
SUMMER BRIDE UN ALIMENTO 100 DE This New Eating and Refreshing Sort ALTO VALOR NUTRIBy the expresions heard on knotted white fabric and costall sides, we gather that the ly silk gloves and carrying a TIVO is now at the Public Service large gathering who thronged bouquet of Varietas San Jo. PARA NINOS ADULTOS COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD the Cathedral on the evening sé. Her niece, Barbara, AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPRE of Saturday, a week ago, were pink tafeta, and her nephew, EXIJALO EN TODOS LOS ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
NEGOCIOS charmed with Miss Ina Ele Ernest, were the train bearers.
na Murray, the summer Bride The Misses Beryl Simmons MUNDA CAPTURED BY GNL MCARTHUR of Mr. Rolando Pugh. The en and Thelma Machado were tire scene was most attractive the admirable Flower Girls, After violent fighting over who garrisored the position.
and more worthy the brush aétired in blue, tafeta. Their of a period o fthirty five days of an artist than the pen of baskeis were a Chick Fighting of an intense cha a humble writer.
model. In equisite gowns the forces commanded by Ge fracter is said to be progressneral MacArthur have capturing to the south of Salaman) just graced the earth and dame gears, adorned with The shadows of evening had tafeta and net with pink head flowers er the important Japanese air ca in the sector of New Gui base at Munda on the Island nea.
Nature displayed a much ap and bouquets of coronation FRIO CALIENTE ES DELICIOSO Lola preciated generosity by check roses, Hilarion, Inez of New Georgia. The Victo The Japs are reported to ha ing the drops of rain, when the State. Elena Douglas and Sterous troops are said to be ve started their evacuation cleaning up guests in harmonious forma phany Grant of San José per FOR INFANTS AND the remains of of the island located in the tion, appeared in the sacred formed the role of Bridemaids.
ADULTS the five thousand soldiers near vicinity of Munda. edifice. They were followed, They were escorted by Messrs. RICH IN VITAMINS soon after, by the Bridegroom, Bresford Duncan, Delroy Hun EASY TO PREPARE Mr. Rolando Pugh, accomp ter, Egbert Rivers and George SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Dianied by his bestman, Mr. Curling of San José. Miss xon Hair ct, from Dixon Barber Shop. Wost of the Thomas Allen of San José. Claris Johnson, the Chief, HOUSES city Market.
Then came the Bride, eclining was effectively gowned in cinthe arm of her father, Mr. harmony with the colour and Francis; Messrs. Rodolfo BaJames Murray, who gave her design of her associate maids. rrantes, Geo. Todd, Reginala Shaw, Mesdames Geo. Curling HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA away in marriage, while the As effected by the Rev. rr. and Reg. Rodríguez; the Mises LIMON CITY organza on a tafeta background Hubert, with our budding Linett Falconer (formerly of strains seasoned with the Priest, Mr. Roberto Evans, Cartago. Hazel Pritchard, Ma Special Attention and Price for Families.
harmonious voices of the Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath serving, the religious ceremo ría Beckford, Vera Miller, and choristers. She was robed in THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
ny was deeply penetrating. Ruby, Victoria and Anita CANTINE WELL ASSORTED a rich princess gown of floral After its close, the guests walk Grant. The gifts were nume.
HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION organa o na tafeta background, ed to the St. Mark Parish rous and of a splendid varie with fashionable half moon Hall, where the reception was ty. The dance, under the ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor coronet adjusted with a cir, held. The novelty of throwing rhythm of the Lebert orchescular fall; bridal slippers of the Bridal Bouquet evoked tra, was colourful. The refresh BAPTISTS MINDFUL much merriment, and in the ments followed continous shuffle, Miss Stephany Grant course. Every aspect of the OF EMANCIPATION took the catch. In place of united whole was in excelNOTICE the time worn system of heav sior.
ANNIVERSARY ing others cut their cake, the The happy couple left for By this medium beg to notify the Community in genethe Bride and Groom effected the capital on Sunday passen ral that am not recponsible for any account contracted ger train; they were extended Commanding the attention by my wife Hyacinth Jackson Walker a rousing send off. The of a very representative con The Bestman, Mr. Thomas ATLANTIC VOICE wishes gregation, at last Sunday Pierpont Walker.
Allen, delivered the opening them a long union; blessed evening service in the city remarks while Mr. Leslie An with all the happiness Baptist Church, the Rev.
gus solicited the Blessing and prosperity possible in th Forde, during his discourse presided as Master of Cerelife.
treated enthusiastically AMPLE REPRESENTATION OF OUTSTANDING the mentioning of the names mony. Space does not permi: the anniversary associated with the Emancipation effec PERSONAGES of the speakers who showered JOSE ACHION Ng ted in the year 1838, he a! their respective congratula Corrierciante detallista só paid special tribute, once The Methodists of this, horn. Playes, entitled Mrs. tions, but we owe a debt to again, to the outstanding city provided ample represen Leroy paying guests, was mention Mesrs. James Mur Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc personalities who fathered. tations, on the evening of the also presented. The portrayal ray and Daniel Pugh, the fatricos; todo se encuentra en the Reform Measures which 3rd. instant, with respect to was highly appreciated. thers of the newly weds.
este establecimiento.
brought about the liberation some of the outstanding per The order of the Rally was In addition to the guests alof the slaves in the different sonalities of the Island of Mrs. Morris Nibbs, spo ready mentioned from San British Colonies.
ken for by Mrs. Stanley Blake; José were Messrs. Rupert and DEATH OF JOHN EDA brief ontertaining pro Miss Amy Bailey personified Lawrence Henriquez, brothers SALOMON CHIN gramme, presided over by the by Mrs. Iris Williams, Miss, of the Groom; who were ac WARDS OF WESTRev.
Estrada wives; Holmes, paved, Una Marson biography was companied by their LA IBERIA for the Rally. told by Miss Edith Grant, Mrs: Ruth Bell Pugh, an aunt FAUA Abarrotes y Licores mong the items were there who earned third position in of the Groom, Mr. and Mrs.
citation of Miss Mulling the final. Mrs. Rebecca Sa Chas. Mason; Mr. and Mrs.
Precios Económicos We are told that Mr. John and Virginia by Mr. Vani (Pasa a la Pág. DIEZ) Stedrick Kerr; Mr. and Mrs.
Edwards of Westfa ia died on the 31st. July recently pas sed, and interment of Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso his We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: remains was effected during Thin bill must be paid at our office before the afternoon of the Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month day. It is said that the decea de los primeros 10 días de cada mes sed was well esteemed and Be so geou as to comply with this request and do not Le rogainos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena his death is mourned throucblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
ghout the district. He os sur vived my two brothers and other relatives, to all of whom the Atlantic Voice extends its deepest sympathy.
ar on the way same COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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