
SATURDAY, AUGUST 7th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE CITY PLAYGROUND URGENTLY NEEDS CLEANING Limón Trading Company our Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra bavi source The Sport Club: whome weeks ago, stood the exe frequent the city pl. vgourd, pense of partially cleariig have effected several solici the ground.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR tations, we are informied to As it is known that our highly esteemed Munici Municipal Fathers always gi pal Fathers for an aid to ve attention to all which per ward the cutting of t:e tall tain to our general welfare growth of grass, which not and advancement, the appa only embarrasses the players rent in attention regarding but gives the ground the playground is due, we appearance of a pasture and are sanguine, to the demands produces an exceedingly ugly which more pressing matters impresion on the visitris have made on them but who, from time to time, fra which ir, no way affects their ternize with us in the realm sympathy for our much reed of sports. We ara assucci ed out door exercises and that the Cubs Sport Club so sporting requirements.
BAN ON FRUITS TO HOSPITAL PATIENTS REMEMBER LIFTED From a WE PAY THE BEST PRICES usually has been, in consequence, most reliable, we learn that pleasingly resumed.
the order which prohibited We extend our sincere the taking of fruits into the thanks to those responsible CAMPAIGN AGAINST CRUELTY TO DOMESTIC ANIMALS local hospital of the Costa Ri for the lifting of the Bany, ca Banana Companys, as gifts which was depriving many of Oftentimes our pity and for the patients, has been our unfortunate sick ones NO ASYLUM IN NEUTRAL COUNTRIES FOR feelings of sympathy are withdrawn. The privilege of the means of enjoying aroused when confronted IL DUCE good wholesome fruits.
with the acts of cruelty exThe few neutral countries Mussolini or any other mem tended to the poor unfortuna have been warned by the ber of the Axis Party accord to dumb animals by man, Allied Nations against afford ing to the instructions simul their superior in the same BROWNE ABRAHAMS ing an asylum to Benito taneously dispatched by the Kingdom.
governing authorities of Many of the owners or VENTA DE MERCADERIAS ON THE SICK LIST Great Britain, the United users of the domestic creatu States of America and the Sores frequently give them DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR Much concern is being deviet Union, through their res much heavier loads than they monstrated by a large circle pective diplomatic represen can carry, and ill treat them Apartado 362 o four citizenry, as a conse tatives in the non belligerent because of their inability to quence of the sudden delica countries in Europe and the perform an imposible task.
LIMON te illness of Mrs. Rebeca Wi Republic of Argentine in this Others will utilize these will liams, a widely regarded per hemisphere.
ing beats while they suffer It is with much satisfaction sonage or pioneeriag status The attention of the neu from badly bruised or sore that we gather a stir has and the mother of Miss Iristrals has been directed to the backs, giving little or no re been effected to pursue a riEnglish Tweeds Sergs Williams of the commercial fact that the extending of gard to the fact that with gid campaign against these can still be had at establishment of Messrs Jack hospitality to such persons every move they make the acts of cruelty and for a ge Reasonable Prices at SO Orane Sucs.
will be regarded as a direct pressure of the load on the neral inspection of the ani JACK ORANE Sucs.
We sincerely hope Mrs. infraction of the principles affected part causes them mals throughout the Repu THE PEOPLE HOUSE 12 Williams will speedily re of the war in which the Uni the greatest pain.
Limon gain her health. ted Nations are engaged.
10 hots MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP chinery made or repaired, from Located in front former bise a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Motive Power Club in 3rd.
carry an assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop at all times. Building No. 89 in this city. All sanitary CACAO North Fifth Avenue, on arrangements. Barber with THOMPSON, Proprietor.
years of practice in all classes NEW HARLEM BAR AND of the Hair Cutting Art. trial The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao will convince the most RESTAURANT. The Best drinks prepared by Crawford and fastidious.
Grant, Genuine native and for LIONEL MIONDOLE eign liquors stocked Our CustProprietor.
ne service the most up to date.
ING SHOP. Specializes in mals.
ing and repairing furniture and FRESCARIA every other branch of woodwork. Coffins always stocked.
RUBBER MAYO See as before going elsewhere.
25 Miles. The Abaca Center Prices moderate. 4th. Street, Fresh and pure Frescos of all entrance Gamez Lumber BECKFORD, We are Agents for kinds prepared to mec: cold or Yard. SYDNEY warm Season. Meals. Sand Manager.
wiches and other Eats cookTHE RESETTER WITH IMed with rich flavour. Here the PROVEMENTS. clean up to housewives can buy fruits of Aate Barber Parlour Centrally all sort also a large variety of bcated on Commerce Avenuo OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE vegetables from Cartago.
almost opposite Teatro ArrasWATSON HAPPY GO ty. Pleasant, reliab. e courteous LUCKY WILL ALWAYS Service. THOMAS PARCHMENT SATISFY YOUR TASTE Lair Specialist.
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