
tant. Mr. Bruce, Press saults of the Nazi Luftwaffe, HEAD OFFICE MA DRE DE DIOS Attaché of the San José Brit were also demonstrated The ish Legation, was a guest of spectacle associated with the our city, and he, in tarn, had training of the British TomTo the Officers and Members of the above named Society more than eight hundred child my whose spirit seem to have You are hereby notified to attend the Annal Stockholders Meeting which will take dren as his afternoon guests no rival, and the marvellous place on the in the Moderno Theatre at the prop given the manhood by 12th. September 1943 splendid showing of British the women, as shewn by their War Films. The youngsters drills and other methods were invited from all the preparedness, were most apat the usual Meeting place in Madre de Dios, at 10 o clock sharp, for the purpose of elec ting new officers for the ensuing Term; to receive the Report of the past year and to schools of the city, both pu pealing. The crowning scene blic and private, and it was of the films was the presence adopt new plans for the better working of the Society. Also to receive a small divicbvious they all got a grea: cf the dauntless British King, dend which the Board has decided to declare. Any one unable to attend the Meeting kick out ofthe Show. The His Majesty George Vi, in the can send their Vote through a Representative or by Proxy The Directors will not hold Director, Directress and seve various war movements, even themselves responsible to those who fail to attend the meeting for any wrongs which ral of the teachers of the pa as far as Africa, where he may befall the Society.
Ulic schools as well as many went to greet as well as Fof the Private System. Mr. Jos. furnish fresh courage to the FARQUHARSON WARD LITTLE Thomas assisted the Press victorious Eighth Army, the President Acting Secretary Attaché in admitting the large North American Commander number of children.
in Chief, and the troops and 15th. August 1943 The picture brought out other forces who had vanquish many interesting phases of the led the mighty Marshal Romraging conflict such as themel day. Serious disorders are occurbull dog tenacity of the Brit. We discovered a great meish and the daring courage of dium of educational acquire ITALY UNDER BOMBS ring in Milan and Turin conseBritain fighting forces, eren ment in the films and extend quest on the prolongation of the at times against dreaded od is. our sincere gratitude to Mr. The Allied air units continue, coast of the Peninsular.
prolongation of the war and the The sufferings and miserics Bruce for the wonderful treat their incessant and disastrous It is strongly believed that larsh methods the government which have been the fate of to our young people.
attacks against the important within the next few days hapis adopting to check the genethe people of such places as weunded.
strategio positions in Italy. The penings of a much greater imp ral discontent of the people.
GLEANINGS FROM MATINA area around Napoles suffered ort than the fall of Mussolini movvement for the overth violently a few nights as also will occur in Italy, as conditions now og Badoglio is reported There is a joyous night bition and intellect. Matina Foggia, where a large number are said to be getting worse each approaching for the people Liberty Hall will be specia of enemy air craft were destrounderway.
of our beloved Matina. Evelly regaled for the occasion.
yed while lying at their base. Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the rybody who is somebody cordial welcome awaits An Allied plane bombed an pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon will be in the Hall of the all who will grave the event Italian cruiser which was seen Barber Shop West of the city Market.
Universal Negro Improve with their presence.
navegating off the southern ment Association on Tues gas Resident HIGHLY day night the 31st. instant, APPRECIATED GIFT manicure as contributors and listeners ON SOME OF THE WAR FRONTS AGENDA to the sensational Concert The strategic position of Kharported to be serious by castigaMr. and Mrs. Philip Clar The knowledge has been which will then be staged. kov has agein fallen under the ting the retreating Nazis, and ke, our much regarded citi gained that another addition The entertainment promi control of the Russians after a obtaining further triumphs, on zens, were the proudhas been effected to the sobye gone days when it was ing. Its loss is a serious bliw to Kiev is progressing, as also that appreciated new unit is designated The the custom to celebrate the the Germans as the Siviets will directed toward Dniepropetrovsk gift from the Stork. The Coloured Youths Friendly last night of the month of be is said a position ti drive them at the end of the Dnieper.
little Orphet is Club. and carries the Motto August with all the pomp out of all thsouthern war zone. Zenkow, the important bas to be doing atendidly. so Unity is Strength.
and grandeur of racial amThe victorious forces are re. locatel seventy kilometres off too his mother. As we gather, Father Clarke has effecl ed under the guidance of The venture has been piac Poltava, has capturel and the movement in the direction of ted a number of rounds of Messrs. Grenalds, PresiCARD OF THANKS Lozovaya to the south of Khar cigars.
dent; Brown, Vice Presikov is regarded as an attempt We desire by this medium to express to our numerous JOHNNY Sinclair, Ast. Secretary, dent; Wallace, Secretary; ds our heartfelt gratitude and thanks for the noble to cut the enemy line of com FRANKIE manner in which we were entertained, while attending the munication in the Donetz area.
AT THE ENTERTAIN and Simms, Nuptial Festivities of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Pugh, on the Fighting of a decisive character These youngmen have exnight of July 31st. last. We wish to specially mention is reported in progress in the ING END tended their compliments to Messrs. Walford Cibbs, John Babb, Philip Booth, Stanley hills between the Donetz and the The two Society young many of our social fraternity Blake, Alfred Splatt, Beris Duncan and friend Jerome, Dnieper.
men, Frankie and Johnny, to be their guests at the nu Another important movement CEDRICK KEER. THOMAS ALLEN will, we glean, be at the gural Dance to be stage:n is being directed toward Shavy entertainning end in the the St. Mark Parish Hall SAN JOSE ansk from Izuum.
St. Mark Parish Hall, to o nthe night of Saturae; RELUCED PURCHASING PRICE FOR RUBBER OF INFERIOR QUALITY night, commencing at nine 11th. September paint o clock, in connection with Mr. Lebert Brovm orches We have been afforded the article wich carried a We very much regret such their Dance of Confidence. tra is slated to furnish the he information that the Rubi weight of șixty pounds but actions as they tend to prejun On a background of sea latest hits from Dancing.
eer Development Corpora was found to contam a bit ofl dice all who take an interest green paper, one of the tion have notified all persons wood weighing forty vine in the newly established in well worded invitations ley orchestra is slated to interested in the Rubber in pounds. He had to refund the dustry. We hope the publi adorns our desk. It is propo Congress. which lasted for dustry that they will conti money paid him on the in city will save the desired efsed that the evening shall render the Avalanches.
nue paying the present price tervention of the legal autho fect.
be one of the Upper Ten The invitees should not fail only for first class rubber rities.
Thousand. Mr. Ernest Bar to attend.
but a lower amount for that o finferior quality.
Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al corso We beg to call your attention to our remark at he bock Pepresentatives of the Cor de su recibo que dice: of receip? wiich reads: poration declare their prinThis hill must be paid at our office before cipals have bear purchasing Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro large quantities of mud and de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not paying for it as pure rubber, Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which nview of the fact that uncru de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
pulous traders havy been mixing their rubber with mud wood, sand, etc. One such trader sold block of ses to be a revival of those period of the most intense fight all front. Their advance toward recipients. a few days are cial agend aof our city. The SHE ENTER a e the 10th. Of the month COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON savunma 119 Tod be:12 VAT belirgi og toto to tell Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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