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ly to break the chain aror muilding enemy bombers, thous harrie became involved in an For ten and a half days the It is doubtful whether the them. They do all they kn ands of aeronautical workers, are enemy minefield. This officer crew of a bomber saw no one famous comedian who made to find a weak link to dest building aircraft in secretiy at once dismounted in full but themselves.
this phrase worldknown knew the unity of the United transformed factories deep down riew of the enemy and under They were adrift in a rub that it is of West African ortions, to create distrust in old chalk mines, disused quar lire cleared a path by lifting ber dinghy Ors. long and about gin, but he would surely be dislike. to somehow din ries and long forgotten caverns, wires. He then led his tanks ft. wide.
amazed at the latest demons heir enemies in order to ta in Britain alone nearly a dozen on foot out of the mines. This The space allotted to each tration of its use.
le them one by one. Side or these underground plants are gallant action undoubtedly sa man was exactly the same as It has been discovered by side with attempts to driv operating, oblivious of the wailed his tanks from total des that given to a Roman galley the veterans of the Battle of wedge between Russia of sirens as their machinery Jtruction.
Britain who are trainiog Britain, and between Bri and tools grind out the frames Then they just drifted ashora West African anti aircraft gun the United States, runs and parts of Lancasters, Spitfires mother tells how during an The letter received by To day three members of ners in North Africa that German propaganda line and training planes. The story enemy attack at the end of the crew are honoured be there is no fooling these boys and about Latin América.
goes that in the beginning two May he was taken prisoner by cause during this trying pe when it comes to sporting Germans freely invent inci government engineers were German column which riod they displayed greafor things. even tiny things like dents which they claim to looking for a suitable site to erect worked round to their titude and high moral, a plane a mile up in the air. proof of the contempt of in an underground factory. an and cut them off. While the operating with their captam West African gunners arrived United States for Latin Aine hilippened upon an old quarry.
British artillery were shelling in a most praiseworthy way in North Africă some time ago rica.
Knifing their way trough the the enemy column the British Flying Office John Lawson and were introduced to the When in several Latin Anar underbrush and scrub, they went prisoners were making a nuus Tempest, of latest AA guns. They soon got rican states precautionary own and surveyed the abandonance of themselves in an en eeds, gets the and the idea and demonstrated steps were taken against Ger ed uit with a hurricane lantern deavour to delay the Germaas Sergeants Clifton Donald Our their hawks eyes in spottirs mans who had abused thes an old aircraft compass as much as possible. The let now, of Kalgoorlie, Western ja target plane. The pattern of nospitality it was alleged tne Studying this report, officials of ter goes on to say up to tius Australia, and James Robert the ack ack shell bursts froin they were playing up to the ministry of aircraft productime had been with my men, Gordon she their guns behind the plane shington.
tion decided that it would save as had taken down my baitAll are attached to a Royal soon convinced the British ve German propaganda thier tine, labor and expense aat. vert the old workings through red officers are flown inme Cron ges of rank, because all cap Australian Air Force squa terans tha: here they had fore sets out to prove to something gunners who peoples of Latin America.
sit the country rather thari When the starboard inner rould see straight and shoot that their present materiai excavate from blueprints.
diately to Italy. All this time Giculties are directly attri The most ingenious use had been keeping my eyes engine failed, the pilot flew straight.
of These West Africans now able to the war activities: open with a view to escaping out to sea, where the boml)
and wätural cavities for mole mamu put the opportunity had at load was jettisoned. Then one man the anti airerafu defenses the United States, made by sccurred. Suddenly there was! of he port engines failed, and that guard our invasion pre that the United States a Antoine Gazda, the Swiss arma the as the bomber a lot of commotion, and was losing parations in North Africa. designs on the sovereig ment designer. He has invented Germans started loading us height, all movable equipThey operate their own range and independence of a construction shop on wheels finders and other technical American states.
which in an air raid is trundled back into the lorries again and ment was thrown overboard.
na states on rails into a shelter hewan started 40 move off. It seemed atFORCED DOWN of defence. Everyone in North The German propagand some of our tanks were the side of a mountain. Several racking. managed to hide beAfrica feels pretty safe bebind love to evoke the spectre of these plants have been built hind a burnt out lorry with Pattling against strong winds the backs of these hawk eyed domination through mo for the big Swiss aeronautical inarkets.
concerns of Pilatus. When a raic Germans moved off crept to ing, the bomber some of my men and when the with only two engines work. Africans.
forced Instructors say that West Military as well as moral au occurs, a worker erster the rea topsida control cabin and throws one of our lorries which had lown to 1000ft. when a third Africans are particularly ador: vantages for the Reichwork at learning all the technical derive from the complete bren!
a switch, whereupon the 600 ton the German tanks were firing heen abandoned. All this time engine failed.
The captain brought the air hases of modern warfare down of continental solidarny car rolls swiftly into the aperture on our men and was between craft down on the rough sea It would be extremely use big steel armored door then them. Anyhow, got into the without injury to any of the LOOKING BACK for the naval activities of the drops down on the front of the lorry with 20 men and drove crew, all of whom embarked On the 11th June, 1940, the Axis, eavern, Inside, the workers con off at a high speed. We were in the dinghy German paper Der Adler RELUCTANT ADMISSION finue uninterrupted, the shop ventilated and published a full page picture lighted by fired on but managed to get 40 away. drove for about emergency hook up.
spread showing the wreckage ITALIAN GENERAL of Rotterdam and other places Like Germany, Japan was Quarries, with their spacious miles, and luckily managed sturdy galleries, have proved to conceal my compass.
CHASED UP ETNA hombed by the Germans The first unwilling to allow that tides of war flowing against caption underneath was The the best locations in England.
Dating from 2, 000 ace of war is merciless the August 30th, 1942, a Japane years ago, army spokesman declared some of these QUOTH THE PROPHET traces of the blows of war can workings have been Brigadier General Fiumara, hardly be eliminated in de. the enemy, profiting by our used until a centutry bilization of all fronts, is With these military idiots he Italian Napoli (Naples cades. We Germans canna be ago, an indication of their prograteful enough to out ueh spreading false news that the portions. For military cae never knows where they Division, was captured aiter)
tuation has changed in the British government has until will attack next Heavers one of the most grueline dion jier that he has kept this pic.
recently made a dark secret of nows where we will all be ley shases in the annals miture of frightfulnes away from these subterranean factories.
by this time pexs year. Aihe Sicilian mountains. It was Germany.
Wild West episode on SAYINGS An average of 600 men ler, September 30th, 1942)
In those days the Germans ard women work in each establish It is not an empty phrase, Jasinine scale.
were supremely confident that but a deadly fact that each An assistant provost ar they could bomb and not be ment; in Do not let us get it into one of them, 61 per bomb will be answered with shal of the British 8th Army bombed minds that we are doing noth dent of the employees are wom en. There are at least six ten bombs, or if possible, with saw two suspicious characters We are doing a great deal other hundreds. Hitler New Yeat plodding along on donkeys at JAP SHIPPING POSITION it applies in exactly the same such plants of larger or smaller he foot of Mt. Etna. When dimensions. One is proclamation)
in an old to the general output of challenged, the two usuc. Japan shipping position is workers of this country. We chalk mine. 40, 000 square feet in üressed in ragged civilian critical. declared Rear Adm. want to see the output expanding area, and is making a new secret lothes, spurred their tiny Theodore Wilkinson. but do not let us underrate the plane.
tiort, there are several escala mounts and fled up. Mt. Etna believe it is at the most great contributions The biggest works of all they have tors. Below are artesian wells with the curious bouncing gait critical point. he said. She made.
tinety feet deep and several square miles in area and three and a reservoir. Eighteen huge of the burro. The provost mar was not too well equipped The First Lord of the Admiralty vertical shafts provide ventila nal commandeered a neas by when the war began and what quarters of a mile long, tion, drawing in 3, 000, 000 cubic Monkey and set out after them. she has been able to seize from To day, as in the past, the stranger passing on a nearby feet of fresh air every minute. For forty minutes the chase France and other countries British and American road would have no idea Navie far below him a full size aircraft to a width of 22 feet and The vents emerge at the surface kept up, the fugitives skicing has been far less than she has stand at the very vanguard of are cactus clumps and cutting lost. Her ship building facilit forces of democracy. To day factory employing thousands was curved to keep bombs from penc curves along the narrow trailies are limited.
tests are heavier, but in fuil production. declares Norman Hillson, London Daily ries are trim, spotless, cosy.
trating the caverns. The galle. The provost marshal finally Wilkinson estimated that every confidence that we evertook them. When they Japan has only 50 to 60 sub not fail the peoples whose gre Sketch writer, who visited it To house this mass of human were taken into custody, ane marines.
trust we hold. Even the approach is concealed moles a veritable village cleverly of them admitted he was Ge The main convoy route frona Admiral Harold Stark in a typical local countryside of camouflaged, has been built on ueral Fiumara. From a ham America has been singularis spinneys and hedgerow.
the topside. Adjacent are fully per hanging on his donkey he free from losses, he said. There The people for whom speak This Willow Run of the mole stocked shops and canteens that took out his fancy uniform 10 have been minor and regret are as determined on our ulti mills was built by 8, 500 men and serve 500 meals at a time. Comprove it. The other rustic tuin iable losses in the South Pa mate victory, at whatever cost, a is operated by nearly 9, 000 men pletely equipped hospitals and ed out to be the general aicle cific, he continued, but We the Prime Minister himself and women It is reached by eight day nurseries maintain the Somewhat winded, the three have the initiative and We whose courage and grit are giant elevators ranged in pairs highest standards health led their donkeys back down shall push the Sons of guns world inspiration.
which hold 50 persons. In addi. among the workers.
the slopes of Mt. Etna.
Toack home.
Mr. Arthur Greenwood an tu ng reasons.
an is that sh of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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