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finally, as they do in In western Germany, the dis Old Man MacLeod, 10 ca. Nothing in the Nazi regime is Churchill, in the conv Jocation, confusion, dismay and his aneestors on rugged Stc. In olden times a general namn. more horrible than its war on the that he must serve the discouragement amorg the people noway, was a fisherman al: ed Alexander had himself pro mind and the spirit. Both in Ger that he must do what is were revealed by a review of the his life. until war began. claimed a god in self recognition many ard in the occupied coun whether or not he is si massive Allies attacks based on Then he lifted his nets for hf his military ability, Today, tries the attempt has been con succeed. That was how air pictures of the battered towns last time, called his sou and there is a successful commander sistently made to control and darkest hours of 1940 and reports from reutral and his daughter together and tole of the same narne who hides his pervert the Church, the schoo chill. When none enemy sources, them he was taking a diffe light under a bushel and prefers and the Press. Professors and culate the future of Bye All sources of information re. rent job. Old Man MacLeod to have his subordinates take all teachers are dismissed, universi settled the issue on the gre port that there been a catastro. was going to sea. And be the credit. He is General Sirties are closed, books are destroy of honor and of duty.
phic fall in morale and condi went Able Seaman aboard one Harold Alexander. ed, the newpapers are muzzled. the way of greatness.
tions since the spring of this year. of Britain tramps. But he did Persecution and death strike, supreme moments The greatest problem of all is the not go alone. Young Macleod question of It was Alexarder who supervis. among the first at ministers of terms like duty, truth the bombed out pointing out tha: the sea was ed that tuugh disciplinarian and religion, teachers and writers, and become the meas, populations of the big cities. It in his veins too, decided brd hitting army commander, Sir In decision. Mr. Churchill is becoming increasingly impos. along with his father They Bernard Montgomery. It was Alex duction of Nazis that is the aim only the Prime Minister sible for the authorities to deal ailed together Great Britain He is also under who physically welded the In the occupied lands by destroywith this, and Germary will be When the torpedo hi: the Americans, British and face to face with a really grave below. He was trapped and coordinated entity capable ship, Old Man MacLeod French, ing higher education and starv one certainly authentic exan was with their air forces, into one ing the minds and souls of the ple of greatness in a publ crisis on this score alone. Coman who moves among young, the Nazis hope to breed a Troboration has now been receiv.
boah his legs were broken The waited Churchill special gift, victory, Alexandder ed of the general effectiveness hip was sinking and Old Man long time put into execution are strorg words but unhappily moral quality: he draws race of obsequions slaves. These anhances all the others, is MacLeod struggled to Simo of small scale Mosquito attack: hrough a hole to the deck. He his formula: Attack, attack and they are not to strong. The ca the German capital out of their meaner se The failed and fell back attack again. Since a year ago, evidence is irrefutable and damn The fascination of Church ulter fatigue prevalent among the fractured legs. Someone threr Churchill placed him in charge because their deeds are evil.
his however, when Prime Ministering. The Nazis fear the light not merely in his wit, berlin population is avparent.
tresh detaiis were gwen of the back. Lifeboats were launch him a rope and he was pulled keeps him so near to his fe Britain forces in the Middle attacks or: Essen. The attituded, but Old Man MacLeod re men, or in his genius for East, he has had his face set MAIMED of the workers added to We may find it is his the fused help. He crawled alone, constantly toward Berlin. In his quence. Churchill eloque difficulties from the actual da, the sloping deck and reached favorite field uniform of breeches, HE CARRIED ON!
mage made it difficulto tarstart he mate lifebost. His is the man himself, and se high boots, jacket with red of his fascination is his strinken Krupps. Referring to was in that boat and land was facings and cap with red band, Wher the Canadian Corvette nanimity. It becomes the attack on Wupperta on Mayfar off.
this Irishmar reminds one of a Weyburn was sunk during an ample with the years.
29, fires were still rung at noon So the old fisherman, wise deady, poised rapier. His out engagement in the Mediterranean chill has aged well. At the following day and the effi in sail ard sea and weather standing feature, cold blue eyes, her personnel was saved by a pinnacle of his fame, we ciency of the civil services was sailed the ship to land And capable of freezing under stress, British destroyer. There were him treating the humbl considerably impaired by the all the time he knew he was point to the steel in his char: many wounded including a Ca with that courtesy which fact that high olicials were al dying. Party thestory of Oia acter. He has a fine smile, but nadian officer whose foot had those display who really wady absent in the countryside. Man. MacLeod was told when those hard eyes turn really been crushed. Lt. Evans spect the dignity of other.
Among the effects or Allied when it was announced that cold his subordinates feel the the Surgeor aboard nor does he talk over th.
right and day blows against the he had been a warded inherent authority he possesses the destroyer had the Canadian He talks to them because Nazi transport system were: posthumously Lloyd War His voice is soft and melodious officer on the operating table have a right to know. Complete stoppage of barge traf Medal for Bravery a: Sta. The until he wants to emphazize a when the sinking Corvette he rallies men to his stant fic on the Rhine from the Ruhr other part was in a letter to point. Then it becomes clipped depth charges detonated and because he engages that will to Basle, Rhine barge traffic in the ship owners, a letter pas and brittle. champion athlete threw the ship out of the water is noble in them. And even the direction of Hollard delayed sed on to Isabel Mac Leod who always has kept in tip top like a cork. The impact was so his wrath against the ene ad for a week, coal traffic cut a who waited for news of her shape, he moves with a light terrific that it snapped the legs which is awe inspring, th third. Fifteen thousand tons of father and brother in Storno rhythm and balance that point bombs were dropped by the way, While lying in the boat to another facet of his character. of many of the men standing on is not the malice of the sn in June.
he handled the foreshee and Alexander never allows himself the steel deck. Boht the surgeon man but the chivalry of halyards and advised the of to be upset.
ankles were broken. Despite his good warrior.
ficer in charge about sailing injuries, Lt. Evans, now a hosIn these energies of the NEGRO says Lloyd citation. When Even though they may never pital case himself, performed a rit, he radiates upon the car in which we are enge rescued he smoked a pipe and see him, men at the front sense, completely successful amputation SKY FIGHTERS joked with the doctor.
He to the point of knowing, whe of the Canadian officer foot, an habitual vision of guy showed great courage and a ther a commander is handling Later, he attended more than ness. The war as he reve it is not only strategy and fine spirit throughout, al them well or badly. When Alex. tifty other casualties, regardless Rosenberg, the mad though he knew he had notander commands, a feeling of of his own agony. This silert war gistics and production, 20L philosopher of the Nazi racial long to live.
confidence gradually seeps hero is now recovering in a Gi mere series of bombings, lar ings, ship movements, fac creed, has a new worry which he And of Old Man MacLeod, as though his forces. Through his braltar hospital amorg most of ry schedules, rationing explained to the conference of he was known by owners and ability, rather than his personamembers whom he taxes, but the historic tra Axis satellite and stouge journa shipma es alike the Jetter lity, he makes his force felt. At treated. The Canadian Afficer is lists which was lateliy held of our century. Nations said: places like Matruh and Mareth also recovering in a Fusish hos not wage a war of this Vienna. Ir puzzled tones he He was a very brave gen he planned the break through pital.
nitude unless they carry whimpered that These Yankees Lleman. Despite his fractured. against the Africa Corps, then them in their minds even fly their bombers with Ne legs, he slid down the boat went into the blackground and AS GOOD AS hearts such a measure of groes sitting in them. And, pre falls into the lifeboat. He was let his lieutenants carry out his sumably to keep his philosophy cheerful to the end, persona depth and its scope.
Instructions. Alexander genius PANZER straight, he added this shows to ly assisting in the navigation is in the massing of all arms. He SAYINGS what a low level American cul and sailing of the boat abcare believes that artillery, tanks, in Complacency is Victory toe ture has fallen.
which was his son. The ap fantry and planes all have their and Dr. Goebbels friend. There We fully understand that the rain speaks very highly of his particular joy to do in battle and is nothing that twisted little man The subject of bombers must be dis gallantry the lifeboat reach. he sees that their functions are would like to hear war can only be more than alter the soldier has got in a tinctly preving to Herr Rosenberg ed land safely, but he diei coordinated properly. He not only runour of the war as good as taker physical possession.
and after several years of burn soon after he landed.
hits with concentrated strength; over type spreading round. It Louis Mountbatten, ing books by negro authors, Young MacLeod has not he exploits with utmost rapidi would be as good as a new panzer banr ing songs by negro singers. ore honic either; he is sty any advantages gained by a division in the German and sterilising any of France whexc at sea body blow. It is in the follow. effort. Here are simple believe in strategic bom brave negro troops that his little and we shall contir:ue with through that many otherwise rules, the observance of which Gestapo moys could catch, we can fine generals fail, as the military leilis rumeur dead. 1) Never softening of Germany. We further appreciate his feelings record shows. Put in another repeat a rumour. 2) Do not build up our bomber force when he learned that negro pilots present at the air base when Lt. way, Alexander has become anropeat a rumour verbally even as fast as the formation of might be flying over his bomb Hull of the 99 th returned with expert in blitzkrieg, a man who to deny it. 3) If you know the units and the shipping shelter in coming nights. Just his 40 Warhawk, from shotirg thus far had beaten the German acts which can deflate a rumour, tior will permit. Lieut.
how short of the mark Herr Ro down the first Axis plave credit generals at their own game. cite the facts promptly. 4)
ral Andrews.
senberg is, probably not even heed to the Negro Niers. Since then French, Italian, German, Russian you do not know facts fully realised.
the bag has been considerable and Urdu he speaks fluently. which can stop rumour, ask the road to victory but the wa The 99th Fighter Squadron of and the squadron has been re man of wide interests, during rumour eller where he go his long and the shining laurels the Army Air Corps is row peatedly praised by high army the peace period, as a hobby, he facts. 5) Don give a rumour not yet within our grasp.
stationed in Sicily having moved men and by S, Secretary of painted water colors, studied the benefit of any doubt. that knows no stint detern over from North Africa. It is War Stimson while on his Euroscience.
Our watchword should be: Lettion that krows no weake commanded by Lt. Colonel pean and North African inspecthe facts speak for themselves, alore will bring tira Davis. General Eisenhower wastion tour.
Our feet are marching along the triumph Alfred the crew war some the us Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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