p. 12


Not only Rome, but Sicily The one momentous facs LONDON. Pigeons have How strange the book boastalso contrary to what the emerging from the fighting ch often been the means of saving ful words read today, in the totalitarian radio says. has this year, and of decisive im Said to have carried ou: cer the lives of Royal Air Forve light of World War II. The the best constructed and equip portance for the outcome tain operations with a dash and crews, who, after a raid on Ger Duce, in 1928, the strutting ped air raid shelters in the the whole war, is that the Ass enthusiasm which were a great many, have been forcen down great; today, the humpty whole world. aflirms an ey. Towers have complete. Ist inspiration to the whole of his in the North Sea. It is when dumpty jackal of Adolf Hitler.
pert on the present day Italy the initiative and that hernum. Sergt, Edwin Kerwys German flak has put the In the book, the Italian dicof Mussolini.
United Nations are now on the ne Chapman, of the Essex Re radio out of action that the ri tator failed to attribute only Throughout Christendom, it offensive on all fronts. Forgiment, whose home is at Rom geon comes into is own one virtue to himself. That is a well known fact that dur years before the war the in ford, has been awarded the Before the plane is ditched was modesty. After abous 300 ing the first centuries of the tiative was Hitler s, and na Distinguished Conduct Medal the crew member in charge of pages of descrbing himself as Christian Era, thousands of persions trembled with apprehen as a result of exploits in the the pigeons two to each pla the bravest, brainiest, most secuted men, women and chil sion as to where he would Middel East desert, which ne. closes the airtight breath triumphant and fairest man aren took refuge in the under strike next. One Government enabled him to destroy two er caps of the two containers, of all time, he winds up in a ground catacombs, which year after another thought is wise German planes and to take a just in case they have to swin blaze of glory, holding a royal aftei year yielded Italy milli ither to appease him or to German officer prisoner. for it. sealed container gives lush against Napoleon, Caesar, ons of pounds and dollars throw in its lot widh him, in Sergt. Chapman was o. in the bird an hour air and pro Plato, Alexander, Cicero and from those tourists who were cluding the Japanese, who charge of a section of carriers tection from sea water, besides all the other boys who just the outstanding source of profit plot theirs wars acording to the forming part of a mobile co providing extra bouyancy or have to throw in their hands.
for the land of that execrable degree of division among ibelum which left Mersah Matruh the crew.
The, Duce wrote of himself: jackal Benito.
Western Powers. But how on the afternoon of June 25th. After she dinghy has been But when it has become nechanged the picture looks fo. During hours of darkness ma lanched and the crew are safely cessary, have shown myself Why howl now that the day ny colums were encountered on board, an SOS by carrier to be inexorable.
first bombs, which the Duce in In Europe, Germany is de and only means of identifying pigeon is soon on its way ho always feel a power over his pride asked permission finitely on the defensive and them as friend or enemy was me, unless it is a night crasts. events and over men.
from his crony Hitler to rain Italy is on the verge of catas by sending the section of ca when the birds are held until In politics have on London, are begining to fall trophe. The bold invasion of triers forward to investigate. daybreak, as they refuse to fly gained a penny. detest those on his own ground. Twas a Sicily, breached one gate of in the dark.
who live like parasites, sucking bad day for the brave Italian Hitler European fortress, and away at the edges of social airmen who knew only how assaults on other gates may be TOOK PRISONER Pigeons are an absolute ne struggle. hate men who grow to drop mustard gas bombs on expected soon In Russia, cessity to Coastal Command rich in politics.
Abyssinias, when in their me where Hitler made one last On every occasion Sergt planes on convoy duty, for push on toward better for morable attack London effort to maintain the initiatin Chapman carried out this role often radio cannot be used, as ces of life and progress. weigh they lost thirteen machines. ve, his third offensive was with great dash and enthu the signals would sip off them. launch them. guide that is half the number that stalled by immediate Russian siasm, although often encoun boats lying in wait for the them. desire our nation managed to cross the English counter attacks which Stalin istering considerable enemy op convoy. So the radio operator conquer again.
Channel and this fatal number now expanding into an offen. position. On one particular oc takes a bird from its container, think that Italy is advart is perhaps the most certain wu. offensive, jumping all fortress casion he identified a colum as and with trained and gentle ced beyond all European gury of the approaching fall walls, has been carrying the hos ile, but continued his in fingers, attaches a tiny bakelite nations.
of the fascist goverment in the war home to the enemy for vestigation so close to the ene cylinder to its leg wi a ring have controlled my impaItaly of Garibaldy some time.
my that he was able to procu clip. The container holds a tience have avoided leaps 1e an officer prisoner, in spite 112 by inch piece of flimsy into darkness. do not sleev Why the howling over there, Hitler can no longer choose of heavy fire.
on which the message is writ. my way into conclusions.
when those catacombs, so glo the time and place for his On a later occasion he identiten. Il Duce now has the RAF rious in Christian History, have attack, but must worry about fied two German aircraft on Now comes the hardest part. sent opportunity, instead of already saved the life of one the time and place of Allied the ground, and wrecked them of the operation. The bird must merely telling the world. of of those depravated fascists of attacks. He must scatter his both by small arms fire and be properly launched. For just SHOWING these remarkable modern times, who dishonor resources to guard all the vul grenades, again under enemy to throw it out in any old way qualities which, tis hoped, in ancient history and not deserve nerable points of his extended fire, is asking for the immediate des contrast to his Fascist legions to exist today.
battle lines instead of concen Throughout the entire opetruction of the pigeon.
famous Marathon from Egypts trating them for assault. What ration of the colum he displaOnly birds of the best racing frontier to Tunis, will prevent 80 BRITISH GIRLS is more, he is now confronted yed a magnificent offensive strain are used by the RAF, his running hell for leather to with three factors which spell, spirit, which, coupled with a with the result that 80 per cent clasp the clay feet of his shinKEPT IN CELLAR defeat to every German. The complete disregard for his own of the messages sent while pla ing disciple, Hitler, imploring first is the failure of the Blitz personal safety, was a great res are on operational flights shelter in a padded cell in krieg, which puts into effect ineniration the whole reach their destinations. Berchtesgaden Letters from column, says official report the German military British girls maxan interned at Ilag Liebenau, a short war or lose a long one.
that Germany must win a Furthermore, his quick and accurate identification of ene.
SAYINGS former nunnery in Bavaria, The second is the certainly my columns enabled considerTeveal something of the life that Germany must now wage able damage to be inflicted un The RAF derivts its gcealines.
At least 33 3 per cent of One letter from Miss Joan war on two fronts. And the them, and at a later stages test urge from the example of the weapons we are making in third is the knowledge that of great assistance in enabling the worker in the factories, on 1943 are new weapnos and this Thomson, an actress said: Allied resources We are under punishment are growing the colum to get back when the farms, and in the offices proportion will be increased as Eighty women are sleeping steadily while Germany have completely surrounded. and workshops. You have wor the year goes on we must look together. We have just compassed the peak.
ked for victory as hard as they forward to war in close counpleted nine days of being kept home front, together with the the effectiveness of Hitler for rus hin America; it has sel Lyttelton, Minister of ProducAll reports from the German have fought for victory. Your try. This requires new types in from two till four.
Mr. Oliver effort has been a fine example of weapons.
Boredom is the chief enemy and the efforts of satellite Co.
growing number of deserters control organization.
of these girls, who are allowed The Italian people are appathe pace and precedent for all tion.
out only in a schoolgirl cro vermentz so get out from an rently ready to draw ahese con cur us in America; it has set codile. The only man der, indicate that history is sequences soon, and the collapthey the pace and precedent for all In the face of far greater our Allies.
have seen for two years is the beginning to repeat itself. After se of Italy would prove the Major General odds and much greater sentry at the entrance to their the failure of the Russian of signal for many Germans to Ira Eaker.
dificulties than perhaps at any fensive, the German generals Collow them.
time in its history, the Royal The Germans. apparently, clusion, that the war can no ann the Pacificlithe Americane surance to the people of Fran est traditions. Never has it inet In tell the girls that it is Britain longer be won by military, Chinese are likewise on the of ce that their sacred right to so many new and deadly forms fault that they are not retur means. The length of time it, fensive Unlike Axis Europe, choose their provisional govern of combat warfare, and never ned home. Are you doing anything German people are able will take before they and the However, Japan is still string ment themselves will be fully has its task been so widely about our exchange. Joy wri draw the consequences from Jamle han the end of the wapin as soon as France has been li the lifelines to these islands to and her final defeat is impos safeguarded and will operate pread in the maintenance tes. hear the men at this realization will depend on Europe releases the bulk have been asked to sign their of berated. General Giraud. and in carrying the offensive names if they want to go to Allied power engaged there.
to so many fronts oversea.
But the Allied offensives have Reconstruction like charity, Mr. Alexander, First Lord bi gland, so perhaps the transworking after all. father for a warm bed jacke already demonstrated thet Ja shoudd begin at home. If we of the Admiralty.
On a previous occasion she You see, we sit out in the pan, too, has lost the initiative. succed in that, our most inmsaid the Germans had offered corridor to read at night and In this war the end maje mediate task, our practice may German soldier being deto send them to Palestine, but it is so cold.
still be long and cosály, but well do far more by its exam corated by Hitler was asked every one of the 250 girls re One comment at the end of both the military and the mo ple to advance the world thar what would be his dearest wish one letter home: Won it be ral factors are now on our side we could do by our preaching should a bomb drop beside No lights are allowed in the funny when men and it is up to us to make the Mr. Amery, Secretary him. That my Fuehrer should bedrooms. Joy asked her again most of them.
of State for India.
be with me. was the answer.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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    FranceGermanyHitlerInvasionItalyMussoliniStalinWorld War

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