
SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY It has been officially re. This attack is the nearest. land of New Guinea, is said ported that North American to Japan yei undertaken, and to have entered its final pha In addition to the hearts out many well known artis Naval units have launched an is regarded as a special effortse with the Allied forces clos of our younger people those tes. The closing exercise will offensive against the Island to oblige the enemy fleet en ing in from the coasted sector of a number of our grown be in the form of a high gra of Marcus located northwest tering in action, while others are advancing to ups will be gladened tomo de concert on the following of the Island of Wake. Fight The battle of Salamau, the ward the extreme south of rrow, the 5th. when the an evening.
ing is said to be in progress. vital enemy base on the Is ing in from the costal sector, Iniversary of the Baptist Sun We are confident a right while others are advancing today School will be celebrat hearty welcome is assured MORE VICTORIES FOR SOVIET the base from the Bay ofed in line with the forenoon the general public at all the OFFENSIVE Tambu.
and evening services. The services and concert. None Moscow reports that the for, tant base of Taganrog, on the Allied air units effected ano three o clock afternoon pro should fail to take cheers ce operating in the Voronezh reported to have experienced ther big victory in the Salogramme wil, we learn, bring to the Young People.
area have occupied the impor Sea of Azov, the Germans are mon area by the destruction tant position of Sumy, in the 35, 000 casualties in their mar of thirty six enemy planes.
heart of Ukrania, while at power apart from 5, 000 ta The Island of Kolombangara NOTICE tacks in the sout of Bryansk ken prisoners. It is regarded has also been attacked by had brought more than One in Moscow, as the greatest ca North Americans wih the use FINDLAY, MANAGER OF PENSHURST hundred and thirty populat tastrophe since Stalingrado of heavy artillery, presumaBANANA COMPANY ed districts under their con One hundred and ninety bly as a prelude to an assault trol, including the city of eight cannon, 95 tanks and on the base.
advises that all lands rented and planted with Bananas Krementes: as also Yampol large quantities of material Railroads and communicat and Pastures have been returned to the Compañia Bananera the in the center of the Sumy re of value fell into the hands ing lines controlled by de Costa Rica. All Applicants, therefore, for rental of the lands, must apply to the Compañía Bananera de Costa Rica.
gion and Grusskovo in the of the victorious troops. Ad Japanase in centra) Burma Kursk area. These victories ditional Nazi losses included were bombed last Wednesday, PENSHURST BANANA COMPANY are said to have completely 573 tanks, 211 planes and near much damage was effected FINDLAY liberated the Kursk region of ly 2, 000 cannon destroyed or the railroad systems, Gerente the Germans and Fascists. badly damaged.
drome and deposit installa With the loss of their impor tions YOUNG PEOPLE PROGRAME IN ADVENTIST TEMPLE AGRICULTURAL AND BUILDNG CORPORATION OF 28 MILES Obviously charmed were HEAD OFFICE MADRE DE DIOS those who wuessed the pre with its accompanying Gaet sentation of the rather em by the Misses Daley and Me Sam.
To the Officers and Members of the above named Society bracing Young People Pro The drama was portrayed of You are hereby notified to attend the Ann: al Stockholders Meeting which will take gramme in the Temple in four Acts, respectively in place on the 299 the Seventh Day Adventists 900 290 tereepted by the song in pan 12th. September 1943 on the evening of Monday tomine Love lifted me. of the week in course.
contributed by the Junior at the usual Meeting place in Madre de Dios, at 10 o clock sharp, for the purpose of elec The principal feature of ting new officers for the ensuing Term; to receive the Report of the past year and to the entertainment was ba Girls. The sensational Neladopt new plans for the better working of the Society. Also, to receive a smal divised on the emotional drama da and Cyril reappeared in dend which the Board has decided to declare. Any one unable to attend the Meeting the solo The Land of tomor entitled. Vashti. The can send their Vote through a Representati ze or by Proxy The Directors will not hold row. Miss Saunders expreliminaries effectively themselves responsible to those who fail to attend the meeting for any wrongs which celled with her solo Ora may befall the Society.
brightened the way, and pro nobis. The cast of cha were as follows.
racters who earned praises FARQUHARSON WARD LITTLE Mrs. Rogers spicily de individually and collectively President Man ager Acting Secretary introductory remarks. Mr.
were Miss Muriel Watson, Saunders eloquently ef15th. August 1943 fected his opening remarks who personifying Vashti, and efficiently presided over was the Star; her graceful acting and eloquence touthe function, Mr. Bucha ched high water mark. Mr. COMPLAINT CORRECTION nan enyoked the Blessing.
Emanuel Lewis, the PrinA great deal of dissatisfac strange method of payment.
Impressively followed the ce Xenophon, was a marvetion exists, we have been told If the allegation be true, Resulting from tipogra Motion Song Jesus loves ellous ascomplishment; the among some of the surviving there seem some justifica phical error in our last Satur ven me, by the children. Misses Buchanan, Alfamilies and latives of the tion for the complaint as all day issue, the date on which Miss Sinclair, accompan leyne and Charlton, in men who perished on the who suffered the loss of the debate entitled: Resolvied by her little brother Cy the presentation of Queen ill fated San Pabo their Bread winners and ed that modern civilization ril, the phenominal guita Vashti maids, werelmifourteen months ago.
have fulfilled the desired han enhanced humari happi rist, stirred penetrating, rably enchanting: the deepIt is claimed by the com requirements are, in common nes appeared as September cheers with the rendition of seated task od filling te se plain ing ones that though se justice, entitled to their allot the 30th. This should have her solo. The old fashio le of Samuel. Vashi lo veral weeks have gone by sin ments in acoping with the been September the twentieth ned Cottage. Miss Grant ver. was impressive, per ce three or four of the many authorized arrangements. Sin The Debate is being staged recited with great merit formed by Miss Veta Grace all shared a common lot, by the Mother Union of the The Beautiful families entitled to the apLand. ham of Penshurst. Masters there should not be any dis St. Marks Church.
which was highly flavoured Spencer and Brown proved indemnification have tinction in so far as the pay yered the preamble and earned their soldierly disbeen paid the respective allot ments, they have neither re ments are concerned. The col tinction. Miss Lawrence, ceived theirs nor been afford den sieve of Equity should Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the in her copious execution of be utilized.
ed any real understanding re plearing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon the immortal heroine, Queen Barber Shop West of the city Market.
garding what they term the!
Esther, commanded marked admiration. Master Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call our attention to our romark at the bock Buchanan captivatingly acde su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: ted the part of the Court Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This hill must be paid at our office before Fdol. The song in motion the 10th of the month Blest be the tie that binds. de los primeros 10 días de cada mes by the Junior Girls, wus the Be so grou os to comply with this request and do not Le roganos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, u step which closing item.
de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
We gather that Ms. Lydia Rogers was the moving spirit of the splendid programme, and to whom we extend our heartiest enngra tulations. COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Deto 19 Oms sere obstoc Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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