
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JULY 3rd. 1943 SEEKS HAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, CHRISTIAN WIDOWER Compra a los MEJORES PRECIOS wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted Christian and intelligent, be cable to take peryonal care of the domestic duties of her home and do sewing for herself and such men wear as may be con sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thirty five and forty five years. One with a little means preferred Please communicate to Eastwood Farm, Cuba, Zent Line Limón Trading Company Raicilla de Ipecacuana HULE Cacao, Cocos y Copra THE NEED FOR CULTURAL ADVANCEMENT As an. and (Continued from June 12th. Referring to the actions lief in the Unknown. As a and faiths of people, one of fact, the enemy of mankind the most evil producing prac. the real Satan of this evil tices is the Debasing Supers world exists, in most instan titions. a belief, a faith orices, in the educated and cull whatever else it may be ter tured men and women, who NO LO OL VIDE med which leads directly to for the sake of filthy and defeat. We see it manifested immoral lucre, pry and fos PAGAMOS LOS MEJORES PRECIOS in the buying of the nation ter these practices on the al lottery tickets and those uncultured and ignorant of of its offspring, The Chan every race. We will leave ce. We see it demonstrat this expose to the conscience ed in the activities connec lo fevery enlightened and SIDELIGHTS OF SAYINGS ted with a fetish caste. We educated person to see with see it practised in the exce the eye of truth and ponder THE WAR The Tunisian campaigli sults con be secured else ssive reverence paid the unk and realize how damaging outcome of the is nown God of many tribes, these indulgencies are a strinking demonstra here, we hoje. In this to and even in and among so any group of peoples.
cruel oppression of the Ger tion of the pulverizing efl nection would like to re called christian groups. We mans, sixty thousand work fect of superior force on rate muy usual warning see it manifested in irrato ers in the three principal air land, sea and air, intellig gainst over confidence. The failure to think ration plane factories in nal and ignorant Austria ently applied at the point of have won a great campi worship ally on any subject or condi went on strike recently. The impact. The mass and the but we have not yet wor and customs.
tion may be attributed to im Gestapo were unable to ef velocity of an assault can war. The Axis countrier We have often entertain pressions imprinted on thefect any arrests.
prove irresistible if intelli have hundreds of dis ned the thought that men, mind of the child, and which gently utilized. In this ins of seasoned troops ir especially those of the New produce ineradicable ef885 of the 957 coastal tance our superiority in num field.
gro race, have atendency to Ifects. We may be able to guards and marines, who bers and in material brought ward a narrower viewpoint overcome them to a degree, escaped from the Vichy con a relatively quick victory Henry Stimson, of real and natural causes; but seldom entirely. If, inste trolled islands of Guadalu which was not oo costly in for the working out of ef ad of being blindly taught pe and Martinique, are re casualties, considering the United States Secretary fects than most other races. these things we were per ported to have joined the results obtained. Similar rej War.
But after studious intercour mitted to reason them out Freench Forces.
se and travels, we cannot for ourselves, we would, we evade the fact that be it in think, make a great forhottest Africa, or in coldest ward stride toward the light Europe, the same evil ten. To be continued. The vote of the people is the law of the land WELCOMED dency exists to indulge in the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. the extremes of a slack beOne Interested. West of the city Market.
VISITOR Mr. Campbell of Cu ba Creek was a very welcom ed visitor to our city. He spent last week end with us, Mr. Campbell is among th progressive agriculturists our Zone, and as one who by suffered directly from maraudings of tha Wee ASSORTMENT IN LIMON Ants, he expressed his per sonal gratitude to those who KEROSENE.
bot. 50 STARCH.
1b. 50 are sponsoring the Bill, before the National Congress, which Undiluted, free burning White as snow. Why pay as high as 0, 60 is destined to exterminate th per pound elsewhere.
pests. He assured us that ISLAND PALM SOAP 60 small cultivators in his Sold elsewhere as high as 00 BLACK BEANS. 1b. 00. 40 trict are ready and willing Guaranteed soft and fresh Co operate with whatever TOILET PAPER.
roll. 10 Why pay 45 and 50 elsewhere.
efforts the government might Not rationed SAPOLIO any amount you want 00 undertake to rid the ground high quality Why pay 25 elsewhere.
of the ever spreading insects.
bot. 50 FLOOR POLISH 1b. 50 Will not give you a sick stomach like many ROMMEL PREPARES Only 115 pounds left other cheap oils.
pk. 20 INVASION Keep pots and pans clean at low cost Why pay. 25 for stale starch elsewhere Notices coming from Berne announce that Marshal BLACK EYE BEANS. lb. 35 KLIM NIDO Rommel has concentrated a.
Soft and fresh POWDERED MILK tin. 4 25 round 350. 000 soldiers in Well known products at low prices the valley of the Phone, in the center of France, as a We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh precautionary measure guaranteed merchandise.
gainst an attempt o fthe Allied Nations to make a diLA PROVEEDORA LIMON rect attack against Germany, after disembarking the coasts of the occupied countries.
LA PROVEEDORA LEADS WITH LOW PRICES, HIGH QUALITY AND LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE aon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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