian Army ce the beginning of the With the sinking, recen. ships lost by the United and.
Troutine jobs necessary in Medical Corps has enlisted year 1939, the local St.
tly, of two merchant vessels Neutral Nations, in the military establishments, the more than 400 nurses, mo John Ambulance Associain the Antilles, by Axis un West Atlantic waters, sinreby making it possible re than half of whom are tion has made more than der water craft, it has been ce the Pearl Barbour for the transfer of men to doing duty outside of Cana 274. 000 awards, and over semi officially stated that tack has reached a total of more active service. Nearly da Another three hundred fifty per cent of these were the number of this type of sx hundred and sixty six.
20. 000 of them are in uni are serving with the South to women.
form. There are five hun Africa Military Nursing Ser RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO dred officers and Wrens vide. The Dominion Air EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, in the uniform of the Wo Force has enrolled nearly JOSE ACHION Ng LIMON men Royal Canadian Na 2000 in its Nursing Service, When in this city from the Line Towns and Coasts come to the above named Restaurant Comerciante detallista the service you have val Service and nine thour and the Navy a little less long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool sand in the Canadian Wo than one hundred. Several Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders. men Army Corps at home doctresses are also serving Artículos de Ferretería y ElécOPEN DAY AND NIGHT and abroad. The Women these two important bran tricos: todo se encuentra en We buy Costa Rica Lottery Division of the Royal Cana ches of the nation war acti este establecimiento, OCTAVIUS THOMPSON dian Air Force has a stren vities. Better known as Edwin)
Proprietor. Box 52 gth of more than 500. It PRECIOS DE SITUACION The Red Cross Corps has was the first women servil absorbed 500 women in Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceHitlerWorld War

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