
Montbatten as Commander in nesday.
Chief of the forces in Asia is Addiotional gains yere obtamSABE AHORRAR regarded in military circles as ed by the Allied forces at Bairoan indication that the United Na ko, on the Island of Ney Geor tions are making preparations gia, the only position still held COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL to initiate a series of devastating by the enemy.
attacks against the Japanese positions off the coast of China, as TEATRO MODERNO well as the empire proper.
The enemy bases of Wushan Lunes 30 de agosto and Hankow in China were at UNA DE CABALLO (Sucursal en Limón)
tacked by Allied air units con William Boyd week ago and around twenty Martes 31 de agosto enemy planes destroyed. Serious REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA CUMBRES DE PASION damage was effected.
Con Ann Sheridan Allied forces are reported to have reached a point one and a Miércoles 19 de setiembre LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO balf kilometros off base of SaGANADOR lamaua in New Guinea. Ead IMPREVISTO weather is said to have impeded con Eugene Paullette Chylish Tweeds Sergs aerial activities.
Jueves de setiembre HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA can still be had at Aerial operations by Allied HENRY EL Units are said to have produced INCORREGIBLE LIMON CITY Reasonable Prices at damage of a very serious natuDO JACK ORANE Sucs.
con Jimmy Laydon Special Attention and Price for Families.
re to enemy interests and bases be Cool and Comfortable oms with Bath THE PEOPLE HOUSE in in Burna and China. Hong Kong Viernes de setiembre THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT Limon HENRY EL CANTINE WELL ASSORTED INCORREGIBLE HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION RETURNS TO LAND OF BIRTH ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor We have been the reci chosen science. She will be Sábado de setiembre the SENTENCIA pients of the capital information residing in MUERTE that among the passengers where we understand she con Boris Karloff DEATH OF MRS. MIRIAM LINDO who arrived by aerial trans, has been recommended for From a news item from Ja on behalf of her fellow crea Cristóbal, Canal oZne, last portation from Jamaica vía a wing important position.
Domingo de setiembre The ATLANTIC VOICE EL JOROBADO maica, we learn that the tures ther death is also keenTuesday, was Miss Eunice extends her a hearty welcocon Jorge Negrete town of Montego Bay in the iy felt in this country, as one Smith, the beloved me.
parish od St. James, has lost of her sons, in the person of daughter of our vory popu one of its much regarded re Mr. Reginald Binns of the Silar towmsman, Mr. Ha SOME OF THE WEEK CRIMINAL HAPPENINGS sidents by the deal of Mrs. quirres township, has long rold Smith. Miss Smith is a An intensified homicidal we note the following: Miriam Lindo, who crossed resided here along with his native of this city. She was wave seem to have made its. While on his way home the Jordan on the 3rd. of the family. She is survived by educated in Jamaica and apprearance in various sec. in Palmichal, at a late hour of current month.
two oher sons and a daugh has received her education tors of the country during the the night, one Rogeli Abarca ter in Jamaica.
rast fortnight or so, according was attacked by an intiividual The deceased is said to have in Jamaica and as it has e to the press announcements, with a manne and serious!
been very highly esteemed turned, well prepared in ha For the week in course alone, vounded.
We extend our profound by reason of her character condolence to the bereaved Following on a heated disristic deportment, her libeThe vote of the people is the law of the land and cussion. while taking drinks rality and general services the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. a cantina in Barbacoas de West of the city Market.
Puriscal, one Marcial Jimé nez Cascante stabbed and killed his brother with a dagger.
As the outcome of a fight in one of he suburbs of the Capital a man was admitted to the hospital of San Juan de Dios suffering from bad wound in his head.
SMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER Declaring he had been mo tivated by an evil destiny, one NIDO, powdered Milk, tin 00 ISLAND PALM SOAP C060 Guillermo Alvarado Chaves cf Hatillo attempted to take KLIM, powdered Milk, tin 15 SAPOLIO 00 bis own life by stabbing hinself in the chest.
CARNATION Evaporated KEROSENE, bottle 50 Milk, tin 50 WIRE SPONGES 25 man was found in a state of coma on the roadway leadNESTLES condensed Milk, tin 45 SWEET OIL, bottle 25 ing from San fogá tu Tibás BANQUET SARDINES, tin 65 with three terrible stabs an SHOE POLISH, Yellow 10 He the left side of throat COFFEE, delicious, lb. 00 BRILLO, for 15 claimed the injury was inFLEISHCHMANN Baking Powflicted by a man who had der, lb.
ROBINSON BARLEY, tin 40 25 threatened him and was well STARCH, white, lb. 50 known for his criminal actiSHRIMP, tin 50 vities.
TUNA FISH, tin 50 PRUGNES, lb. 50 Four members of a family TOILET PAPER, roll 80 RAISINS, lb. 25 residing in the vecinity of Pa90 Ancho, who had provoked FLOOR POLISH, lb. 50 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, 1b. 45 a great scandal, assaulted and PALACE SARDINES, tin 00 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, badly wounded the Juez de Paz and his assistant.
SODA BISCUITS, Ib. 00 tube 00 Because of their love for ARGO OIL, gallon 15. 50 CRISCO, lb. 25 the same girl, two youngien of Cañas de Guanacaste.
fought a duel with machetes.
We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh, Both were seriously wounded.
guaranteed merchandise They are said to be cousins. In the suburb of San José LA PROVEEDORA Limón called Cuba, a attacked by four men and roughly handled. They robbed her of a sum of money.
LA PROVEEDORA a woman was Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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