
CACAO RAICILLA. IPECAGUANA RUBBER THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT. Condensed from the American News. Jənə 10 The battle has been fough Cape Bon indicated they and won, and the inside sto had arranged for a progre ry of Tunisia is no longer assive retreat and ultimate military secret, while the of evacuation.
The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao ficial dispatches from that war zone have become the Weather corditions, chang text book of the Allied Comings suddenly for the better, manders who plan the cam there was a marked increa paign against the European se in the successes of the Continent. Field reports and Hied air forces. By air and summaries by officers res sea enemy transports were ponsible for the victory went destroyed, and their retreat into the study, which, natu, and evacution programme rally, disclosed many as completely upset.
pects of the battle, including weather conditions, tro THE ATTACK. The op dispositions, estimates of final phase of the land cam enemy strength and THT inten paign was set in motica We are Agents for tions. The following is cu three weeks after teh air as lled from the information re sault began. After complet ceived by the United States ing a holding action in the War Department: south, the Second Unitcd The battle was spread States Army Corps marehed over five phases Delu northward three hundred OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE sion, attack, feint, Surprise miles, in twelve days, to and Victory.
join the French Battalions in TH7 DELUSION referred the assault against the hills to the bad weather which which guarded the plain be 9th. infantry divisions. Fur sion passed on to Mateur, nis. It was expected the Axis was of an unusually long fore Bizerta, and where the ther south were two more which was hastilly evacua troops would have made a duration, Weather bound enemy held particualrly United States divisions suted by the Germans. This fighting withdrawal to posiplanes were unable to strike strong positions which they pported by the tanks of the movement outflanked the tions previously prepared, at German reinforcements had tried to make impreg first armored division. South Axis positions in front of but they seemed to have by air or sea The German nable in several months of of these United States for the British First Army and been overwhelmed by the High Command were appa preparations. The French ces and occupying the mid threatened them with enve speed and power of the Alli rently misled into thinking drove eastward along the dle sector of the Allied line lopment.
ed advance.
they could support and rein Mediterranean shoreline, was the British First Army, VICTORY German staff force their troops and even and just south of them were including French unites. Ge SURPRISE By bri officers sought terms of su tually evacuate them in sa the regimental combat neral Montgomery British lliant manoeuvre several Brirrender from Allied Comfety. Enemy preparations at teams of the United Sta es Eighth Army was in the tish divisions were, in the manders, but they met with rough hill country at the meantime, secreta, moved the terse response Un southeastern extremity of up from the Eighth Army conditional surrender.
the curving lines.
front to reinforce the Bri In the Tunisia campaign, tish First Army. This provithe Allies captured 257. 000 FEINT. During the earded the tremendous power Axis soldiers, nearly. 3, 000 lier days of the final attack, which carried the British planes, while the lost the Eighth Army exerted through the hills and plains pressure in the south to conto Tunis. The last offensive TEATRO MODERNO tain a large number of Axis was supported by what was Lunes de juliol troops, while the major as probably the greatest conLA PRINCESA saults were made bythe fou centration of air power over DE LA SELVA ces to the north. Finally the a battle area in the history Dorothy Lamour United States 34th. division of warfare. The Second Unitook Djebel Tahent, the new ted States army corps movMartes de julio well known Hill 609, mak ed in co ordination with the ASI SE QUIERE ing a clean break through British first army. tank EN JALISCO the Axis line of resistance, destroyer battalion attached Jorge Negrete and sweeping forward to the to the United States 9th. diplain. Quickly exploiting the vision moved into Bizerta Miércoles de julio penetration, units of the Uni at the same time that the ALLA EN EL BANO ted States 1st. armored divi British Hussars, entered Tu Raúl de Ande a jueves de julio NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. GRANTS BRUMA EN EL RIACHUELO INCREASES TO SALARIES Olinda Bozan After many conferences had and sixty hours regular work Viernes de julio been effected and much co per month. Their additionel BRUMA EN EL rrespondence passed between work will be paid for after the RIACHUELO: the organized group of em rate of Time and a half.
Olinda Bozan ployees and the Management The increases granted, re of the Northern Railway Com present an appreciable outiay Sábado 10 de julio pany, with the able interven and we take this opportunity EL DR. BROADWAY tion and solicitations of His of congratulating the Compa MacDonald Carey Excellency the President of Iny Managing Officials on the Republic, we glean that bringing the long pending the Comapany Managing matter Domingo 11 de julio to so amicable and DOS LOCOS SUELTOS Personnel have granted in reasonable a close.
Laurel y Hardy creases to certain salaries ranging from ten to thirty per cent as well as the modification of some of the working conditions The agreement is said to BROWNE ABRAHAMS LA COCINA TIPICA COSTARRICENSE, provide for the establishment DONDE SE SAZONAN LAS MAS of a regular eight hour work.
COMPRAMOS ing day, and the paynent af.
EXQUISITAS VIANDAS ter the rate of Time and a COCOS. COPRA. ACEITE DE COCO Entre los licores nacionales uno de los que cuenta con más half for all services renderaceptación es el RON CANERO, el fino ron popular para to ed in excess. Employees in marlo puro o con agua mineral.
transportation departApartado 362 men, conductors, brakemen, FABRICA NACIONAL DE LICORES men, conluctors, brakemer. LIMON.
etc. will be required to do an aggregate of two hundred tha Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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