
Sarurday, November 27th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTIC PAGE 11 LEGION OF MARY SPONSOR SOCIAL TREAT Limon Trading Company ana Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra were Ethel Maud Williams With the view of demons, Miss Jennie Green and Mss.
rating their full comprehen Brooks. The guests were over sion of the truism that De whelmingly treated; in fact, ward sweetens labour the despite the unanimous raiscomponents of the Legion of ing of the Cannot takeMary sponsored a wonderful any more flag, there were PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR social Treat on the evening replated displyas of the days ago. Please have some more ban The Rev. Fr. Hubert, the ner. The Rev. Father Good Shpherd of this unique Hermano Peter Albridge association, had good natu graced the occasion with their redly obtained the use of the presence. real lively two dining hall of the Casa Cural, hours were spent around the where a banquet ot an unu feast table during which the sual high standard was servei dainties were bordered with The participants included the songs and addresses. Among Chairman of the entertain the contributors were the ement at which the Rally was Rev. Father; Mrs. Alfreda presented. On behalf of her Reid, the President of the associates of the Legion, Mrs. Legion; Miss Marjorie Hart; Daisy Ham Blackman spleri Miss Elena Evans; Miss LoREMEMBER didly delivered the opening vette Davis: Miss Pearl Gayaddress on a background of le; Mrs. Bernard; Mr.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES pus well timed eloquence. She Osmond Evans and the Writhen tock charge of the 1e Iter.
freshment service assisted by HARVEST FESTIVAL AT SIQUIRRES to vir. DesLandes, the Ca If your last Hair was not satisfactory It is because you tedlistand all who did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop West of the City From an observer point, bevi and Leslie.
assi ciated with th: peaiseMarket.
of view much spiritual joy closing, the rect ex.
Ivarthy Festival seemed to have been mani. ed whole heartei tanks Towns an fested at the Harvest FestiIN MEMORIAM val services, eonducted in NIGHT OF PLEASURE the St. Mary Churcñ Siynin The night of Friday the Mr. and Mrs. George Cruling In fond and loving Memory of my dear Girl rres, by the Rev. 19th. of the current minh, Mrs. Valentine, Mrs.
Evans, last Sunday. All the will long be pleasingly re Chambers, the Misses services were well attended membered by a rumber of Herd anr sisters, Douwhose life was ended on the 7th. November 1939 and the gifts gave evidence four young people.
glas, Lawrence, Ruby Stef while a patient in the Son Juan de Dios Hospital, of a very representive varie. While the stars shone brigtney, Victoria Grant, Black San José, Costa Rica ty. They were presented to and beautiful and the air ford, Roberts, Bola She is gone but not forgotten, the children at the afternoon blew soft and cool many ños, White, Messrs.
In that lone and silent gave.
programme when the accus friends wendered their wTada, Arias, Clarke, Loving and kind in all her ways, tined impressive manner of to the hme of Mr. and Mr Rodriquez, Lopez of Pana Righif and just to the end of her days, acceptance was witnessed, Rolando Pugh, where a pacty ma; Bill Hales, McIntosh, Sincere and true in heart and mind, The following is a briet had been prepared by the F4 Brummond, Booth, What sweet memories she has left behind.
report of the entertaining Misses Grant, and Pugh to Fenni. and Allen. Hawthorne features of the Festival. do honour to Mrs. Hyacinth Refreshments of a delight Limonense now residing in the city of Panama.
The opening was efecüed Gammon an Miss Leonora Buful variety were served and by the singing of tre sullings of the sister Republic dancing indulged in until af netring hym. Come ye thank of Panama who were visiting ter the midnight hour, when Now Administrador for Sixaola Aduana ful people come; payers ou Capital.
all left homward thoroughtly by the Rector followed. lhe Amon those present were satisfned with the enjoyable The Executive Authority of years, we note with much choristers then charteii the Mr. an Mrs. Cedrick Keer, time afforded them.
having accepted the resigna gratification that ɔne of our 85th. psalm, after win the tion presented by don Eladio old citizens, don Ezequiel Gu Rector made his operng reNOTICE Calvo of the important posi tierrez Ross has been named marks. Rebustly she choristion of Administrador of che his successor.
ters sang the antisus Sing The American Consulate wishes to get in touch Aduana at Sixaola, which ne Don Ezequiel is so widely unto tre Lord ani Once had occupied for a pumber known and regarded through more the liberal year. Sever with the following persons or with heir relatives, possible of out the Province as we are ral songs, appropriate for Beitha Lagreze, wife of Louis Lagreze ANTORCHA sure everyone joins us in the cccasion, wer. ren Chule Castro sister of Louis Lagreze wishing him a most success dered by them.
12 SAFETY MATCHES ful period in difice.
Among the younis, Theater Please report any information to the American ve the Misses wuma, G190 Consulate, Port Limon Costa Rica.
to sell at cents a Box SALOMON CHIN no vulieta, Do. Ver Sole Wholesale Distributor Estrada mica, Henrieta, Oliva Elas, NAZI BRUTALITY LA IBERIA cencia, Luca Portia, ALMACEN TOMAS More than one nuudred per. bat the increasing opposition of Abarro es y Licores szelba, Diga Mildred sons were recently executed in the people.
FERNANDEZ Precios Económicos the Masters Charlie, Cla one day in Berlin in an effort It has been authentically SAN JOSE. LeRoy, Rucelp. RO of the Nazi authorities to com. stated that one hundred prison ers were taken from concentraNor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remork at the back tion camps and either shot or de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: hanged in Turin, Italy, by the Thin will must be paid at our office before Nazi authorities, in reprisal for Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the Orn. of the month attacks on German soldiers.
de los primeros 10 días de cada mes An official announcement de Be so grou as to comply with this request and do not Le rogainos recorda: esta cláusula y evitarnos la peno af lige us to suspend our service, u step which clares that German trdops exede tener que cortar su servicio Yo would much regret to take.
cuted fifty three Italian civilians in the city of Bellona because of the killing of one Gdeman dier and the wounding of ander er, when they, attempted tack an Italian girl, as RS COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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