
of TRIBUTE Anent the very many com The twenty third instant marks one mont since the demise of our ments, from time to time, esteemed Ericad and Brother heard regarding the extortioWatch for these symptoms: nate prices charged for loSIMFON REID cally cultivated products, This death is only transient STABBING PAINS IN BACK our attention was, a few It leads to bhigiter, farer Vales BACKACHE days ago, directed to the fact So wonderful as Prophets te) in Holy tales.
that a large percentage Go thou and wait for us a while, PAIN IN JOINTS these ever increasing charges And rest at God fair border land; RHEUMATIC TWINGES for our first line necessities There, with the Angels you ll smile, TIRED, WORN OUT FEELING In welcome in the Saintly Band can be traced to the disposi URINARY IRREGULARITIES tion of greed possessed by so THE ROYAL BETH SOCIALISTS me of the retail traders in our city market. These peract directly on weak, sluggish, cloggea sons will grab the greatest kidneys. They contain valuable healing quantities of produce and of COMPLAINT FROM CAHUITA ingredients, and a wonderful internal Nature gives certain warning of antiseptic, that pass tiglit into the kid fer to buy them at prices Our Correspondent ai Ca its capacity load at points Kidney Trouble. Sharp, stabbing pains neys. Within 24 hours of your first much higher than their comhuita in the back. pain in the joints dose you have visible proof of this direct petitors ard much has transmiteed a further down the coast. The beyond nagging, weakening backache. You ll action. Quickly kidneys are cleansed complaint regarding the owners of the produce were never feel really fit until weak, sluggish of clogging impurities and poisonous even the expectations of the kidneys are restored to normal healthy accumulations. Normal healthy activity seller. Therefore, in the great loss many of the agri assured that in view of the fiactivity again. For the kidneys have a is restored. The kidneys are soon baste nal analysis, the culturists of that coastal town circumstances, they could big job to do. Every drop of blood in consumer on the job again. Aches and pains are are encountering as the re expect the return of the the body must pass through the kidneys banished. De Witt Pils have restored becomes the target.
there to be cleared of all impuritics, your vitality and vigour because they sult of inadequate transpor lauth the following day; waste matter and poisons.
This and other known irretation facilities.
have helped your kidneys to start work.
but for reasons unknown to De Witt Kidney and Bladder Pills ing healthily again.
gularities clearly prove that It is mentioned that on a the interested parties the ves if our purchasing public is recent, trip of the launch, sel failed to make the trip.
to be protected from extortion which operates between this Tre result was the loss of Lit is imperative the authori city and that region, the 7, 000 alligatier pears, ties institute a rigid vigilan inhabitants experienced mangoes, 500 oranges, 200 offered Made especially, to end the pain of Backache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, ce on every article much disappointment in addi papayas and many other pe ciation, Joint Pains, Urinary Disorders and all forms of Kidney Trouble for sale in every branch of Citrinable everywhere. Prices. 6 and 6. Start to get well TO DAY tion to the loss of a large rishable articles, for which business.
quantity of perishable produ the correspondent claimed no Ice, which were ready for recompense would be had hav shipment but could not being regard to the oppression The Republic of Panama and on Mondays in the rest RECUPERATING sent forward, on account of which existed.
is said to be expriencing of the country. The sale of the vessel having taken on!
such shortages of Beef and both articles was also prohil The Atlantic Voice learns Pork that on the 15th. bited Mondays throu that due to a sharp attack of instant the Executive Autho ghout the Republic.
illness our highly esteemed Last Thursday regular ve been given the assurance, rity issued a Decree, which Infringements of the or collaborator and cultivator of afternoon train brought us his intellectual attainments prohibited the slaughtering, der would it is undestod be 12 12 Miles, Mr. Stephen Da a truly welcomed visitor in and spiritual characteristics of cattle and pigs on Sun drastically punished.
GUTS leq, has been confined to the person of Mr Roberto have been most creditable days in the city of Panama his city residence for the past Evans.
Satisfaction, the desire of the masses, is to ne had at several days. son of our widely known and noteworthy, Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market. We are, however, exceedin. citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Carthe guest of the «itiufາມປIt2Mແມນ ແມ ແບບເກມ de contamik butulistamannamgly pleased with the informa los Evans, young Roberto priests of the Cathedral and HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA tion that he is steadily reco left this his native city some might be with us for three FRENTE AL MAR. CIUDAD DE LIMON vering and expects to shortly six years ago to initiate his weeks. or so. We extend him 102 resume his agricultural activi studies for the Priesthood a heartfelt welcome and hoERNEST LEWIS. Propietario ties. We wish him continued in the Seminary conducted pe he experiencies a very progress.
by the Lazarite Fathers pleasing vacation, Atención y precio especial para familias.
San Jose, and where, we ha Cuartos frescos y confortables con Baño IL MEJOR COMEDOR DEL PUERTO CANTINA BIEN SURTIDA ATENCION ESMERADA De Witt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills 000 SCARCITY OF BEEF AND PORK IN PANAMA on LIMON WELCOMES WORTHY SON en has se: cu id He is truck lis la, 0A, la ea ali aid CARIBBEAN PACKING CO. ACTION CACAO The Cacao, Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA IPECACUANA VISITORS MUST NOT TAKE FRUIT TO PATIENTS IN LOCAL HOSPITAL When a people have been tude of those who previous the recipients of certain pri ly served, authoritatively, vileges during a period of me in the local hospital we are ny years, they usually get of the opinion that if wholeso to regard them as inaliena me fruits were injurious to ble. When, therefore, they the health of the patients in are suddenly deprived of the sick institution they them they will experience would not have permitted great disappointment and gi According to the informave vent to ent to much murmur tion we have received, an or ing der has been placed in effect Having regard to the atti which prohibited a visitor, without exception, taking edi bles of any kind into the SALOMON CHIN wards. It is hoped that Estrada reconsideration will be given LA IBERIA the order in so far as fruits Abarrotes y Licores are concerned.
Precios Económicos their entrance over so lengthy a period.
9311 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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