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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JUNE 26TH. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN THE BRITISH AIRGUNNER AUSTRALIA WIDENS AIR ROLE IN PACIFIC a NORTH AFRICA GREAT BOAT RAMS BROKE HIS BACK ALLIED AIRFIELD LIFEBOAT Wing comdr. Hut The air gunner must be a chinson, of Fighter command, man of quick decision, jugment The tide of Allied air power For more than two hours gained fame on 1941 for attacks and resource. good air gun SOMEWHERE IN AUSTRA has begun to surge over Ger after it had torpedoed and sunk on enemy shipping. Then hener is more than an expert with LIA, June. role of increasmany from the west. Now in a Norwegian merchant ship Prashed and broke his back, his guns. As observers must at ed importance for the Royal the south as well the Axis part boat played with the sur Th exceptional comman timez concentrate wholly on Australian Air Force in the ners are facing a great air vivos, jeering at them and der refused to regard his navigation, SO gunner may Southwest Pacific is be exforce. From the ruins of Car trying to ram their lifeboats.
fighting career as finis te take over some of the duties of pected in the coming months, thage comez a new and migh One of the seventeen survi lay for months in hospital. He the observer. If necessary, they it was indicated today.
tier threat to Rome than any itvors. Alan Ratcliff, 17 made a good recovery, and in must give a running commen Australian officials have now has faced before. Vast engines year old boy from Hoylake, July of last year was given com tary to the pilot on the moves revealed that the is inof destruction now bear down Cheshire, who was adrift for mand of a famous squadron. Jof an enemy aircraft preparing creasing its operational strength from Africa shores, heedless eleven days in the North Atlari Soon he added many more to make an attack. They must with new anes soon to be put alike of the sea, land, mountains fic. told his experiences in ships to his bag. Last night it keep watch for an incident, re into combat. The latest stateor valleys which stand between a ward at St. Bartholomew was announced that he had port on it, and often photo ment in this connection came them and their objectives. Hospita. He has lost both legs. been awarded the graph it.
from War Minister Francis PREPARING FOR NEW The ship was hit on a Sun Last January Wing CommanForde who referred to the JOB day morning. Ratcliff and his der Hutchinson led an attack ATTACKS ON UBOATS In fact the Tactical Air Force friend, David Roberts, of Bir on an enemy convoy off A, s growing power as the of the Mediterranean Air Com kenhead, Cheshire, had just got Norwegian coast. His plane was one of our reassuring factors In Coastal Command. for in the war situation for Austramand has finished its job on into the Tifeboat when the veshit, and fell until it was only examp e, every effort is made lia.
the mainland of Africa. Now sel took itz final plunge.
a few feet above the sea. to obtain pictorial records of it reforms and refits for new Throughout the last year the Ratcliff told me: About an But the airman who ha lain tacks on boats and operations while the Strategic hour later got separated from ship Aust alian air force has been a Air Force takes up the task of David. was taken into another, months brought helpless in a hospital bed for ping. They are considered to be highly important arm in Southhis crippled so important that recently an west Pacific hostilities. When preparing the way at Tong range lifeboat together with for the new operations to come. Norwegians.
three machine safe y back to base. air gunner of a torpedo carying strong formations of the United The war from Africa There are 66 other Hampden began taking photo States Fifth Air Force arrived must All this time. indeed for the ils 89 award: to sir graphs as his aircraft dived to in this area last year American be judged as part of the war two hours. the Uboat was as a whole. Very strong British playing around. It rammed our men. They include one Bar to attack a ship and continued to operational planes outnumbered and American Air Forces the two s, take them until the Hampden Australian, but the are lifeboat and we all jumped. four Bars to the and had dropped its torpedoes and has steadily increased grouped from Oran westwards its After being in the water for 15 to Egypt. To meet this threat half an hour turned away from the vessel.
strength and at present is acI managed to the enemy is having to dispose reach an upturned boat. was ACE WITH 17 KILLS Because of his position in the tually has more planes in opeAmong the is Wing aircraft, the air gunner is fre ration than the every aircraft he can spare. helped on to it by a Norwegian. Commander Morgan, quently the only man who can Many of these, are Americans some 500 operational aircraft used in was deadout. exhausted.
of the Italian Regia AeronauD. and Bar, of Mill Hill. accurately report on an inci coastal patrol ng and other rear The other lifeboat manoeuv London, 25 year old fighter ace, dent. He may also be the only assignments and not in the tica, together with just on 1, 000 ed round to us and threw us al who has destroyed 17 aircraft. member of an aircrew who can forward combat zones.
German machines, of which line which we tied to the upabout 350 are fighters.
No. 277 Squadron received a be released for emergency du The Americans have more turned boat. was taken aboard flash that two airmen Germany is desperately short were ties once the immediate danger late model bombers and make this feboat, and three of fighters on the Russian front.
Nor drifting in a dinghy 25 miles of attack is ever, since the offensive sorties. The wegians and my friend They are badly needed in an David off the East Coast. Flight Lieu pilot must fly the aircraft and has no heavy bombers.
attempt to counter the general Were taken on to the upturned tenant Brown. one of the navigator chart 19 During the past year Britain boat.
numerical superiority in the the new was sent course.
has provided Australia with air which the Red Air Fleet to rescue them.
Sometimes these duties beSpitfires and Beaufighters and has built up during the winter.
The sea was rough. When come so urgent that they must will continue to keep up her The demands for reinforcements motor types, and that each the plane toched down beside be tackled Reimmediately.
strength in these types.
in the Mediterranean are even sortie lasted one hour, them the dinghy, waves broke overcently a Coastal Command sermore pressing to the Axis than we find that approximately it and it was tossed about like geant air gunner had to leave firs those from the Axis armies in 130. 000 gallons of fuel would a cork. The airmen were taken his guns to deal with a DO YOU KNOW THAT which Russia. Yet any further trans lave been needed for Tactical aboard, and then a run of 40 from the petrol tank, fers from the Luftwaffe in the sorties in one day. And if halt minutes had to be made before had been hit by flak. The flames East will present the Red Air the aircraft of the Strategic Air the aircraft could take off.
were pouring through a hole World largest tugs are now Fleet with undisputed Force were fourmotor in the fuselage, and the ser being built for the Royal Navy bommand cf the air. And we know bers and the rest SAYINGS geant battled with them for in British shipyards? Several two motor what that implies to day. and each Strategic sortie avethree quarters of an hour be are already in commission.
HORSESHOE OF ruges four hours, then about fore he put out the fire.
Railway lineside allotments SUPERIORITY Tunisia is the end of the It wasn I who got us now under cu tivation 190. 000 gallons would have been tirst chapter in our book of vic home. said the pilot. It total Th Allies have superiority needed for one day Strategie tory. There is now more reason the gunner. thought we should allotment holders on the Britwas 282 acres, and the number of on all the fronts. It extends in operutions. a total of 320. 000 than ever to express gratitude have to uitch but the gunner ish railways is 82, 584 This rea horseshoe from the British Is gallons for the operational air to the When think saved us. es, through North Africa and craft alone not including presents a crop value of 750. 000 up through Syria to Moscow, transports or any of the thou and June, 1940, and of its might say helaever, on return to his of its perilous situation in May All that the gunner could pounds sterling a year?
Allied air strength is at present sands of motor vehicles As a result of fewer mail deused concentrated along the main in the campagns.
now, it is a marvellous trans base. as: 9t was part of my liveries throughout Great Brisectors of this horseshoe in formation. Mr. Arthur Green job.
Aviation fuel is heavy, bultain 000 fulltime women work Great Britain, in Tunisia and ky and Anyu er Coxsa Comranderers and 000 fulltime men emdangerous stuff wood, MP to on the Central Front in Russia.
transport The Government is deter air gunner was flying in a ployees will be re ieved for. 320. 000 gallons Even so, all is not easy, for the weigh exactly 000 tons. That mined that liberty of conscience Wellington as it returned from other war work air concentrations can be kept the aircraft have hardly shall remain inviolate and that an anti submarine patrol. He ever effective only by constant sup had to go short and the keight all children shall be given the to his captain that two enemy ply.
SECOND SHOT DOWN of attack has steadily increas opportunity of receiving the aircraft which he took to be approaching asEvery gallon of fuel and oiled and will go on increasing is particular form of religious ins Arados were With his first burst he sent has to be brought by sea both a tremendous tribute to supply them. Mr. Butler. Pre beam, the Arados first burst of down. Then, quickly swinging truction their parents desire for tern. Attacking, one on each one of the Arados hurtling to the British Isles and to North organisation.
Africa. Just what this means sident of the Board of Educa cannon wounded some of the his turret round, he held his can be seen when one considers FIVE MAIN TARGETS tion.
crew and smashed the inter fire until the second Arado was the amounts consumed in single Wherever we look, we seecom. system. The gunner, in less than hundred yards operations. In one day towards Now we may assume that the pattern of cooperation bet. his rear turret, was unable to away. Ashe knew that all all lethe end of the North Africao the African Air Forces are gath Ween the fighting Services speak to his captain, and his pended on his next burst, he campaign more than 500 sorering themselves for the next being worked out for victory. captain could not see what was waited until the Arado seemed ties were flown by the Tactical stage. Five main targets come The three Services are fighting attacking him.
so big in my sights that could Air Force alone. In addition, into view. They are. i) Ship in perfect harmony towards the Breaking away from their not possibly miss. He did not the Strategic Air Force was ping. ii) Air Bases. iii) Land complete defeat and destruction first attack. the Arados return miss; the second Arado was making more than 400 bomber Communications. iv) Ports (v) of the enemy. Air Marshaled, one on each quarter. The shot down.
sorties daily.
Sir Leslie Gossage.
gunner knew that it was his By his courage and levelIf we assume that two thirds The Mediterranean passage responsibility to beat them off. headed action this air gunner of the sorties of the Tactical can be made secure, enemy air blocked and industry pulveris was his first engagement, undoubtedly saved the Welling Air Force were by single engine bases kept smothered, land comed. The air preparation gathers bat he was a man of rooi jud. ton and the pilot was able to aircraft and the rest by two municationsento chapassedBibliopontaindorce oforón theo meostenstag al de Bibliotecas munteranduwdeadly shotica. make a pancake landing.


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