
Saturday, Sepåember 25th, 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA DAGE 11 AUXILIARY NATIONAL RED CROSS REOR GANIZED OF INTEREST TO RUBBER PRODUCERS SECRETARIA DE AGRICULTURA After a few months of inac the angry bulls during our tivity, the Limón Auxiliary last Civic Fiestas.
of the Costarrican Red Cross The present Administrative has been reorganized Very Personnel is as follows Pre gratifying is the inforniation sident, Mr. Alfredo Cañas; Vi that the Unit has resumed its ce President, Di. Sergio Vinhumanitarian programe. The das; Secretary, Mr. Jorge Zeactivities of the former per ledón Venegas; Treasucer, Mr sonnel were greatly appreciat Gilberto Calvo Castro; Fis.
d, and there are two, at least, cal, Captain Noe Alvarado; of their public services, which Vocales, Messrs. Enrique Ar.
ere assisted by the NP Bri razola Pozado, Antonio Cana ade, which will not easily be lias Morella, Enrique La orgotten, namely, the stre prade and the Rev. J. Enuous efforts effected to Ye vans.
er the bodies of the men The ATLANTIC VOICE were killed on the wishes the new Officer eve.
Pablo and the caring of ry success in their undertak men who were gored by ings. Official Notice.
The Ministry of Agriculture has noted with concern that the quality of the Rubber being exported to the United States of America in keeping with the Contract made with the Goverment of that Nation, through the Rubber Development Corporation, gets worse and worse and causes repeated claims whos e origin are traceable directly to the unscrupulous persons who adulte rate the product with mud, wood, stones, etc. and, who in their de sire, to enrich themselves by obvious frauds, impoverish our nation good reputation for the product with perjudicial effects for all, especia ly the large majority of honest workers.
II In consequence, on the request of the Rubber Development Corporation, the Ministry of Agriculture desires the traders who purchase Rubber.
a TO KN OW THAT Una gran 1943 oportunidad para adquirir los servicios competentes de confianza y de muy larga experiencia The official price for Rubber in borrucha. the shrinkage of Señor GEORGE LAZARUS which is estimated at not more than 25 per cent, is 150. 00 per como administrador de propiedades en la provincia de quintal, in the producing Zones in the interior of the country.
Limón. Se habla español e inglés.
Dirección Postal: Apartado 449 Limón The official price for Rubber in borrucha, the shrinkage of which is estimated at mor e than 25 per cent, is 130. 00 per NO OLVIDE QUE LOS EXITOS COMERCIALES DEPENDEN DEL FUNCIONARIO.
quintal, in the producing Zones in the interior of the country. In NO CASE will Rubber be accepted which has shrinkage greater than 40 per cent.
ALL ARE OFFICERS FRESCARIA MAYO Behind the recert announcement Fresh and pure Frescos of all 25 Miles. The Abaca Center The adulteration of Rubber with mud, wood, stones, etc. will be from Cairo that Greek punished in conformity with the law.
unit, the Immortals had suaceeded or warm Season. Meals Sand kinds prepared to meet col. in Jinking up with the French wiches and other Eats cook5. These dispositions become effecsive on the 30th day of September forces from Chad and wered with rich flavour. Here the 1943 throughout the Republic.
tighting alongside them in Tuni housewives can buy fruits kia under the leadership of Gent tall sort slso a large variety of of San José, Costa Rica, 1st. September 1943.
éral Freyburg, les many a soiry of individual Greek courage arci vegetables from Cartago WATSON iaring and a saga it glory for the HAPPY GO(Taken from the Gazette of Friday the 10th. September 1943. LUCK init worthy of a high place in. WILL ALWAYS SATISFY YOUR TASTE he annals of the fighting history of Greece. The Immortals, pledged like the famous Theban NOAH ARK IN detachment in the fourth century DRAMA JUPITER EARNED SINGLE AND SHUT.
BC, to conquer or to tie but never to surrender, are going on Very pleasing is the in, associated with the saving OUT GIMNASTICA to fresh heights of glory. The formation that a cast of of God servant, Noah, and goal is Greece and the road to it characters, selected les through Tunisia. The unit the adult membership of was commanded to take in from his family and all that he Free of all the ingredients their Gim opponents, the pong first formed in the summe: 01 at the request of several the Seventh Day Adventist to the vessel, will be por customarily used in the Foot nasticas, to effect one.
hundred jurior offices of the Denomination in this city, trayed. The entertainment Sunday afternoon last, ear The referee, who started Greek army in the Middle Last, are being prepared to pre should attract an overwhel ball Menu, the Jupiters, on the match seemingly saw Every entrant is hand plèked and sent the grand narrative of ming audience.
must pass a sever. test before he Noah and his Ark. We unned a Single Goal and defied things very well, but as the result of certain altereations is admitted, but the unit unique derstand the presentation is.
him and most distinctive feature is.
that it is compesed exclusively listed for the evening of officers serving as privates. the 5th. October proximo.
bolone the eag e ayed rier ALLIEDS This arrangement has helped to: The assurance has been ed was popularly reques solve one of the difficults facing, released that every phase In a radio broadcast directthe Greek authorities which ariIt has been revealed that and be proved himself a real led to the people of Italy Mar the Marshall escaped from Rothird man in the rig.
ses out of the fact that the numshal Badoglio declared it was me, a few hours prior to its The first half of play ter.
ber of officers sttadily escaping from Greece is out of all proporhis and their absolute duty falling under the control of minated with clean slates for tior to that of ordinary soldiers. necessary in desert warfare. In Ito fight on the side of Eng. the Germans, to territory of both sides On the resumpCaet successful hayt these land and the United States cupied by the Allied Forces tion, a sporinkling of Tabasco The unit also contains several Greek comended attention naval officers who are elpect nas been that they have teen detailed lof América against Germany and subsequently went over Sauce vigiitors a qualification mostl to guide forces in several oper and also against certain sta to Sicily.
The goal gained by Jupiter ation.
llians who were not worthy was somewhat a frank. The the name.
ball, as if guided by instinct to get away from the batterNor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back ing ro led, by gravity, from de su recibo que dice: of recrip: which reads: about a third of the reserva Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro Thim will must be paid at our office before the Toth, of the month tion spacu, and when Esans, de los primeros 10 días de cada mes the Gimnastica golie. be Be so geou as to comply with this request and do not came aware of its encroachLe rogainos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena a lige us io suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
ment, it had already entered.
This, of course, affected the present champion team and fistic cufffs were indulged in members of the Gimnastica were alleged the aggressors.
of BADOGLIO TELLS ITALIANS TO SUPPORT and he threw in the to.
COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON SU Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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