
CACAO RAICILLA. IPECACUANA utumn WELCOME TO THE CARTAGO FOOTERS The Atlantic Voice. hav 17 ing learned that the Cartago TEATRO MODERNO Footballers will be arriving in Lunes 28 de Junio this city this afternoon, LA BESTIA NEGRA takes pleasure in extending Arturo de Córdoba them a hearty welcome. It has Martes 29 de Junio been gathered that they will EL EMBRUJO DEL be here for the specific purTROPICO well pose of matching their Ray Milland, Dorothy The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao reputed prowess against our Lamour daring Barcelonians tomorrow Miércoles 30 de Junio afternoon, the 27th.
UNA CHICA CON SAL It is hoped the raindrops Rita Hayworth will display a generous attittude and remain in their own Jueves 19 de Julio cozy region. at least, from LA MAESTRITA DE LOS OBREROS today until the game has been Delia Garcés ayed and won by the better side.
Viernes de Julio RUBBER good will dance will it LA MAESTRITA DE LOS OBREROS is understood be staged on con Dcija Garcés the night after the exercise, We are Agents for and to that end the ClubSábado de Julio rooms of the hosts have been LA PRINCESA DE LA SELVA Dorothy Lamour THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT. trimmed and regaled for the gala reception. We again exDomingo de Julio tend a joyous welcome to our CONFIRME NIEGUE OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE guests from the ancient Ca Don Ameche y Joan Bennett pital.
CATHOLIC PARISH TO CELEBRATE FEAST OF REQUIEM MASS FOR LATE MISS BERYL SALOMON CHIN ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST BERNARD Estrada Two days ago, the 24th. will be given inthe Hall of instant, was the anniversary the Catholic Day School unA special service was ot sweet repose of her young LA IBERIA of the nativity of St. John the der the auspices of the parishserved in the Cathedral on soul, Baptist, and as on that day ioners. The entertainment the morning of Tuesday the The congregation was ru Abarrotes y Licores was observed the Feast of principal feature will hinge 22nd instant in honour of merous and greatly augme, in Corpus Christi. it has, we of a drama entitled The Shethe life and work of the late ei the impressiveness of the Precios Económicos Fr. Ishin understand, been arranged to pehrd of His Flock.
Miss Beryl Bernard, who hod worship. The Rev.
celebrate it on Sunday the The general public is assur been a faithful Catholic and officiated, while the Rey Fr.
4th. Proximo. To this accomp ed a hearty welcome a devoted worker. The Mass Hubert directed the choir with lishment entertainment was characterized with deep wrich Miss Bernard was deep AMONG THE solemnity embodying the indly interested in her useful pressive Rites of the Church live career.
ANGLICANS and supplications for the The St. Mark Parish is again graced with the presence of the Rev. and BROWNE ABRAHAMS Mrs. Evans. Very embracing yere teh greetings extended COMPRAMOS them by the parishioners and friends. They appear to have COCOS. COPRA ACEITE DE COCO benefitted greatly from their vacation in the milder climate of the interior.
Apartado 362 The services, last Sunday, LIMON.
were conducted by the Rector He was assisted at the Evensong by the Rev. Wrigley and Catechist Dayslev and delivered a very penetrating The vete of the people is the law of the land and sermon entwining the Blessed the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. Trinity.
West of the city Market, At 30 a. next Friday a special service will be held in the men an TITIE MASS FOR REPOSE OF SOUL OF LATE DON perished on the San Pa JUAN PERALTA blc tanding scene which charac The late Director of the he possessed those treasures terized the service condueGeneral Tomas Guardia which wax not old and an ted in the Cathedral at the School in this city did not inheritance which fadeth hour of a. last Monday, amass this world perisp not away.
the 21st. instant, offered sing wealth, but it is evident The solemnity and outs proof of the virtues which cause the soul of the human SEEKS HAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE being to live upward. The Mass was overwhelmingly RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, attended. Among the cong CHRISTIAN WIDOWER tregation were the Managing Personnel of the two offi wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted cial schools, the full mem Christian and intelligent, be eable to take personal LA COCINA TIPICA COSTARRICENSE, bership of the boys school care of the domestic duties of her home and do sewing for herself and such men wear as may be con and the sixth grade scho DONDE SE SAZONAN LAS MAS sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thiriy lars of that of the Girls SeEXQUISITAS VIANDAS five and forty five years. One with a little means veral prominent citizens Entre los licores nacionales uno de los que cuenta con más preferred.
and other sympathizers we aceptación es el RON CANERO, el fino ron popular para toPlease communicate to Eastwood re also in attendance. The marlo puro o con agua mineral.
Farm, Cuba, Zent Line Rev. Father Hubert was the diooffigiatringizPorie stema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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