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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 4TH. 1943 5025 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN are an EUROPE WAR Preparing for the Free Black THE FOURTH Fifth Year Fighting French ANNIVERSARY The idea of Combined OperaThere is a Free French Bat.
US Today finds us starting the ficns is British, stretching back talion in the Near East composed fifty year of that bigger an: into England history to the Veters. There better struggre. which Hitler day in 1596 when Essex and are men from New Caledonia brazenly announced at Munich Howard landed at Cadiz. Just and the Society Islands of the was necessary before he was Es British Commandos and Ame Pacific among them but the ma55. In little more tban Six rican Rangers are only a part of jority are regro warriors from months from now, if the HunCombined Cicerations, 89 Cem Air. ca. The Commanding Officer gods still protect him, this charbined Operations is only a partl is Commendurt Delange a most latan. Charlemagne will have of the Allied military organi experienced sold er, beloved by reached that milestone birthday zation. Put because we must colonial troops and himselt deand therefore, on his own calcu.
cross water their to come to gripo voted to the welfare of lations, the end of his tether.
with our principal enemy in Eu. persons.
Meantime, for two years Great to ope, Combined Operations as When France capitulated Britain with her Commonwealth are overwhelmirg im Hitler in sumes 1940 many Arican daughters stood alone against Artance Stretched from the chiefs in the French Equtorial the fiery might which razed Eu North Cape in Norway to the colories immediately approach.
rope finest cities with all their Riviera in France are German eu the local civil authorities and traditional relles to the ground: divisions.
then the madland lust of Located at strategic cfíered to rally their tribes to the points like Dombas Germans forced the gallant So and Lil: resist the Germans, They exlehammer in viets to protect their motherland, Norway, Lille. pressed real anger at the thought and finally when the Prussians of Amiens and Rennes in rorthwes that the colonies might be hand.
tern France: Avignorard Monted over to Hitler.
the Far East thought fit to follow the same path as their European pellier in southern France are Among the members of 12 battalion cusciple, the United States also bone and muscle of the volunteer TeGerman of mary of threw the weight of her man fcrces armored and in presentatives the rower and the full vigor of her fantry divisions, veterans of a great families of Senegal. The score of battlefields nicnse rosources into the fray.
are and ancient from Lou Wolotos Today, the forces of the United vain to the Ukraine. The Allied proud race with a tradition that Nations are awaiting the crucial High Commard, see that these would put many countries in moment when they will climb divisiers, all of them and their Europe to shame and extending back on to the European con sur porting air power, must be back through the ages to the tinent, and start the avenging THEIR MAJESTIES AND MR. CHURCHILL civilisation brought to battle and defeated dim beginnings of march to Berlin, the core of befcre the Allies can reach Ber Wolofs have risen high ir: the that vile milltary spirit which At this commencement of the fifth year of the fearfu struggle lin. To land the armies which political world of France and in which has devastated us none other in history the nations of five will do this is the task of Com. their cwn has throughout the centuries territory. These fopervaded all Germai: thought.
continents, it is of interest to resume in a few words the enormous bined Operations. And landing milies were approached by cola The sheeplike Germans war effort of the British Commonwealth of Nations, in what Pri. armies means will much more than laborationists and Germans with find a me Minster Winston Churchill himself has termed Their Finest, the tremendons physical feat of Afers of gret rewards if new master, the flail they of the Lord wielded in the Hour. Pacing resolutely the concrete menace of Hitlerian Ger transporting hurdreds of thous would foster an Axis spirit hands of nations who have mczy, kreat Britain on September 3rd, 1939 honored her guaran ands of mer across the water among the tribesmen. They rer long suffered from their dopreda tees to Poland by declaring war upon the Modern Motoch and to land on histile shores. The fused point blank and swarme tions, and out of the crucible of within a few days from that date, the daughter nations of the task set for Combined Operations to join the Fighting French well merited punishment, it Commonwealth had ranged themselves side by side with the is this: to break, through the mother country, making the cause of humanity one with that of German coastal defenses to seize may be that they will learn their SAYINGS lesson. like vicious animals first the democratie ideals of British civilisation the principal air fields, to block The path of honour and of they must be broken, then in Bitter were the days wner once proud France cll victim to the main roads over which mobile duty has never been an easy one, the course of many decades te brutal trampiny of the invading Prussian hordts, dragging in German columns will rush to and to day in those who would there may emerge out of that subhuman race a her train nearly all the smaller nations in Europe. Nevertheless counter attack the invaders, and follow it to its end there must type which Great Bvitain herself never flinched from the task which site was to destroy the principal field be found a greater courage and does bear some human characte.
ristics susceptible of training to now compettelt to carry on wone, and in those darkest days was latteries which will cover the determination than ever before.
the in fact born that magnificent strategy directed by Winston Chur landing are. It will not be ur il But the end is certain as the degree of civilisation of the rest of the world, so often sava.
chill, which in the subsequent four years has been so fully justi some large ports are seized and slow wheels of Justice grind out fied and which on this fourth anniversary of war outbreak is held against the inevitable defeat to the aggressor nations, ged by them!
culminating in a continuous series of triumphant operations which counter attack, however, that The vast resources of manufactu THE NEW HUN sooner or later will undoubtedly bring about the final shattering troops will be able to move into re of the United States, of Great CHI and crushing of the totalitarian aggressors by the to victorious France in anything like safety. Britain, of Russia, matched Jadi ANTHEM United Nations. The United Kingdom, sole bastion at the com Wherever the Allies land in the unlimited man. power of According to Vecko Journalen, mencement of this struggle to confront the hitlerist hordes, has vestern Europe they will find the Allied nations, can bring but a Swedish weekly, the following step by step and strength by strength been converted into a fight. Germans. As Gen. Sir Bernard one result. final victory.
song became very popular ing bridgehead where the Allies are preparing the final blows Vintgomery recently remarked, Lord Priny Scal.
in which will for ever put the quietus upon the most odious despo the Germar. Army is as tenacious am sure no group of Berlin after the recent our raids on the German capital, lism that he raged upon the European continent in that viper skillfull and as breve in tight people more determined than nest which throughout the centuries has borne the name of ing the defensive campaign in our workers to match and master reversing the well known Germany above all. Germany which it is now involved as it totalitarian tyrants whose aim is mien ever was in 1940 and 1941, when to destroy the dignity of Everything is over victory seemed so rear.
VIIITH. ARMY INVADES EUROPE This and the rights of free labour.
Over all it is President Roosevelt.
German army will be manning a In the early morning hours of September 3rd. just four years Hitler leaving Berlin fortifications system of which We have done and given after Britain declared war on Germany, the vith British Army Without a parting kiss under General Sir Bernard Montgomery. invaded the southern are the most moder, and the great deal, but all that must be part of continental Italy across the Straits of Messino, the narro. strongest in the world: To over regarded as only an earnest of west stretch of water between Sicily and the mainland. The news come the Germar defenses for all we have yet to do in helping They Found The come to beat the forces of aggressión. Pilot Gloves was given out by the Allied headquarters in North Africa, stating the invasion that is to that Britain veteran Desert Army had taken the initio ive after Combined Operations must as New Zealand Prime Minister.
Commando units had wreaked havoc on Italian military instal. similate all the techniques of Gloves picked up in the sea off selected the North East coast helped lations in that region and o ter severe air and artillery bombard modern assault learned since that bombers, attacking ary to ment of the landing area.
first attack in June. 1940, and area along the French coast, could confirm the destruction of a Nazi experience gained from silence coastal guns, drive bomber, which had tried to pierMilitary observers in London are of the opinion that the in.
the reports of thousands the German garrison into deepest ce strong defences.
tention of the Allied High Command, headed by General Dwight Transports could fly from Bri dugouts and allow the land forThe gloves were made in Ger.
Eisenhower, USA, will be to probably launch a drive towards the tain to land troops behird the ces to get ashore and form a many and had been worn by a eastern part of th. Italian heel, where the Italian naval bases of Germans deferding the southern brige head.
Nazi pilot. They were found af.
Taranto and Brindisi watch the entrance to the Straits of Otranto, coast of France, or from Africa The Commandos and Rangers ter a search had been made for the narrows which will have to be opened to the Alied Navies if to drop paratroops and glider will do certain special tasks for the crew of a bomber observed to dive into the sea in flames, a secont invasion movement along the extensive Yugoslavian borne forces in the Hinterland of which they are emirently suit.
coast is to be undertaken in the near future, the Channel coast. The opera. ed by experience in the past, following a short night action.
tion against Europe itself will such a destruction of eremy raThe bomber was hit by gun.
ners manning a heavy gun site, At the time of going to press, there is little news regarding call or an even more extensive dio location stations, knocking the landing operation excepting that German crack troops are of use of airborne troops. Air Mar. out of coastal batteries before the Not many rounds had been fired ſering stubborn resistance to the Allied advance, but there can be sha Sir Arthur Harris and invasion fleet proper arrives and before the bomber went out of no doubt that the expedition was well prepared during the last hieut. Gen. Ira Eaker be the destruction of enemy road range of the guns and began to three wecks, since the Allies terminated the conquest of Sicily. lieve that five to six hundred blocks and pill boxes in the imlose height rapidly.
Canadian units are taking part in the invasion.
mediate area of the bridgehead song a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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